I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 159 Bro, I Miss You

Chapter 159 Bro, I Miss You
When Su Chen was watching the news, his explosive video was still in the fermentation state, but a certain video on Douyin had already surpassed [-] likes, and related similar videos were being uploaded constantly. In addition, volcanoes, Weibo and so on have successively posted Kung Fu videos of his brave deeds.

It can be said that it is only a matter of time before he becomes popular all over the country.

After watching the videos and news, Su Chen got a little confused.

Just... a bit too sudden.

Su Chen's feeling now is that he has practiced peerless martial arts for a long time, and he is trying to make his way in the world of martial arts.In the end, he just showed his face and killed a group of little thieves, and then he became famous all over the world, with only the tip of the iceberg showing his abilities.

This made Su Chen's mood fluctuate.

He must be happy to be famous. Seeing all the praise comments and so many beauties who wanted to give birth to monkeys for him, Su Chen's heart was already agitated.

But he got angry so suddenly that Su Chen always felt a little vain.

"Why is this suddenly famous? Then why didn't anyone take a video when I beat Yan Quan last time?"

Gu Qingya looked at Su Chen with her beautiful eyes, her slender stockings and long legs were put together, she held her chin and explained: "Can it be the same? Last time you gathered a crowd to fight, this time you acted bravely. And you don't even think about it, what did you do last time?" Who was the one who beat them, how could the Yan family allow this kind of video to spread on the Internet?"

"Eh, yes!" Su Chen suddenly realized. "But why is there no news about Yan Quan recently? I'm still waiting for his revenge!"

Gu Qingya looked at Su Chen, her eyes were full of inquiry. "You have made such a big commotion in the past few days. You spent 5000 billion in one day. I don't know how many people have been shocked by such amazing financial resources. Before you figure out your background and hole cards, who would dare to take it lightly? The bigger the family The more cautious you are, let alone the century-old Yan family?"

"so what?"

"So Yan Quan has been grounded. It is estimated that he will not be able to come out for a short time. As for when he will be released, it depends on how long you can keep your secret."

When Su Chen heard this, he couldn't help mourning for Yan Quan in his heart.

If Yan Quan can only come out after investigating his background and details, then Su Chen feels that Yan Quan will never be able to come out in this life.

His background was systematically fabricated, and there was no way to investigate it.There are big bosses in the system to cover up, not to mention the Yan family, even the most powerful intelligence organization in the world can't find out the slightest trace of his background, and even if they can find out, it is all fake. In this way, unless Yan Quan completely gives up revenge He, otherwise his future would be really bumpy.

Holding the phone, Su Chen smacked his lips. "So I'm a celebrity now?"

Gu Qingya gave Su Chen a charming look. "I really don't know what you think. As a billionaire, you want to be famous every day. Are you not afraid of getting yourself killed?"

Su Chen heard the words, but shook his head and said: "Your idea is wrong. Whether I am famous or not has nothing to do with my life. Think about Boss Ma, he is not cheap, isn't he frequently appearing in major In the video media, he is not afraid of being kidnapped?

In fact, the more famous a person is, the less likely he is to be kidnapped, because the more famous a person is, the easier it is to attract the attention of the society. Once something goes wrong, the gangsters will face greater pressure, and the price to be paid for kidnapping will be higher. Many, unless it is a life-and-death enmity, no gangster would want to target a famous person who is famous all over the country.

On the contrary, those low-key rich people will be more dangerous, because even if something happens to them, not many people will know.If the rich man is withdrawn and doesn't have many friends, then the kidnapper's success rate is quite high!
Of course, when I say this, I don't mean that I'm afraid of being kidnapped. To be honest, with my current skills, as long as I don't use hot weapons, I can make as many kidnappers as possible come and go! "

Gu Qingya listened very seriously at first, but when she heard Su Chen's last words, she suddenly became angry again, and said in a bad temper: "You can! You are amazing! You are invincible, right? Can you be more calm, You are all billionaires, why are you still so ignorant? Do you think that if you know martial arts, you really have no taboos? Then Cao Zhengchun, Zhuge Shenhou, Xiongba... Which one of these people is not an invincible martial arts figure? The result? Who is better? What's the end? You know how to show off every day, even if you don't think about yourself, can you think about the people around you, do you know how nervous we were at that time?"

Gu Qingya gave Su Chen a scolding, Guo Xiaoshi and Zhang Huan were on the same side, and on this issue, the attitudes of the three women were highly unified, and they resolutely did not want Su Chen to put herself in danger again.

Su Chen smiled embarrassingly, not daring to refute a word.Not to mention whether what the third daughter said made sense, the main reason is that he knew that the third daughter was sincerely doing his best, and if he didn't appreciate it, he would be ungrateful.

However, Su Chen was still a little bit upset.

"Then what, Sister Qingya, I agree with what you said, and I will definitely hide away when encountering such things in the future. It's just that the example you gave just now is not inappropriate? I am so handsome, why? Can you compare me to Zhuge Shenhou and Xiongba? They're nothing, they still have some good looks, but what the hell is Cao Zhengchun? Can I be compared to him?"

When Gu Qingya heard this, her expression froze for a moment, and then she couldn't hold back, and burst out laughing.

The two women laughed even harder. When they thought of comparing Su Chen and Cao Zhengchun, and the way Su Chen pinched his orchid finger, the two women seemed to have been tapped on their laugh points, and they couldn't stop laughing.

Gu Qingya laughed for a while, seeing Su Chen's face getting darker and darker, she forced herself to hold back her smile, and explained weakly: "Then I haven't watched a few martial arts dramas, I just know a few of them. villain."

When Su Chen heard it, he didn't tense up, and he was also happy. He didn't know what his smile was, and he was inexplicably happy.

After a while, the car became quiet.

Suddenly, Su Chen remembered Gu Qingya's words just now, his eyes lit up and he blurted out: "Hey, sister Qingya, you just said that you are someone close to me?"

As soon as Su Chen said the words, for a moment, he suddenly felt a shock all over his body.

As soon as she looked up, she saw Guo Xiaoshi's complexion suddenly turned a little ugly.Gu Qingya's face turned red immediately, she looked at Su Chen with inexplicable eyes, Su Chen couldn't understand, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

For a moment, the atmosphere in the car became a little awkward.

The corner of Su Chen's mouth twitched, wishing to slap himself, he actually said this topic in front of all the girls, isn't this digging a hole for himself?
For a moment, the carriage fell into an eerie silence.

After some time, the car finally stopped.Su Chen quickly opened the car door, and instantly saw Yu Qian's warm and safe face, and rushed out.

"Big brother, I miss you!"

(End of this chapter)

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