I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 156 The Harmless Critical Strike Starts Again

Chapter 156 The Harmless Critical Strike Starts Again
The commotion here seems to be chaotic, but it only took about [-] seconds from the time when the strong man smashed and snatched it to being kicked by Su Chen.

These people moved extremely quickly, and it seemed that they had premeditated.

And in just twenty seconds, the Chinese people's talent for watching the excitement exploded, and they all gathered around.Coupled with the fact that there are so many people around here, the area was completely surrounded by the strong man as soon as he was kicked away.

There were all kinds of people talking about it, some with mobile phones, some with cameras, and even some with cameras on their shoulders.

And this time, the owner of the shop who was smashed has come back to his senses,

In fact, there is only one proprietress in the store. The proprietress is a bit thick and has a strong body. She was kicked by the strong man, but nothing happened. I felt my brain buzzing, my blood was rushing upwards, my eyeballs almost popped out, and then I couldn't stand still, and sat down on my buttocks, and howled at the top of my throat: "Oh my god, you bastard! , why did you smash my shop so cruelly, how will I live in the future?"

Everyone was taken aback by the boss lady's voice, even Su Chen was taken aback.

I have to say, this aunt's voice is really loud!

And at the moment when Su Chen was in a daze, a person suddenly jumped out from the crowd, also holding a steel rod, and hit Su Chen on the head.

At the same time, the strong man who was kicked down by Su Chen got up again, glared at the proprietress fiercely, and then rushed up with a stick in his hand.

Being attacked by two people at the same time, everyone watching the show exclaimed.

Gao Qing's pupils dilated instantly, even though he had confidence in Su Chen, he couldn't help being nervous.

But Su Chen didn't care at all. Although the attack of the two was sudden, it was still too slow for Su Chen.

Amid the exclamation of everyone, Su Chen moved instantly. He first kicked out the first strong man who was sneaking up, then lowered his head to avoid the stick swung by the second strong man, and then took advantage of the situation to move very quickly. Sweeping legs.

In just two strokes, the two strong men were knocked down to the ground again.


There were exclamations in the surroundings instantly, and no one thought that Su Chen would know martial arts.Then the next moment, the crowd's discussion exploded instantly.

"I buy it, what did I see? Huaxia Kungfu! Damn it, Zhang actually lied to me, Huaxia obviously has kung fu, but he actually said no!"

"Ah! So handsome, so handsome! Where did this handsome guy come from? His looks are heaven-defying, his figure is heaven-defying, and he actually knows kung fu. Isn't that too heaven-defying?"

"This is simply the perfect husband, my wife has finally found the goal she has pursued all her life!"

"Fuck, this buddy can do it, this movement, this speed, I have definitely practiced it!"

The people around were amazed, and the three girls on the other side also opened their small mouths in surprise. They all knew from Su Chen that Su Chen knew kung fu, and they also watched it when Su Chen practiced in the morning, but they didn't know it. Thinking of it, what Su Chen knows is actually real kung fu, not the ostentation they know.

And the three girls usually admire Su Chen more or less, but all the admiration before this scene did not make their hearts tremble, break their hearts, and fascinate them.

Kung fu can not only stimulate a man's adrenaline, but it can also stimulate a woman's heart.

The people around were shocked and cheered, but Su Chen felt a little bored.

Originally, I saw that the strong man was five big and three thick, and his movements were quick, so he should know some kung fu, but I didn't expect that he was just putting on airs. He was just physically strong, but he didn't know fighting skills. It was impossible for him to exert his full strength, and he couldn't even warm up.

And the two strong men and gangsters were also intimidated by Su Chen. They fell to the ground, looked at each other, and made a decisive decision. This man can't be provoked, so hurry up and retreat.

Although the two are poor in skill, they are extremely decisive in doing things.I saw that I just fell to the ground, and after quickly making eye contact, I got up again in an instant, forced the pain in my stomach, and changed the direction opposite to Su Chen, trying to break out.

Also use steel rods to clear the way.

I saw that the two of them were about to swing a stick at an innocent passerby.

Su Chen kept staring at the two of them, and he knew he was about to suffer the moment they stood up. He could tell from the movements of the two of them that they had changed targets, because the direction of their getting up was obviously not towards him. here.

Su Chen took a step forward without hesitation, seeing that the two of them were really going to attack others, Su Chen's feet were extremely fast, and he came behind him in almost one breath, then stretched out his hands and instantly grabbed the shoulders of the two, and pulled them back forcefully .

The two strong men were easily dragged out and fell to the ground again.

This time Su Chen didn't hesitate, he directly caught up with the two, picked up their steel rods, and beat them hard.

As early as the moment he shot, he activated the harmless critical strike function, so he shot without any scruples.

It's just that Su Chen's mind is a little confused now. He had a quick glance at the innocent passerby who was almost injured by the two of them before, and he always felt familiar.

Su Chen's strike again made the people around him even louder.

But at the beginning, everyone was still discussing how powerful Su Chen's martial arts were.But after a while, the discussion of the crowd gradually became quieter, and they were all intimidated by Su Chen's violent means.

I saw Su Chen in the middle of the open space, swinging the steel rod and smashing it very hard. It seemed that he didn't take the two of them seriously at all, and the two on the ground screamed again and again. The miserable screams made the proprietress The crying and shouting were all suppressed, and the proprietress was full of tears. She stared blankly at the two miserably beaten gangsters in the field. She didn't know whether she should cry anymore, her eyes were dull.

"Hero, it's okay, if you fight again, you will die!"

Finally, someone spoke up, and that voice seemed familiar.

Just then, another voice came from the crowd. "Give way, the police are coming!"

Su Chen finally stopped when he heard the sound.

Seeing this, Gao Qing rushed over. Taking advantage of the time just now, he called two more nursing homes to protect the third daughter. He knew that Su Chen was afraid of trouble, so he came here to help!

The police quickly learned the whole story of the incident from the audience, and they also knew about Su Chen's beating just now. In fact, there was no need to ask. The screams of the two gangsters just now were heard by the police from a long distance away.

This incident gave the police a bit of a headache. In fact, this kind of bravery is very troublesome.Because there are a lot of things mentioned here, sometimes it is obviously the influence of being brave, but because of too heavy shots, it becomes a murderer. There are too many examples of this.

And the most important thing is that the public opinion caused by this kind of thing will be very troublesome. Once it is uploaded on the Internet, it is likely to become the focus of national public opinion. At that time, various things will be infinitely magnified and pushed to the forefront. Although it is a trivial matter, it is likely to be magnified infinitely, and the result is unpredictable.

So this kind of case is actually very troublesome.

When the policemen who came out saw the cameras and mobile phones around them, and the steel rod in Su Chen's hand, their faces instantly became quite ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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