Chapter 157
A few policemen were quick to do things, and immediately handcuffed the two gangsters and took away the shop owner's wife.

Then the leading policeman came to Su Chen and shook his head helplessly.

"Young man, you are too impulsive."

Su Chen knew what the old policeman meant, smiled, and said: "Officer, I know what you mean, don't worry, you can take them to the injury examination first, I guarantee that they will not have any injuries in their bodies."

Su Chen still respects the police, including the last time he beat Yan Quan, he was very cooperative with any request from the police.

From the bottom of his heart, Su Chen still trusts the imperial police very much.Although there are all kinds of negative news about the police in the world, there is one thing that no one can deny, that is, when you encounter difficulties, the first thing you think of is to call the police.

It can be seen that, no matter what, the police are the patron saints of the people and deserve the respect of any people in the empire.

After hearing what Su Chen said, the old policeman's first reaction was not to believe it.

He heard the screams of the two gangsters very clearly just now. Based on his years of experience in handling cases, he could tell that the screams of the two were definitely not fake, it must be real pain.How can a person be in such pain that he is not injured?

But immediately, the old policeman suddenly remembered a bizarre internal news that came out from the imperial capital a few days ago. It seemed that the situation was very similar to the present, and the person involved in that incident was also a young man.

The old policeman's eyes froze for a moment. After looking Su Chen up and down for a moment, he asked, "Sir, what's your name?"

"Su Chen!"

"Huh?" The old policeman's eyes lit up and he asked excitedly. "Sir, are you from the imperial capital?"

Su Chen nodded, and then came to his senses, looked at the old policeman and said with a smile: "It seems that you have heard of that incident, so you should believe what I said?"

"It's really you?" The old policeman was completely relieved when he heard that.

It would be easy if it was the beater.It’s fine to take people directly to the injury examination. As long as the two people are not injured, the matter can be solved perfectly. Just go through the process. It will be easy for the public opinion at that time. If someone asks, they will issue an injury examination certificate , As for why the two were not injured, all we need to do is to avoid that the two were pretending at the time. Anyway, as long as Su Chen is fine, who can spare time to seek justice for the criminals?

Knowing that it was all right, the old policeman regained his energy in an instant, and said happily to Su Chen: "Okay, since this is the case, then there is no problem. Don't worry, Mr. Su, we will strictly control the inspection process and video the whole process, so there will be no problem. Well, because there is a precedent, and you act bravely, you don’t have to go to the hospital, just send someone to follow, and then I have to trouble you to make a record at the nearest police station!”

In fact, this is somewhat inconsistent with the process, but it is not a big problem.Su Chen had a similar case with the police, and this matter was a brave act, which was different from the last time, so as long as Su Chen did not leave the ancient city of Dali before the case was closed.

Su Chen made no sense to this, and readily agreed.

Then let Gao Qing go to the hospital with the police, and he followed a policeman to the nearest police station.

Before leaving, he explained to the girls.When the girls heard that Su Chen was just taking notes, they didn't worry anymore. They had all seen Su Chen's ability to beat people without injury, so they didn't worry much about Su Chen.But the three women asked to go with Su Chen, after all, they came out together, and they were not interested in Su Chen's absence.

Su Chen didn't stop him, he was just taking notes, so it doesn't matter if he follows.

Just like that, Su Chen took the three girls to the nearest police station in a police car.

But here, the public opinion in the crowd was completely boiling, and there was everything to say, and some people moved quickly, and the recorded video had already been uploaded to the Internet.

Then in less than half an hour, a video titled "Unknown Handsome Guy Fights Gangsters Bravely for Justice, Huaxia Kungfu Surprises the Crowd and He Explodes!" was crazily reposted on major video sites.

For a moment, the entire network was detonated by Su Chen.

There are many reasons why it spread so quickly.First of all, Su Chen is handsome enough, good-looking, good-looking, and full of masculinity, which meets the first element of Internet celebrity.

Then there is Huaxia Kung Fu. Su Chen's Kung Fu is not only clean and agile, but also highly ornamental. Coupled with Su Chen's own appearance, the visual impact formed by the combination of the two is absolutely unprecedented.

The last thing is the event itself. Being brave is always the topic of gossip that people talk about, and it is also one of the fastest-spreading news types.

Handsome guys, kung fu, and courageous actions, the addition of the three, in today's Internet age, it is impossible not to be popular.

Therefore, there is no doubt that Su Chen became popular, and it was the kind that exploded overnight!
In the police station, Su Chen, who didn't know that he was on fire, spent more than ten minutes cooperating with the police to complete the transcript and follow-up procedures.

In fact, it is not necessary, just let Su Chen not leave the ancient city of Dali until the matter is over, and keep the mobile phone unblocked for 24 hours at any time.

It doesn't matter to Su Chen, anyway, he just came to Dali, he hasn't had a good time yet, and he won't leave the ancient city of Dali for a short time, Su Chen didn't plan to have a good time during this trip, and he won't return to Beijing in a short time.

After finishing the record, Su Chen took the three girls out of the police station.

As soon as they went out, Gu Qingya and Guo Xiaoshi couldn't help but start nagging, complaining that Su Chen was too impulsive.Su Chen didn't refute, he knew that the third daughter cared about her, and nagging is a woman's nature, just get used to it.

However, the two women didn't chatter a few words, and saw an acquaintance who was an acquaintance as soon as they went out.

"Emmmm Guo Degang? Sha Yi?"

Su Chen recognized the two of them immediately, and instantly remembered that Sha Yi was the passer-by who was almost injured by the gangsters breaking out of the siege just now, and Guo Degang was the one who persuaded him.

He said how it felt so familiar.

When the two saw Su Chen, they hurried up to meet them. There were still a bunch of people behind them, probably assistants and people from the crew, but these people didn't come over, and they were all waiting in the distance.

Sha Yi hurried over and grabbed Su Chen's hand. "Brother, thank you so much. If it weren't for you, my life would have been lost. I will never forget my great kindness. Whatever happens in the future, as long as you need me, even if you tell me, I will say nothing!"

Sha Yi's face was a little pale, and it could be seen that he was quite frightened just now.But his eyes are very sincere, he is really grateful to Su Chen, if there is no Su Chen just now, just relying on the gangster's stick, he would have to be seriously injured if he didn't die, even thinking about it, he would be afraid!
Su Chen looked at Sha Yi, and felt happy. For some reason, he wanted to be happy when he saw Sha Yi's face. Maybe it's God's reward, some people are born for comedy.

Su Chen has a good impression of Sha Yi, and he is one of the few actors he likes. "Wulin Biography" is one of his favorite TV dramas. Similarly, this drama also has this drama in this world. It is one of the few remaining works that Su Chen is familiar with in this world. He still remembers that he just lived in In those few days, I still watched the courtyard house every day.

(End of this chapter)

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