I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 155 Sudden Changes

Chapter 155 Sudden Changes
The four of them left the jelly shop and strolled all the way back.

Because I was hungry, a few people came by car when they came.But now that he finished his meal and drank an energy drink, he was full of energy for a while, and he was not in a hurry to go back, so he planned to take a walk back slowly.It's not close to the old house, and when you walk back from here, you can finish a little of the characteristics of Dali City.

The ancient city of Dali is really lively. The key point is that there are ancient style buildings everywhere. Although they were renovated or newly built later, there are still some charms in them. Walking in the ancient city of Dali, it seems to travel through time and space, and feel the ancient city. That vibe and breath.

The three girls were all in high spirits, playing and shopping along the way, and bought a lot of gadgets.

Not even Su Chen was empty-handed. He bought a set of the Four Treasures of the Study in the late Qing Dynasty in an old shop, and it was a century-old She inkstone, Hui ink, and Zhuge brush with high quality and high collection value, as well as a batch of high-quality rice paper. This kind of treasure is extremely well preserved and can be used directly. The boss regards it as the treasure of the town store. If it weren't for Su Chen's sharp eyes, he wouldn't be able to find it. In the end, he talked with the boss and spent 200 million to buy this set of four treasures of the study.

After buying the baby, Su Chen was in a very good mood. He liked calligraphy since he was a child, but it was just a pure love, but he didn't have the patience to practice it.Su Chen originally put down this hobby, but who knew that he was rewarded with a master-level calligraphy skill by the system, so that's all.

Speaking of which, Su Chen has long wanted to try his calligraphy skills, but he has been lazy before, and he was not in the mood to stay at home. Now when he comes out, all kinds of ideas pop up.It's even more coincidental that he came across such a pair of treasures, so Su Chen won't miss it.

The three women didn't understand these things, but they were curious to see Su Chen so happy.

"You still know calligraphy?" Gu Qingya asked sideways.

"Emmmm, how do I answer this? I'm lying to you by saying I know a little bit, but you won't believe me if I say that my calligraphy is the best in the world!"

Gu Qingya raised her eyebrows lightly, and said, "How do you know that I won't believe it?"

"Huh? Do you believe it?"

"Do not believe!"

Su Chen: "."

What the hell, this chattering is insane!
Guo Xiaoshi looked at the things in Su Chen's hand, frowned and asked, "Boss, you don't have all the four treasures of your study. It seems that you still lack a pen holder, a pen stand, and a brush washer, oh, and a paperweight! Besides, boss, you have too little ink. It's not enough either!"

This is all her responsibility. If Su Chen needs it, she can quickly arrange for someone to buy it.

Su Chen shook his head. "No need. I'll make one for the pen mount, brush washer, and paperweight. I can handle the pen holder too. As for the ink, I don't have to worry about it. I have better ones."

Su Chen has developed an extravagant temperament, and he likes to use the best for everything.And what ink is best?There is no doubt about this, as the ancients said: Gold is easy to get, but Li Mo is hard to find.

Li Mo is undoubtedly a god in ink, and it has long since disappeared. The few remaining pieces in the world are all enshrined as national treasures, and no one will use them extravagantly.

Su Chen didn't have to worry about this, the price was clearly marked in the mall, the genuine Li Mo cost [-] yuan, it was a great value for money, no deception!

The three of them walked in front, and the nursing home drove behind them. They put all the things they bought before into the car, and then went shopping.

I don't know how long I've been shopping, and I don't know where Su Chen has gone.

Suddenly, there seemed to be a crossroad ahead, and this crossroad was very wide, and a small square was formed in the middle, and people came and went very lively, and now there are many people gathered there, I don't know what they are doing.

Su Chen and the others walked along the street to the south of the square, along the street shops, and were about to go to the square, but suddenly something happened in front of them.

Just hearing a "bang", the shop in front of Su Chen was smashed to pieces by a strong man holding a steel pipe and wearing a hat and mask.

The brawny man moves very fast and has sharp eyes. He holds a steel pipe and picks out expensive ones. The one that gets smashed is an entertainment store specializing in Yunnan souvenirs. There are many things in it, and none of them are cheap. A few thousand pieces of offal.

The brawny man was also nimble in his hands and feet, smashing the surface of the shop to pieces with a few sticks, then the brawny man entered the shop nimbly while the boss was still in a daze, kicked the proprietress inside, and then a small knife appeared in his hand. With a light swipe on the proprietress' waist, the wallet on the proprietress' waist was easily removed.

Afterwards, the strong man turned around and ran with his waist bag in his hand, without delay.

And at the moment when the strong man smashed the shop, Su Chen instinctively protected the three women, and Gao Qing who was in the dark also hurried to this side.

But it's a coincidence, maybe it's because Su Chen has three women and one man, and the women are all beauties, and Su Chen is a "weak student", and there are already crowds around him in other places, so the strong man directly took Su Chen. Chen used this as a breakthrough, and his movements were extremely rough, and he swung a stick, obviously wanting to force a breakthrough.

Su Chen originally didn't want to take care of this matter, or didn't want to take care of it himself. A gentleman doesn't build a fence, Gao Qing and others are by his side, so he only needs to say a word if he wants to be brave.

However, he was regarded as a weak person by the strong man, and he was actively bullied.

The strong man moved very quickly, and the steel rod came to the eyes of the women in the blink of an eye. The three women screamed instinctively, and Gu Qingya was so frightened that she closed her eyes directly.

However, after waiting for a while, no pain was felt.

The three women hurriedly opened their eyes, and saw that Su Chen actually blocked the stick with one hand, then raised his leg and kicked the strong man three or four meters away, which shows how much strength Su Chen used.

Su Chen's eyes were burning, and he was also angered.Su Chen is a pure fighter trained by the system. In terms of fighting, it is estimated that even Gao Qing is not his opponent.And for those who practice martial arts, it's fine if no one provokes him.But once the real fire started, it would definitely be unstoppable.

Su Chen is now, he didn't want to be nosy at first, because the strong man looked at the proprietress with hatred in his eyes, they must have a story with each other, Su Chen is not a hero of the Holy Mother, he is not in the mood to be a good person, but now it is different If a strong man dares to touch his woman, then his bottom line has been touched.

With a cold face, Su Chen quickly took off the watch and bracelet, and handed them to Guo Xiaoshi.

"Boss!" Gao Qing ran over with an ugly face. He was just one step away from here. In fact, the dark dart in his hand was ready. Even if Su Chen didn't stop the strong man's stick just now, he wouldn't be able to hurt him. To Su Chen and others, but it is a fact that his boss was attacked, and Gao Qing will not make excuses, so his eyes are burning now, and he is extremely upset. "Boss, let me come!"

Su Chen shook his head.

"No, I'll do it! Just watch from the side and take care of them by the way!"

Gao Qing knew that Su Chen had kung fu and was able to hit people without hurting them. Moreover, he kept the darts in his hand all the time, so he could biu them out at any time. He was not afraid of Su Chen getting hurt, so he nodded and stepped aside.

The girls were very worried, but they knew Su Chen's donkey temper even more. With so many people watching, the girls were sensible and didn't make trouble, but they looked at Su Chen full of worry.

(End of this chapter)

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