Chapter 178
"Daughter-in-law, let's talk about your family affairs. It's already like this between us, but I don't know much about your family. It's really unreasonable!"

Speaking of this, Su Chen was really embarrassed.The development of the two of them is really fast, so some prelude items are almost omitted,
Gu Qingya moved on Su Chen's lap, finding a comfortable position.Then he gave Su Chen a blank look, and said, "You still know? I thought you didn't intend to ask!"

"How is it possible?" Su Chen smiled and touched his nose. "Didn't it be a little sudden before? Daughter-in-law, don't worry, I'm really not a person who puts on my pants and refuses to admit it. No matter what happens in my life, your name will definitely be on the household registration book at home!"

"Oh, why don't you put up your pants and don't admit it? It's so disgusting!" Gu Qingya blushed, but she was happy in her heart. After hitting Su Chen lightly, she said, "Actually, my family is very simple, and my parents also It's an ordinary person!"

"How is it possible?" Su Chen's eyes instantly enlarged. "I heard from Su Pan that you are the only child of the Gu family, right? How could your parents be ordinary people?"

Gu Qingya shook her head. "It's a long story to say. In fact, I am not from the Gu family. The Gu family belongs to my master. My master is the head of the Gu family and the chairman of Jinding Group. My master and my dad have been close friends for decades. , also surnamed Gu. Therefore, when I was four years old, I was accepted as an apprentice by the master and declared that I was her daughter.

At that time, I didn't know much about it. I didn't know until later that the Gu family's contacts were withered in my master's generation. Apart from him, there were only three older sisters.And my master, for some reason, has never had an heir.It wasn't until I was nine years old that Master finally gave birth to a child, but it was a bit late after all.

At the age of 20, Master died of illness.For a while, the Gu family was in turmoil for the successor.In name, the successor must be my little brother Gu Feng.But he was only 11 years old that year, and he couldn't bear the burden at all.So at this time, the offspring of the Gu family started thinking about competing for the chairman's position, and even took Gu Feng's shares step by step.

Fortunately, my master made an arrangement before he died. He divided the shares of the family under his control into two parts. Gu Feng and I each have half, so we have [-]% of the group's shares.Coupled with the full support of Gu Feng's little aunts, our three parties' shares just exceeded [-]%, and we have the right to speak in the board of directors.

So, just like that, I was promoted to the position of chairman.Because no one else is eligible except me.And in order to explain to the outside world, I have always been in charge of the group as the master's daughter.

This charge is seven years!

Seven years later, Gu Feng grew up and was full.Under the operation of his sister-in-law, I completed the handover with him, and I also gave him all the shares under my name, all of which I promised Master at the beginning.

In order to thank me, Gu Feng also gave me 100 billion as compensation.Of course, the group didn't have so much money at one time, so Gu Feng gave me a few shops as compensation.That's the way it is. "

Su Chen was dumbfounded.

He is most annoyed by seeing these intrigues in wealthy companies, so he doesn't understand at all.

"So, are you Kong Ming abdicating or being demolished by crossing the river?"

Gu Qingya smiled slightly. "Don't worry, I did all of this voluntarily. In fact, Gu Feng didn't want to hand it over so early. He said he was going to college and studying. But I insisted on completing the handover. First, with his sister-in-law around, even if he became a Chairman, the company doesn't need him to worry about it for the time being. Besides, I am the chairman, and the fact that I hold the shares of the Gu family has always been a thorn in the Gu family's heart. Even if they don't usually say it clearly, they always hint at it I.

And the most important thing is that I am also really tired. These years, for Jinding Group, I have spent almost all of my time for seven years, even ignoring my parents for this.I am not young anymore, and I also need to think about it for me and my parents, so it is just right to abdicate at this time! "

Hearing this, Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief, as long as his daughter-in-law wasn't bullied.

"It's okay! If you quit, you can quit. It's not a good group. If you can't stay idle in the future, daughter-in-law, all the groups in our family will be handed over to you. I don't want to take care of them anyway. Let me tell you, although our own company It’s just started, but it’s much more promising than that broken golden tripod.”

Gu Qingya shook her head. "No, you don't want to take care of it, and I don't want to take care of it. If I really can't be free in the future, I'll just take care of the few gold stores that Gu Feng gave me to pass the time. As for the big groups, I really don't want to take care of them. Yes, I'm too tired."

"Okay! I'll listen to you! By the way, daughter-in-law, you haven't told me about our parents yet!"

"Bah! What is our father and mother? It's something that hasn't been filmed yet!"

"Why is this gone? Daughter-in-law, you can't go back on your word. No, we can get the certificate when we return to Beijing. We can't delay this day. I can't let you run away!"

Gu Qingya was sweet in her heart, kissed Su Chen, and said: "You, don't worry! I won't run away, and I will never run away!"

"Well, my wife is the best!" Su Chen just hugged Gu Qingya and rubbed against her.

Well, rubbing against one's own wife can't be called taking advantage!
"Come on, let me tell you about my parents."

"Okay, tell me, daughter-in-law, I'll listen." Su Chen's expression was immediately serious.

"My parents are actually ordinary people. My father is a teacher and has taught books all his life, so he has a straight temper. But I think this person is also an old child. If I can get along with him, I will find that he is easy to get along with.

As for my mother, she has been an accountant all her life, but she has already retired early. Now she is idle in the neighborhood committee of the community.

There is also a younger sister in my family who is in the first year of high school. That girl is very naughty, you will know when you see her! "

Su Chen was a little touched after hearing this.

This kind of family was really what he once envied.For so many days and nights, he has wished for a parent who would love him dearly, but unfortunately, even with the boss of the system, his wish cannot be realized.

Huh?Isn't now an opportunity?Isn't it said that a son-in-law is half a son, and there is no man in the daughter-in-law's family, so if he goes, isn't he his own son?

Thinking of this, Su Chen felt a little moved. Looking at his wife, he couldn't wait to say: "Daughter-in-law, why don't we go to your house now? I can't wait to meet our parents?"

Gu Qingya was taken aback for a moment, but after seeing the longing in Su Chen's eyes, she instantly understood.She knew that Su Chen was an orphan, and she understood Su Chen's thoughts.

For a moment, Gu Qingya hugged Su Chen with some distress.

"Honey, don't worry, my home will be your home in the future!"

Su Chen nodded movedly, and then naturally lay in his wife's arms.
(End of this chapter)

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