I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 182 Young and energetic?

Chapter 182 Young and energetic?

Another two days passed quickly.

In the past two days, Su Chen, Yu Qiang and the others were having a good time.

After Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, the group went to Shangri-La and Lijiang Old Town.Everyone eats and plays together, it is really a joy to leave.

It's a pity that the cool time is always short.Everyone only played for three days, and everyone left early because of various jobs. Su Chen's big travel plan ended just as it started.

But Su Chen is not disappointed, because not only Yu Qiang and others have something to do, he also has his own things to do, and that is to get rid of his father-in-law!

Gu Qingya contacted her family two days ago.The two elders in the family heard that their daughter was finally wanted by someone. Uh, my daughter finally found her other half. They were very happy, and hurried back from the countryside with their second daughter.

It happened to be fine here, so Su Chen decided to come to the door immediately.

Early in the morning, the houses in the ancient city of Dali were bustling again.It was a coincidence that everyone left today, and their destination was the imperial capital, only Su Chen and Gu Qingya's destination was Jiangzhou.So Su Chen decided to take everyone back at once, but the flight route had to turn a corner, drop him off in Jiangzhou, and then the plane was returning to Beijing.

The house was temporarily sealed, and some of the precious ornaments that Su Chen bought before were also kept, but he locked them in the study.Someone will stay in the house to watch the house and clean it in time.

Everyone was busy cleaning up early in the morning, Su Chen was not idle here, he was talking with Guo Xiaoshi.

"Boss, how do you reply from Xianguo Terrace? The people there have been waiting for two days."

"Let's change it to cooperation. We can plan and invest."

"Then you won't participate?"

"I definitely don't have time for the time being. I also asked Brother Ji'er. They also prefer to make guest appearances when they have time, and they don't want to be resident guests. Oh, by the way, Qi Lin has time, so let's count him in.

Tell them, according to my plan, let them shoot first, if I have time, I can go to the cameo, um, in addition, the role of the rich second generation will be given to Su Pan, I contacted him before, he is very interested in this of.At that time, he can solve the shooting location and other things, which can be regarded as an investment. "

"Okay! I will communicate with that side."

"Well, is there anything else?"

"Yes, Mr. Wen called before, saying that the first batch of temperature-adjustable clothing has been produced, and now we are negotiating clothing brands, and they will be on the market soon.

In addition, Mr. Wen said that he has expanded the scale of the research institute, saying that he will go all out to conquer lithium-air batteries! "

"Hey! It's Lao Wen after all, he's quick enough. You tell Lao Wen that he should order the clothes himself, so don't ask me again. On the other side of the research institute, you tell him to let him go as far as he can. Hands and feet, since we want to do it, we should make it bigger at one time. It is best to build a super research laboratory for all subjects. We can vigorously tap talents in all aspects, and don’t be afraid to spend money. You tell him that I have many new projects here, as long as he Someone, I can find him a new project!"

"Okay! I've made a note of it! Well, there's Sister Ning, they've already begun to register the company, but they seem to have suddenly received news that a super auction abroad is about to start, and they've already left the country urgently !"

"This is a good thing. I hope they can return with a full load. Tell them, if you find something good, you can tell me that we are not short of money! Is there any more?"

When Guo Xiaoshi heard this, she suddenly bit her pen, and stopped talking.

Su Chen was taken aback, turned his head, rubbed Guo Xiaoshi's little head, and said with a smile: "You, what is there to hesitate about with me?"

Guo Xiaoshi giggled, and suddenly squeezed her whole body into Su Chen's arms.

"Oh, I want to plead for mercy, I'm sorry!"

"So you're going to seduce me?"

"Then you let me seduce you?"

Su Chen was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile: "You little idiot, how can you seduce me in the morning? Even if I want to, I don't have time?"

"Oh, I don't care, I can't help it."

Su Chen scratched Guo Xiaoshi's nose. "Okay, let's talk, I want to hear, who is worthy of my little poem to "go to war"!"

"Actually, you also know that person?"


"My third sister!"

"Your third sister?" Su Chen was stunned for a long time before thinking of someone. "Uh, you mean Han Yao?"


Su Chen frowned and said, "What happened to her?"

Her impression of Han Yao is not very good!
This girl is a ghost, she has too many eyes, and she is a little self-righteous.

Seeing Guo Xiaoshi like this, he instinctively thought that Han Yao had messed up again.

"No, no, boss, it's not what you think." Guo Xiaoshi organized her words and said, "That's right. Didn't you bet with my third sister before? Obviously she lost. My third sister made a bet for a while. I was a little flustered, but suddenly heard that my master had become the boss of the company, so I went to talk to Mr. Wen about it. As a result, Mr. Wen scolded him severely, and almost kicked him out of the division. Fortunately, Mr. Wen finally My heart softened, and I didn't give up on my third sister, but let her keep her promise. That is to work for the company for free for three years.

My third sister did not dare to disobey the order of the teacher, so she could only accept her fate! "

Su Chen heard the words, smiled lightly and said, "Isn't that good?"

"But." Guo Xiaoshi whispered: "But is it true that my third sister won't be paid for three years?"

Su Chen nodded. "Since it's a bet, we must do what we say."

"But without wages, how can he live?"

Su Chen pouted. "Can't I live without a salary? I promised him food and housing, and a small subsidy at ordinary times. If he wants to travel or seek medical treatment, as long as he doesn't spend money randomly, the company will reimburse her. Can't he live for three years?"

"If you can get there, you can, but you will suffer a little bit."

Su Chen shook his head. "Even if you endure hardships, you will become a superior person. Where in the world can you get something for nothing?"

When Guo Xiaoshi heard this, she thought of Su Chen with a faint look in her eyes.

"Gah?" Su Chen reacted in an instant, and quibbled: "What do you think I am doing? My inheritance is also through my efforts, and I have inherited it bit by bit. It is not acceptable!"

Guo Xiaoshi pursed her lips, "Do you think I look like a fool?" ' expression.

Su Chen laughed and said: "Okay, don't take it seriously. Don't worry about your third sister. With his master there, nothing will happen. In fact, this matter is also a good thing for your third sister. He Too young and energetic, need to sharpen your temper.

Moreover, since it is rare for my little poem baby to beg me once, I will give you a promise, as long as he sincerely repents and makes progress, I don't mind giving him another chance in the future! "

"Really! Hee hee, I am the boss and you are the best!"

"Cut, don't you know who was still questioning me just now?"

"Who? I didn't, it wasn't me, don't look at me!"

(End of this chapter)

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