Chapter 160

Su Chen's sudden enthusiasm caught Yu Qiang off guard, and he instinctively uttered a swear word.

The others were also stunned, and their worried expressions froze instantly.

Su Chen touched his nose, he really wanted to say that he didn't do it on purpose, but just to ease the awkward atmosphere just now.

Fortunately, everyone didn't look into it carefully, and thought it was a little joke suddenly made by Su Chen.

It was another round of booing and asking for warmth.

The main reason was that Su Chen beat someone up last time, and Yu Qiang and others didn't know about it, so they were so worried after hearing the news this time, until Su Chen repeatedly confirmed that nothing happened to him, and all follow-up problems were dealt with. , everyone can rest assured.

Even the wives and children of Yu Qiang, Sun Yue, and Yue Yunpeng are very concerned about Su Chen. Su Chen can tell that the sisters-in-law and younger sisters care about him from the bottom of their hearts. Regardless of the short time Su Chen has been in contact with them , but people's hearts are fleshy. Just today, Su Chen took care of them in every possible way. Naturally, they could see Su Chen's sincere attitude towards them, so they also respected and recognized Su Chen from the bottom of their hearts. .

But what Su Chen didn't expect was that after a group of people entered the inner courtyard of the house and all the outsiders withdrew, Yu Qian actually criticized and educated Su Chen.The content of the education is similar to that of the three girls, and they all complain that Su Chen is too impulsive.

If no one else was around, in order to save the three daughters, Su Chen stepped forward to make trouble, no one would say anything about him.But Gao Qing and the others were by his side at the time, and Su Chen actually let the bodyguards watch the fun and rushed up to fight the gangsters himself. Who else could do such a stupid thing except him?

Su Chen stood on the side, lowered his eyebrows and listened to the scolding, and did not return a word.Like the third daughter, he knew that Yu Qiang was doing it for his own good. If he wasn't really worried about him, if he wasn't really treating him as his younger brother, why would Yu Qiang risk offending him by scolding him?
Su Chen knew it was a shame, so he could only endure it.At the same time, he also sighed in his heart, it seems that he will rarely have the opportunity to use this fighting skill in the future, and Su Chen has really learned a lesson, and he will definitely not use it unless it is a last resort.

After all, the "price" is really too high.

After talking for a while, seeing Su Chen's sincere attitude, Yu Qiang stopped talking.In fact, what Yu Qian scolded himself was frightening. Anyway, Su Chen himself is a real billionaire, and Su Chen is young, the most youthful and vigorous age. His scolding is likely to attract Su Chen Chen's disgust caused the two of them to have emotional problems.

Before scolding, Yu Qiang was also very entangled, but after that, Yu Qiang realized a problem.That is, what does he think of Su Chen?If he befriended Su Chen because of Su Chen's status and wealth, then he couldn't scold him. If he didn't scold him, he would definitely have nothing to lose, nor would he hurt the relationship between him and Su Chen.But if he regards Su Chen simply as his younger brother, then he has the responsibility to say this admonition, because he knows that Su Chen is an orphan and has no elders. As the eldest brother, Yu Qian has the responsibility to say these words.

So whether or not to say these words depends entirely on what he thinks of Su Chen?And this question, because he didn't even think about it for a second, he had the answer in his heart in an instant. He must treat Su Chen as his younger brother when he interacted with Su Chen. As for the others, it doesn't matter.

So Yu Qian gave Su Chen a lesson without hesitation.He also figured it out, if Su Chen turned against him, it meant that Su Chen didn't treat him as a big brother, and then the friendship would come to an end, so that although Yu Qian would be sad, he had a clear conscience.But if Su Chen doesn't turn his face, then Yu Qiang will really treat Su Chen as his own younger brother from now on.

As a result, Yu Qiang was very happy, even a little unexpectedly happy.He expected that Su Chen would not turn against him. After all, he had known Su Chen's temper after getting along for so long, otherwise they would not have sincerely made friends with each other.But he didn't expect Su Chen to accept it so humbly, which made Yu Qiang heave a sigh of relief, but at the same time, he was really moved. Looking at Su Chen's eyes, he became more friendly.

Yu Qiang's sudden outburst really frightened many people.Yu Qiang's daughter-in-law anxiously gave Yu Qiang winks frequently, but after all, after all, husband and wife are connected, and after a while Yu Qiang's daughter-in-law understood Yu Qiang's thoughts, although she was a little worried, she didn't stop her.Seeing Su Chen's attitude, Yu Qiang's wife also recognized Su Chen's identity as the younger brother from the bottom of her heart at this moment.

Not only them, but everyone else too.No matter how warm they were with Su Chen before, there was a layer of separation between them.But after Yu Qiang's outburst, the barriers between everyone were instantly broken, and the friendship between them became more real.

Su Chen also felt this change, he couldn't tell whether he was happy or angry.He is not a masochist, he must be unhappy when he was scolded in public.It's just that he knows how to restrain his emotions. This is what Su Chen has been doing all the time. People who get rich overnight are the easiest to expand. Su Chen doesn't want to make himself a lonely person, so he has been restraining his temper.

To be honest, no one likes to be scolded by others. For a few moments, he must have hated him to death, but after calming down, he also thought about Yu Qian's thoughts clearly. He was both moved and uncomfortable about it.In the end, all emotions melt into a sigh.

If you are scolded, you can be scolded. Isn't it a kind of happiness to be scolded by someone who cares about you?
All the thoughts of everyone are just a thought, and no one shows it.

After Yu Qian finished cursing, he stepped forward and patted Su Chen on the shoulder.Su Chen held Yu Qian's hand, everything was silent.

After a while, everyone laughed. This time, the laughter seemed to be happier, more sincere, and more comfortable to listen to than the previous ones.

"Come on, I'll scold and scold, I promise I won't be impulsive in the future, okay?"

Su Chen assured everyone with a helpless face.

"It's not enough to just say it, there must be punishment. What if you are impulsive again?"

Suddenly, Gu Qingya, who was not very talkative, stood up and spoke.

"That's right! Uncle, we have to be punished. When I was a child, Emma guaranteed that I would be punished!" Yue Yunpeng stood up to help, but now he is more relaxed in front of Su Chen.

With a "dark" face, Su Chen said dissatisfiedly: "What punishment? You still don't believe what I said?"

Yue Yunpeng is not afraid of big troubles when watching the excitement. "Uncle, you can't play tricks. Whether you believe it or not is one thing, but whether you will be punished or not is another!"

Yu Qiang was also happy. "Yes! There must be a punishment. As for the punishment. Girl Gu, what suggestion do you have?"

Gu Qingya smiled lightly, looked at Su Chen, and said with a gleam in her eyes: "Big brother, Yue Yue, why don't we agree that if Xiao Chen is impulsive again, let him do it for us for three consecutive days?" What do you think of the gourmet cuisine, and the gourmet dishes cannot be repeated?"

Yue Yunpeng clapped his hands excitedly in an instant. "Okay! This is good!"

Yu Qian gave Gu Qingya a thumbs up. "Gu girl, you should pay attention to this, it's settled like this!"

Su Chen couldn't laugh or cry.

"It's settled? I haven't agreed yet, okay?"

Gu Qingya stared at Su Chen with beautiful eyes, and said with a half-smile: "Then do you agree?"

When Guo Xiaoshi and Zhang Huan heard this, they also joined in the fun, with threatening expressions on their pretty faces. Staring at Su Chen "viciously".

Su Chen touched his nose and sneered.

Think there are so many people?
Can a lot of people do whatever they want?

Su Chen took a step forward, and said with a strong attitude: "Hmph! I agree!"

The three girls were startled at first, and then they smiled happily when they heard Su Chen's words.

(End of this chapter)

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