I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 168 Three Courses of Tea of ​​the Bai People

Chapter 168 Three Ways of Tea of ​​the Bai Nationality

"Wow! This is the mansion of the boss? It's so inhumane!"

"I'll go. If I'm not mistaken, the decorations around the pavilion are all kinds of gems? They can't be fake, right?"

"In front, this is the mansion of the boss, how can it be decorated with fake gems?"

"Sure enough, poverty has limited my imagination. I used to think that it would be the end of the day for rich people to keep some expensive cats and dogs. But let's see what kind of pets the bosses have? Famous horses, golden eagles, and Costin!"

"Wow! What would it be like to live here?"

"Zi Liu, I saw that there is housekeeping inside, do you know if you still have to pay people? You can't have no salary, just take care of the food!"

"Ah, why didn't you see my husband, where is my husband?"

"The ones in front, show some face!"

The barrage in the live broadcast room was boiling, but Guo Degang and others were fine. Speaking of which, they were considered rich and had seen the world, especially Lao Guo. The mansion at home was much more luxurious than Su Chen’s temporary house, so there was nothing wrong with it. Can be surprised, just feel comfortable with the atmosphere here.

Seeing Lao Guo and others coming in, Yu Qiang, Yue Yunpeng, and Sun Yue rushed over to greet them. There were only three of them in the courtyard, and the rest of the people were watching from the second floor of the North and South Buildings. The upper floors are connected by corridors, so when they are tired, they can go directly to the room of the deputy courtyard to rest through the back door upstairs, and they will not appear on camera.

"Yo, you're all here, I thought it was Brother Ke'er who was here."

Guo Degang smiled when he saw Yue Yunpeng and Sun Yue.In an unfamiliar environment, it is natural that the more acquaintances you have, the more relaxed you will be.

The same goes for Meng Fei and Sha Yi. Seeing that everyone in the courtyard knew each other, the two of them calmed down from their nervousness and spoke naturally.

Needless to say, Guo Qilin, he has long regarded Su Chen's house as his relative's house, so he is not polite at all.Of course, it should be said or not, Guo Qilin's tutor is not picky, even if he is not polite, he is still measured, and he will not be rude in the slightest.

Several people exchanged pleasantries, they were all acquaintances, and there was nothing to say.Su Chen was mentioned in a few words.

"You said Chen'er, he is in the kitchen, and he is in charge today!" Yu Qiang laughed.

"Huh? Brother Su still has this skill?" Guo Degang asked in surprise.

"Tsk, what do you say? My third brother is not only good at this, but his cooking skills are absolutely unparalleled in the world. You are lucky today!"

When the others heard it, they were all surprised.Didn't expect Su Chen, a kid from a rich family, to be able to cook?
At this moment, Su Chen heard the movement, came out wearing a chef's uniform, and smiled slightly when he saw a few people. "Hey, you're all here, and you're not outsiders, so I didn't welcome you. This is Mr. Meng Feimeng, right?"

Except for a few people, Su Chen is not used to being called a teacher. This is not because of pride, but because of his ability, there are not many people who can be his teacher!
Meng Fei hurriedly stood up, he is a host, so he has a good way of dealing with people.Hastily said: "It's me, you are Mr. Su, I'm honored to be able to attend your banquet!"

"Damn!" Su Chen waved his hand. "Yes, you are older than me, so I will call you Brother Meng. Brother Meng, I am familiar with the old people from Deyun Club, and Lao Sha also met today. They are not outsiders, so you don't have to be polite. Feel free to Just fine."

As he said that, Su Chen said to Chen: "Brother Chen, my work will be over soon, please greet me!"

"Alright, you can do your work, leave it to me!"

Yu Qian usually likes to party, and he is too familiar with entertaining guests, let alone acquaintances.So despite facing the camera, the group quickly relaxed.

Yu Qiang first took a few people to visit the small courtyard briefly.In fact, there is nothing worth seeing in the small courtyard, only a few pets are worth talking about.These people all drank the spiritual nourishing liquid, so they all more or less understood human nature. Yu Qian was shocked when he discovered this, and was about to find time to ask Su Chen.

No matter what it is, anyone who understands spirituality can naturally attract people's closeness, so a few little things have attracted a wave of fans in the live broadcast room.

After that, several people sat down in the gazebo.The wooden table in the gazebo has a simple mechanism, and there is a folding tabletop underneath, which can be unfolded. The edge of the tabletop just extends to the position of the fence chair of the gazebo, so everyone can easily reach it as long as they sit on the fence chair The table top can also allow more people to sit in the gazebo.

With Guo Degang, Yu Qiang and Yue Yunpeng present, they chatted quickly.Except for Sha Yi, all the people present here rely on lip service, so even if they chatted, the audience in the live broadcast room would still not feel bored, but listened with great interest.

In just a short while, the audience in the live broadcast room has exceeded 200 million, and related topics are becoming more and more popular on Weibo.

Not long after they sat down, a girl with exquisite figure and elegant demeanor in a cheongsam came over with a bunch of tea sets.

As soon as Yu Qian saw the tea set, he immediately said, "Guys, when we come to Dali, we have to do as the Romans do. Qi Lin, let me test you, what are the customs of the Bai people about tea art!"

Others looked at Guo Qilin one after another. Guo Qilin is indeed the son of Lao Guo, and he is not timid at all. It is probably because he did his homework before coming here because he was filming the show.

"Master is talking about the three-course tea of ​​the Bai people?"

Yu Qing nodded in satisfaction. "Tell me specifically!"

"Yes!" Guo Qilin said with a smile on his face: "Bai three-course tea is a way of drinking tea when the Bai people entertain distinguished guests. It is a tea-drinking culture. The tea ceremony has become a kind of etiquette for the Bai family to entertain guests and make friends as early as the Ming Dynasty. It is also an intangible cultural heritage recognized by the state."

"Clap clap clap!"

Everyone applauded.This is a real admiration. Lao Guo himself may have one or another problem and has been criticized by the world, but when it comes to Guo Qilin, there are really few people who can find faults.

I have to say that Lao Guo is definitely a master in terms of tutoring.

Yu Qiang continued: "Da Lin is right. Since we have come to Dali, we have to do as the Romans do! Let me tell you, these teas are all top-quality teas, which are rare in the market. In order to entertain you, Chen'er, Come up with three kinds at once, Longjing, Tieguanyin and mother tree Dahongpao, you are lucky!"

Everyone cheered up when they heard the words. Except for Guo Qilin, the rest of the people here are basically old men. Old men are basically interested in tea culture. Even if they don't love it, they rarely hate it.So now when I hear that I can drink the best tea, I am naturally interested.

The beauty in the cheongsam is a professional tea artisan and a native of Dali. She is very good at the three-course tea of ​​the Bai nationality.

The three-course tea of ​​the Bai nationality pays attention to "one bitterness, two sweetness, and three aftertaste"!Every tea is brewed differently!

The movements of the tea artisan have a different sense of beauty. The few people who were chatting at first gradually stopped talking after seeing the exquisite craftsmanship of the tea artisan!
(End of this chapter)

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