Chapter 170

At this moment, Jiangnan TV's "Uncle's Small House" live broadcast room.

"Zi Liu~! Zi Liu~! I'm not greedy at all!"

"This is unscientific. Why do I have such an appetite watching these dishes? I have never felt this way when watching food shows before."

"I'm also surprised that food shows in the past relied on actors' performances to seduce the audience's appetite, but now just watching those dishes makes them want to eat, it's unbelievable."

"Gudong! This is the legendary taste and taste, right? Nima, I'm on a diet, and I planned not to eat tonight!"

"Damn, I can't, I want to order takeaway, no one can stop me!"

"All these dishes are made by Kung Fu Brother? Fake? Seeing that he is only in his early 20s, how can he have such good skills?"

"For some reason, I feel that there is mystery everywhere in this small courtyard. Nima, didn't you say to show off your wealth? Why did it suddenly become a talent show?"

The live broadcast room was boiling, and everyone in the gazebo also looked dull.

The audience in the live broadcast room can only look at the dishes, but the people in the gazebo can smell the taste directly.

The dishes made by Su Chen have master-level craftsmanship, and the taste and taste are just basic operations.So as long as people without rhinitis can smell the tempting aroma from the dish.

"Gudong!" Someone secretly swallowed.

Yu Qiang and Yue Yunpeng were also a little surprised. They had eaten Su Chen's dishes before, and they were all super delicious, but it seemed that the previous dishes were not as attractive as today's dishes. It can be seen that Su Chen is real Work hard.

After a while, eight dishes of four cold and four hot dishes were served.

Immediately afterwards, Zhang Huan brought up three jars of wine.

Su Chen looked around, saw that everyone was looking at him, and said, "Okay, the dishes are ready, so let's start eating?"

Yu Qian laughed and said, "Chen'er, you are the master, why don't you say a few words?"

"Huh?" Su Chen scratched his head, and said, "There are no outsiders here, so what are you talking about? Old Guo is Qi Lin's father, Yue Yue's master, Brother Ke'er's so what, this must be his own, although the first It’s the first time I’ve seen you, but I feel that I really hit it off with Lao Guo, and I feel kind when I look at him.”

Guo Degang heard the words, smacked his lips and said: "Hey, don't say it, boy Su, I have met many young people these years, including the apprentices I have accepted, and they are not very old. But no matter any young people, they How outstanding, how capable, how talented, but I don’t have much to admire. But when I first saw you, you really surprised me. You know how you compare with other people. Is it different?"

The others looked at the two curiously, and Su Chen's eyes narrowed slightly.

Lao Guo is famous for his eloquence. His words seem to be flattering Su Chen, but in fact he is still testing Su Chen.If Su Chen's answer is in line with his wishes, then he will take advantage of the opportunity to praise Su Chen, and with Su Chen's own words foreshadowing, Lao Guo is not considered a follower.If Su Chen's answer is not good, then Su Chen is sure that Lao Guo must have a way to get back the words in a joking way. He hit it off right away.

It can be said that there is evidence to advance and retreat, and it is reasonable to say anything.

Su Chen sighed in his heart, none of these old guys is simple, every sentence has his own calculations, and it is still true that Uncle Ke'er looks at it.Of course, it cannot be said that the old Guo Chengfu is deep, mainly because he has experienced too much and has to be so.

"My strengths? Don't tell me, there are quite a lot." Su Chen smacked his lips.

"Look, isn't that what it is?" Guo Degang said with a smile on the corner of his mouth: "Boy Su, what I value most is your free and easy spirit, you seem to care about nothing, but you have your own persistence, you Living seriously and comfortably is a state of life that I once envied."

Su Chen blinked. "You just say that I'm heartless!"

When everyone heard it, they were all happy.

Guo Degang also laughed. "You can say that too."

"Hey! Let me stop!" Yu Qian suddenly looked at Su Chen and said, "When you introduced Lao Guo, what did you say about Da Lin's father and Yue Yue's master, how come I have become such a thing?"

Su Chen also blinked at Yu Qiang and said: "Oh, brother Ji'er, the whole country knows about the matter between you and Lao Guo, why are you trying to hide it?"

Guo Degang interjected: "Boy Su is right, brother Ji'er, just accept your fate!"

Yu Qian rolled his eyes, and said angrily: "Go! This is all down, and you two are still running on me!"

Everyone was happy.

After a few jokes, the atmosphere instantly changed.If everyone was a bit unfamiliar with Su Chen just now, but after a few words, everyone became familiar with Su Chen. Su Chen chatted with Meng Fei and Sha Yi, and the two could see that Su Chen got along very well. So I let go and started to speak actively.

"Okay, the dishes will be cold in a while, let's eat first. Oh yes!" Su Chen brought up three jars of wine.

Yu Qian stared at the three jars of wine for a long time, and couldn't help saying: "Your boy finally brought the wine up, it looks like new wine again?"

Su Chen nodded. "After all, there is a live broadcast, and drinking white wine is a mistake. So I specially prepared three jars of fruit wine!"


When everyone heard it, they didn't pay attention to it. The fruit wine is very ordinary, and ordinary people can afford it, nothing special.

Lao Guo and Meng Fei were even a little disappointed. They had heard before they came that Su Chen had countless good wines here.

But Yu Qian knew Su Chen. "Look at your baby, it's not easy, is it?"

Su Chen gave Qiang a thumbs up. "In the end it's Brother Yuer, you understand me."

When everyone heard this, they raised their heads again with puzzled faces.

What else is new about fruit wine?

Su Chen smiled slightly, and said directly: "This wine is indeed a bit different, except for the special processing and production process, the most special thing about it is the raw material.

The fruits used in these fruit wines are all planted with the best mountain spring water and the most fertile soil, and each fruit tree only takes the best ten fruits on the top of the tree. These fruits almost absorb the most that the plants can absorb. Good nutrition is the best fruit in its category.

The white wine used in the fruit wine is also selected from wheat, and every step is almost perfect. In addition, there are ginseng, deer antler and other prescriptions for adjustments, so these fruit wines not only taste good, but also have high nutritional value. , long-term drinking can play a very good health effect, and can remove some stubborn diseases in the middle-aged and elderly people.

These wines are not yet sold in China, and they are not even listed abroad.You are the first to taste this wine besides me. "

What Su Chen said was actually made up by himself, but he was not exaggerating at all, and even belittled the wine.These wines are high-quality fruit wines in the system mall. According to the mall's instructions, the raw materials of these wines are not from the earth, and their nutritional value is extremely high. Su Chen's health-care effect is not an exaggeration.

(End of this chapter)

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