Chapter 167
"Hahaha, I don't know why, but when I saw Lao Sha's confused expression, I wanted to laugh!"

"Laughing together! Lao Sha is too real, this is a man who grows in laughter."

"You don't pay attention to the main points, so no one cares about the Su Chen that Lao Sha and Da Lin mentioned? Yu Qian's brother? Is he still a young man?"

"Same question, it seems that he is not an easy boss, did you call Dalin uncle directly without seeing Dalin?"

"Damn it, why did I hear Lao Sha say that this Su Chen is still a young man? That young man is so obsessed?"

"I paid attention too, with a dazed look on my face!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, don't tell me, I'm really curious, look again!"

On the street, after Sha Yi and Guo Qilin looked at each other for a while, Guo Qilin took the lead to ask questions. "No, Teacher Sha, you know my Uncle Chen'er? Why did he come to Dali?"

"I also just met today, you know about the incident of smashing and looting in Dali during the day, right?"

"I know, I've watched the news."

"Then you didn't see who that brave man is?"

"I really don't know. I don't know why. In the few news I read, that person is from the back, and the photos are very unclear. It is said that there is a video on Douyin. I haven't come to watch it yet. Huh? You Does it mean that the one who is brave enough to stand up for justice is my Uncle Chen'er?"

"It's him!" Sha Yi nodded. "Besides, that gangster wanted to break out from me and your dad. I was almost beaten, but he saved my life!"

"It's actually my Uncle Chen'er? This makes sense. I heard from my uncle that he has practiced kung fu! Then what's our situation now?"

"Oh, your uncle Chen and your master came to Dali to play together. Didn't you hear that we are filming a program here, so you invited us over. I heard that your uncle Chen is a rich man, and the program team came to Dali with his permission. He's live broadcasting there, by the way, let us see what a local tyrant is!"

"Huh? You mean we're going to my Uncle Chen's house for dinner?" Guo Qilin looked at the skewered meat in his hand, and then handed it to Sha Yi instantly. "Mr. Sha, I suddenly feel sick to my stomach. It's not good to waste it. Have you helped me eat?"

When Sha Yi heard it, he was happy. "This is Dali's specialty. Don't tell me, I really didn't eat enough just now, so I'm not going to be polite. Is your stomach okay?"

"It's okay, it's just a bifurcation, it will be fine in a while!"

"Okay then, let's go slowly!"

In the live broadcast room, the barrage is like snowflakes!
"Hold the grass and hold the grass! That Su Chen is actually a kung fu brother who is brave enough to see justice?"

"Hey, the handsome kung fu guy who is brave enough to see righteousness is actually a big local tyrant? Did God forget to bite this bitch?"

"What, what? To see my husband? Ahhh! I didn't expect to meet my husband so soon! I'm so excited!"

"To be a guest at a rich man's house! This is interesting. Poverty has always restricted my imagination. What the hell, I can't make a fortune in this life, so it's good to have an eye addiction!"

"This is interesting, Brother Kung Fu, the local tyrant treats guests, I think this show is going to be popular!"

"There are already related topics on Weibo, and it is estimated that the popularity will rise soon."

"Hey? Why do I feel that Dalin's expression is a little strange, as if he is cheating?"

"Fuck off, my Dalin is so honest and kind, how could he cheat people?"

"Hey, hey, hey? It seems to be here? Hold the grass! This is the mansion of the local tyrant? This facade? I feel that this gate is worth more than my house!"

"Huh? There is a welcome at the door, wow! This young lady, beautiful, big beautiful, isn't she too beautiful?"

At this time, the time was exactly 06:30, and Meng Fei and Guo Degang just arrived at the gate of Su's residence. This was carefully calculated.

At the door, Zhang Huan had been waiting at the door with two housekeepers. When he saw Guo Degang and Meng Fei, he rushed out to greet them.

"Hello, Teacher Guo, Hello, Teacher Meng, Hello, Teacher Sha, Hello Dalin, my name is Zhang Huan, and I'm the housekeeper of the Su residence. The young master has already prepared and is waiting for everyone to come, please come inside!"

As he spoke, he turned sideways and invited a few people in.

Guo Degang is fine, after all, he and Su Chen are considered acquaintances, so don't panic.

Meng Fei was a little nervous. Looking at his posture, he could tell that the owner inside was not a person of little wealth and nobility. Can a person of little wealth and nobility have a butler?Moreover, Meng Fei also knew that this house was just a property bought by the owner temporarily.

Fortunately, Meng Fei is also a veteran in the hosting industry, so he quickly stabilized his mind.

In the back, Guo Qilin was full of smiles. He had met Zhang Huan, and he was super familiar with Guo Xiaoshi, so Zhang Huan just called someone else's teacher, and called him Dalin, which made him feel kind, so he was happy.

But Sha Yi was really nervous this time.You know, Su Chen is not only a rich man in Shayi, but also his savior. At this time, his nervous palms are sweating, mainly because he doesn't know Su Chen well, and he is not familiar with him.

Guo Degang came out to greet Zhang Huan, and then led the team into the house.

As soon as you enter the mansion, you will see a huge screen wall with exquisite carvings on the screen wall.There is a small flower bed in front of the wall, all of which are rare flowers, all of which are super beautiful, and there is a small fountain in the middle. The water vapor from the fountain touches the guests who enter the door, making people feel refreshed suddenly. The spirit was lifted.

There is a road on both sides of the screen wall, leading to two courtyards.At this moment, the courtyard on the left is brightly lit, while the courtyard on the right is cold and quiet.Without using the pedestrian road, a group of people went straight in and turned left.

Bypassing the screen wall, there is an attic path behind, with small colored lights hanging on both sides of the path, so that it does not look dim.

After passing through the trail, everyone felt that their eyes were clear and bright.

I saw an extremely spacious courtyard directly in front of my eyes.On the left side of the center of Dayuan, there is an artificial small pool similar to that under the shadow wall. In the center of the Tan is a fountain, surrounded by lotus flowers, and more than a dozen top-quality ornamental fish of different varieties. There is a large pavilion next to the artificial small pool, surrounded by There is a wooden fence, there are chairs on the fence, and a wooden Eight Immortals table is in the center of the gazebo.

The ground around the gazebo and the pool is covered with clean marble, and a few bouquets of exotic flowers and herbs are scattered in the corners around it for decoration.

At this moment, three or five people in the small courtyard gathered in the gazebo to chat and laugh, and there were some small animals playing around.

There are puppet cats lazily admiring fish by the pool, and playful pastoral dogs around everyone.

The majestic golden eagle on the eaves was always looking around, and in the sky, a sea dongqing was flying around.

Even in the corner, there are two ponies lying on the haystack, leaning against each other to rest.

At this moment, the small courtyard was brightly lit and very lively.

Guo Degang and the others were dumbfounded watching this scene, and it also surprised the audience in the live broadcast room.

Is this the mansion of the rich?
Sure enough, extraordinary, inhumane!
Looking at this small courtyard, everyone immediately thought of the mansions of the dignitaries and nobles in ancient times. Presumably even the prince's mansion in ancient times was like this, right?

(End of this chapter)

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