I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 158 Putting on a Variety Show?

Chapter 158 Putting on a Variety Show?
"Emmmm, Sha Yi, Mr. Guo and I are half acquaintances. You and Mr. Guo are filming programs together, so you must be friends. We are all on our own, so don't be so polite!"

Su Chen has been friends with these two for a long time, so he felt very cordial when they met for the first time.

Sha Yi, a person with an aura of affinity, Su Chen must like to make friends.And Lao Guo is also someone Su Chen admires.

Guo Degang is really a strong man who has gone through hardships from the bottom and climbed up step by step.For Lao Guo, the society has mixed praises and criticisms for him. Those who like him like him from the bottom of their hearts, and those who hate him are also gritted with resentment.

In Su Chen's heart, Lao Guo is a successful person worthy of respect.In fact, whether in the past, present or future, as long as they are successful people who have reached the peak step by step through their own efforts, they are worthy of the respect of the world, because they have done things that ordinary people cannot do.Of course, this matter still has to be pointed out on the bright side, and some crazy successful people are not included.

Moreover, Guo Degang, as an inheritor of traditional culture, did not amass money recklessly after his success, but still worked hard for the inheritance of Chinese traditional culture. Based on this, he is worthy of the title of Teacher Guo.

For such a person, you may not like him, but you cannot deny him!
And Su Chen is the type of person who likes Lao Guo very much.Of course, what he likes most about Lao Guo is that mouth.Really, Lao Guo's mouth is really strong. If you don't say anything else, just say that people use one mouth to say that the traditional cross talk industry has collapsed. This is not something ordinary people can do.

Guo Degang and Sha Yi came to thank them sincerely, but Su Chen's familiar attitude made them a little confused.

Especially Lao Guo, he really doesn't remember that he has such a handsome friend with amazing skills?
"Um, little brother, have we met?"

Lao Guo looked Su Chen up and down for a moment, then asked in confusion.

Su Chen touched the tip of his nose, happy. "Uh, I haven't seen it, but Mr. Guo should have heard of me, Yu Qiang is my elder brother!"

When Guo Degang heard it, he suddenly realized. "Are you Su Chensu's younger brother?"

Su Chen nodded.

Guo Degang was immediately happy. "Hey, isn't this a coincidence! I've been hearing from Brother Yu that I have recognized a talented and talented younger brother. My kid and Yue Yunpeng also respect you very much. I have been in love with you for a long time. , I didn't expect us to meet here!"

"Hehe, I've wanted to see you for a long time, Mr. Guo, I'm also a Deyun boy!"

"Really? That's my honor! Hey! Let's not be polite, since you are the brother of Brother Yu, then don't call me Mr. Guo, call me Lao Guo, I feel comfortable listening to it!"

"Success! I also think Lao Guo is more kind!"

Sha Yi looked at it and understood a little bit, and understood that Su Chen was really not an outsider.This made Sha Yi heave a sigh of relief. After all, he is a lifesaver. If he is an acquaintance, it is better than a stranger!
Immediately, Lao Guo introduced some basic information about Su Chen to Sha Yi, such as Su Chen's identity, relationship with Yu Qian, etc. He didn't go into details, but it was enough for Sha Yi to pay attention to.Especially after hearing that Su Chen is now a billionaire, Sha Yi was stunned for a long time.

Fortunately, everyone is not an ordinary person, neither Guo Degang nor Sha Yi are people who are short of money, so they will not be in awe of Su Chen's status as a rich man, and there is no obstacle in communicating with each other.

After a while, the three became acquainted.

The three chatted for a while, and Lao Guocai said: "Su Chen, we are filming a variety show now, do you want to go and have fun?"

Su Chen's past life, emmmm, let's call it past life.Su Chen had heard of the program "Uncle's Small House" in his previous life, but he didn't watch it. It didn't seem to be very popular, mainly because the content of the program was a bit monotonous. The core of the program should be the imitation of "Longing for Life", but the imitation was completely different, lacking It's funny, and lacks something to watch.

So Su Chen is really not very interested in this show. He came to Dali mainly to get to know Guo Degang, and the more purpose is to travel.

Of course, if there is a good variety show, he doesn't mind playing it. Before he was rich, he was a pure citizen. He must be very curious about making TV shows. If he can, he definitely wants to play.

It's just that how to play this matter has to be considered.

Thoughts were flying in his head, and after a while, Su Chen replied: "I still can't do it. I just came here today, and there are still some things at home. How about it, Lao Guo, take a look. If you have time in the evening, I will hold a banquet at home. There are no outsiders, they are all from your circle, if your column team is interested, you can come and follow the filming, and then we will take this opportunity to get together."

When Guo Degang heard it, he was very interested, but he was still polite. "It won't bother you, will it?"

"Hi! I came to Dali to play, and the houses are all bought now, everything is new, nothing to disturb!"

What Su Chen meant was that his house was new, and there were no secrets, so he could shoot whatever he wanted.

In this way, Lao Guo was really tempted.He knows that Su Chen is a rich man, and he also knows that Su Chen has a god-level cooking skill. In addition, Su Chen is suddenly popular now, and the filming of the show has just started, and the first episode has not yet been filmed. If Su Chen cooperates, there may be unexpected gains.

"Okay, I'll discuss it with the director team later, and then I'll write back to you!"

"Success! Then I'll wait for your news!"

After speaking, the two groups separated.

Su Chen took the three daughters into the car driven by the family, ready to go home.

"Boss, do you want to shoot a variety show?"

In the car, Guo Xiaoshi asked.The other two women also looked at Su Chen.

Su Chen stretched his waist, and said casually: "Not sure, it depends on the specific situation. I will go back and discuss it with Brother Qian'er later. If I can make a good show, then I will play along. Come out and play! Can't If you stick to things, you can try any game!"

That's right, filming a variety show is actually a game for Su Chen. If a variety show led by him becomes popular on the Internet, the sense of accomplishment will definitely be great!

"You don't want to be a celebrity, do you?" Gu Qingya looked at Su Chen who was "overwhelmed with childlike innocence", and couldn't tell whether to laugh or cry. She really didn't expect that with Su Chen's wealth and status, he would be so interested in appearing on TV shows.

Su Chen nodded, then shook his head again. "To be honest, from the bottom of my heart, I definitely want to be famous. No one doesn't want to be sought after by the world. But I don't want to be a star. Being a star is too tiring, and I can't help myself. In fact, my goal is to be like Boss Ma. The world admires me but I have no restrictions. But compared to Boss Ma, I still have a lot of background, so let’s try it first. It’s best to be famous, and it doesn’t matter if you don’t!”

"But, boss, are you already on fire?"

Guo Xiaoshi took out her mobile phone and showed it to Su Chen.


Su Chen took the phone in a daze.

(End of this chapter)

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