I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 177 The Overlord's Conspiracy of the System Boss?

Chapter 177 The Overlord's Conspiracy of the System Boss?
"Huh? Then you don't want to play?"

Guo Xiaoshi asked in surprise.

"I haven't thought about it yet. Wait until I'm chatting with brother Yu'er to see what he thinks. Besides, there's no rush for this thing. We're mainly here for fun. This is an entertainment program at best, and we can't put the cart before the horse.

Go find Huanhuan and let her arrange it. Let's go out to play today. "

"Okay!" Guo Xiaoshi was happy. Compared to filming variety shows, she would definitely prefer to have fun.

"Does the boss have any special requirements?"

"Can I have any special requirements? Traveling is nothing more than eating, drinking and having fun, just let Huanhuan arrange it as much as possible, and you can help me too, you know my habits!"

"Okay! I'll go right now!"

Guo Xiaoshi said that she was about to get up, but was held back by Su Chen.

"Huh?" Guo Xiaoshi was puzzled.

Su Chen pouted. "You're leaving now!"

Guo Xiaoshi's pretty face flushed slightly, and she instantly understood.

Five minutes later, Su Chen was the only one left in the courtyard.

Su Chen smacked his lips, recalling the feeling just now.

Not to mention, he really didn't care much about this before he started eating meat.But now that he knows the taste, he is really fascinated by it.
There is no way, there are too many goblins around, and he is not brother Yudi, he does not have such a strong concentration, he really cannot withstand so many temptations
In my heart, I spurned my corrupt life a little bit.Then Su Chen turned on the system.

While talking to Guo Xiaoshi just now, he received a notification from the system, which seemed to be a mission.

After opening the mission system, Su Chen saw it and was happy, well, the mission he had been thinking about for a long time finally came.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for triggering a large-scale chain task - the main task of building the greatest museum in the world (2): Establish your own primary museum, with at least ten national treasures, one hundred first-level cultural relics and one thousand second-level cultural relics , and make Museum Fame a primary achievement!

Task Reward: Depends on the completion of the task! "

Looking at the task, Su Chen touched his chin and fell into deep thought.

The second stage of the task is actually to establish a museum, so it seems that his own museum has to start construction now.

Building a museum is very simple, but Su Chen's goal is to establish the greatest museum in the world, so junior museums can't mess around, and need to make arrangements for future expansion.

Fortunately, Su Chen doesn't need to worry about these. There are all kinds of drawings and building materials in the system. Su Chen only needs to select the design drawings in the system.

The only problem is how to solve the interpretation problem that the system mall building materials appear out of thin air.

This is not a small item, Su Chen can just find an excuse to fool it.Many of the building materials in the system are not found in this world. If there is no reasonable explanation, something will definitely go wrong.

After much deliberation, Su Chen could only push the problem to the system.

As a result, the system mall really gave two solutions.

The first method is temporary, Su Chen only needs to spend 100 million, and the system can help Su Chen realize the problem of the product, and guarantee that it will give a reasonable and legal explanation, neither leaving behind nor letting Investigate, guarantee 100% reliable.But [-] million can only be used once.

The second method is still to solve everything systematically, but this time it is a permanent right. Su Chen can spend one billion yuan to buy a permanent right.With this right, no matter what Su Chen buys in the future, the system will arrange a reasonable identity for their appearance, so that Su Chen can use it with confidence.

Between 100 million and [-] billion, Su Chen chose the latter without thinking about it.But after the money is spent, Su Chen will be in pain.Good guy, he spends more than a billion at every turn, even if he is worth trillions, he can't stand such a prodigal!

According to this trend, Su Chen feels that he will become a pauper in less than 50 years.If you are more willful, it will not even last for less than 20 years.

What about after that?

With the system in place, Su Chen doesn't worry about his lifespan at all. With his current body, he can live for at least 100 years, and he may not even be able to live forever in the future.

So, here comes the problem.What will happen after he runs out of money now?
He believes that unless he does missions in the future, he won't have this chance to get rich again.Otherwise, the system really only goes out but not in, and money and goods are left handed and right handed, then the existence of the system is meaningless.

Su Chen is more willing to believe that the existence of the system is more similar to the current Moubao and Moudong. The system was so generous before, just trying to lure him into the game with vouchers, one-yuan spikes and other temptations.And after he completely completes the transformation with the system, it's time for the system to cut leeks.

At that time, there is no need for the system to do anything, and he will take the initiative to chop his hands.

Just like now, Su Chen has developed the habit of feeling uncomfortable if he doesn't buy something from the system mall every day!


For a moment, Su Chen suddenly felt a shadow covering his head.

He seems to smell the taste of conspiracy.

wrong!What the hell, the boss of the system is using an out-and-out conspiracy, it's just that he couldn't resist the temptation and took the initiative to enter the game!

Why!This is more painful!
Fortunately, he still has time.With his current savings, he should be able to last for a long time. When all the companies are on the right track, he can sit and collect money. It is best to form a real company that uses the energy of the system to develop, and then use the real company to make money. Guarantee your own expenses and achieve a balance of payments.

I should be able to survive until this day.
"What are you thinking? So engrossed?"

Suddenly, a gentle voice rang in Su Chen's ear.

Su Chen looked up and saw that it was Gu Qingya.Gu Qingya was actually wearing a tight cheongsam.After the coming-of-age ceremony, Gu Qingya's mature temperament became more and more attractive.

Su Chen couldn't help but hugged Gu Qingya's alluring body, and let him sit on his lap.

Smelling the faint fragrance, Su Chen felt a lot better.

"Daughter-in-law, I feel like I don't have enough money!"

Gu Qingya looked at Su Chen in surprise. "You? Short of money? How much? I still have a small coffer!"

Su Chen shook his head with a smile. "Forget about your little money! Just keep it as your own private money, and buy what you like!"

Gu Qingya pouted. "Hmph, you underestimate me! Let me tell you, my sister is also a little rich woman. Although I abdicated from my family's company, they didn't treat me badly and gave me a full 100 billion pension!"

"How much?" Su Chen was dumbfounded. "100 billion? Damn, daughter-in-law, are you so valuable?"

Gu Qingya gave Su Chen a white look. "Go! What are you talking about? Has anyone said that about your wife?"

Su Chen smiled awkwardly. "Hey, I made a slip of the tongue. Daughter-in-law, please continue."

"There is nothing to say? I have been in charge of the family company for seven years, and the company's market value has doubled tenfold. It is both credit and hard work. And I also exchanged the money for shares. I will All the shares in the company were sold to the company, and only in exchange for 100 billion to leave the house!"

(End of this chapter)

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