I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 154 Energy Drinks

Chapter 154 Energy Drinks
"It's already noon, let's go to the city to eat something casually, and try the local specialties by the way?"

After a group of people got together, Su Chen suggested.

"to make!"

Everyone had no opinion and readily agreed.

So the team was divided into four waves, one for the family, and then Gao Qing and others were divided into groups to follow and protect in secret.

Su Chen enjoyed it quite a bit here. He brought Gu Qingya, Guo Xiaoshi, and Zhang Huan along with three big beauties, a combination of handsome men and beautiful women, and walked on the street frequently attracting attention.

Su Chen doesn't know much about this place, but fortunately, there is the little beauty Zhang Huan who is the perfect tour guide.It's true that Zhang Huan has done all kinds of homework. Su Chen suspects that the girl didn't sleep last night, so she must be holding on now.

After listening to Zhang Huan's suggestion, a few people entered a jelly noodle shop named Zaihuishou. The shop was small and the environment was ordinary, but the taste was good, especially jelly jelly and braised chicken, which were very distinctive.

In hot weather, eating a bowl of jelly is really comfortable.

Several people ate very well, mainly because they were all hungry.After eating and playing, Su Chen pretended to go out first, and brought back four bottles of drinks after a while, and distributed one bottle to each of the three women.

"Drink a bottle, especially you!" Su Chen handed a bottle to Zhang Huan, and said, "The little girl has worked hard enough and performed very well, but you should pay attention to rest in the future!"

Zhang Huan took it happily. Compared with the drink, he cared more about Su Chen's words. With Su Chen's words, she felt that no amount of effort was worth it.

Su Chen saw it in his eyes and sighed in his heart.

He is not a black-hearted boss, and he does not want to be a black-hearted boss who oppresses employees.If possible, he really hopes that people around him can take care of life while working, but unfortunately, even he thinks this idea is naive, not everyone has wealth like him that can't be spent in a lifetime.

In order to live, to become a master, and to satisfy their own desires, everyone is working hard, and they must work hard, just like Zhang Huan, who works beside him, although there is Guo Xiaoshi in the middle, but the salary is definitely not low. At least meeting daily expenses is not a problem, even after working hard for a year or two, it is normal to buy a house and a car in the imperial capital.And it doesn't require her to risk her life, she just needs to work hard.

But what about the facts?He still stayed up all night working hard to fight for opportunities for himself.

It can only be said that the state of contentment and happiness is really beyond the reach of ordinary people.

"Boss, what is this?"

Guo Xiaoshi looked as usual.She doesn't mind Su Chen's concern for Zhang Huan at all. After staying with Su Chen for so long, she knows Su Chen too well. It can be said that if Su Chen is a person who likes the new and dislikes the old, then she will never be where she is today. Therefore, she doesn't have to be jealous of anyone, she can't even be jealous, because that can only make Su Chen disgusted, she just needs to keep her original intention and treat Su Chen wholeheartedly, she believes that Su Chen will not let her down.

The little girl looks cute, but in fact she is very persistent about people and things. As long as something is recognized by her, she will never change her mind until something happens.

Gu Qingya saw the expressions of the two girls, she was a little curious and inquiring, but she didn't speak.

"This is an energy drink. After drinking it, it can replenish human body functions!" Su Chen explained.

"Red Bull?" Guo Xiaoshi asked softly?
"This is much more effective than Red Bull, you will know after drinking it!"


The girls definitely trusted Su Chen, so even though the outer packaging of the drink had no information, it was a typical three-no product, the girls still drank it without hesitation.

When Zhang Huan heard that it was an energy drink, she immediately regained her spirits. Su Chen guessed right, but she didn't sleep for a long time yesterday, not even an hour.
So when Zhang Huan heard about energy drinks, he drank half of the bottle without hesitation.

The taste of the drink is very good, it tastes like fruit juice, but the taste of this fruit juice is very strange, it doesn't seem to taste like any fruit in reality, but it is delicious.

Soon the three women finished a bottle of drink.

Guo Xiaoshi smacked her lips, and said to Su Chen with sparkling eyes, "It's delicious!"

"The taste is very good!" Gu Qingya nodded in appreciation.

Zhang Huan reacted the most.

She didn't feel much when she just finished drinking, but after drinking, Zhang Huan felt the changes in her body instantly.

After drinking a bottle of drink, most of the exhaustion in her body disappeared, and the drowsiness that was difficult to suppress disappeared without a trace. Now she feels like she has taken a small afternoon nap, although it cannot completely eliminate the fatigue in her body. Tired, but very relieved, very energetic.

"Wow! Boss, what kind of drink is this, isn't it amazing? I feel like I'm full of energy!"

Guo Xiaoshi licked her little tongue, and after feeling it for a while, she was equally surprised and said, "Eh? You said that, I also feel it, this thing is indeed more effective than Red Bull!"

Gu Qingya also felt it, her eyes were full of surprise.It is different from Guo Xiaoshi and Zhang Huan.Gu Qingya's first reaction was that if the effect of this drink has no side effects, then this is definitely a god-level product. Once it goes on the market, it will definitely detonate the energy drink industry, and if there is a chance to cooperate with the National Sports Association
Gu Qingya thought up many plans in an instant, but after a while, she realized that she was no longer the president of the company, and it was not her turn to worry about these things.

For a moment, Gu Qingya sighed, feeling complicated.Looking at Su Chen's eyes was more complicated.

She really couldn't see through Su Chen. He was an ordinary person before, but he could suddenly inherit a large amount of unknown inheritance.

That's all!
The most amazing thing is that Su Chen was originally an ordinary person, but in a short period of time, he has acquired countless skills, and each skill is very extraordinary, and it is the top in the industry.What's even more puzzling is that he often does things unexpectedly. He signs dozens of contracts a day and spends hundreds of billions. Anyone with a little brain knows that spending such money must be a big loss, but Su Chen spends it, and spends it. Very happy, this matter has become an unsolved mystery in the business world that countless people can't figure out.

In the end, Su Chen doesn't know what channels he has, but he can always come up with some unexpected things, such as this energy drink. If Su Chen can make the drink available on the market, its prospects are absolutely immeasurable.In addition, it is said that the future technology company is still working on a new product. No one knows what it is, but it will definitely not be simple.

One by one, everything is incredible.And this seems to be just the tip of Su Chen's iceberg. Apart from these, no one knows what cards he has. Now, although Su Chen has risen for a short time, he has become the research object of countless people. The company group and even the imperial court must have noticed Su Chen.

Gu Qingya doesn't know why Su Chen is not famous yet, but it's no surprise that once Su Chen's information is made public, it will cause a wave of public opinion across the country and even the world.

"Okay, as long as it's useful, don't think about anything else. Pay the bill, and while we have time, let's go out for a stroll!"

Su Chen didn't want to talk about this matter, so he changed the subject decisively.

"Okay!" The three women didn't have any objections. Now the three women seem to have formed a tacit understanding. No matter when and where, Su Chen is the main one, including Gu Qingya who has complicated thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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