I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 183 Another sign-in gift package

Chapter 183 Another sign-in gift package
Talked to Guo Xiaoshi about the business for a long time, and Su Chen has almost cleaned up here, so he doesn't need to worry about the rest, and someone will naturally load the car.

"Okay, let's go find your sister Qingya, let's have breakfast together!"

Guo Xiaoshi nodded obediently, after two days of running-in.Guo Xiaoshi has fully adapted to her identity, and has been conquered by Gu Qingya.The two usually get together, sister and sister call each other very affectionately, and even Su Chen can't tell whether the two are sincere.But he is so happy, it must be a good thing that his backyard can be more harmonious.

Pulling Guo Xiaoshi out of the study, Su Chen habitually called out the system to check in every day.

However, after signing today, he suddenly discovered that today is actually the seventh day.In other words, he can receive the big gift package again.

Not to mention, Su Chen really had some small expectations.Since he has no mission, he has no chance to get rich, and he is already in an economic crisis, so he especially hopes that the sign-in gift package can give him some surprises.

Pretending to be calm and rubbing his hands, Su Chen clicked sign in impatiently.

In the next moment, a series of prompts sounded in Su Chen's heart.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for completing the sign-in on the seventh day."

"Ding, congratulations to the host for getting the sign-in weekly gift package, do you want to open it?"

"Open!" Su Chen said silently without hesitation.

"Ding, congratulations to the host for successfully opening the gift package and getting a glimpse of the spiritual spring, three acres of spiritual fields, ten spiritual fruit saplings, and a hundred spiritual seeds!"


"What the hell? Changed to a fairy-like style?"

Seeing the nouns with the word "spirit", Su Chen instantly thought of the elixir.

Afterwards, Su Chen hurriedly opened the detailed explanation of the rewards, only after seeing it did Su Chen understand.

He thinks too much about feelings again.The so-called spirit trees and spirit seeds are nothing more than nutritious and medically valuable fruits and medicinal materials. The medicinal wines and pills in the system are all made of these spirit fruit spirit materials.

As for the spiritual spring and the spiritual soil, they are also the best water and soil that are rare in the world. Using them to cultivate the spiritual seeds can stimulate the activity of the spiritual seeds as much as possible and make them grow smoothly.

That is to say, the spirit tree has high requirements on the living conditions, and only the spirit spring and the spirit soil can revive them.

It sounds absurd, but it’s actually nothing if you see it through.The so-called spiritual spring, spiritual soil and spiritual seed are nothing more than a higher-level substance.According to the system, these things were everywhere in ancient times, and they were worthless at all.It's just that with the development of society, the earth is gradually infected with the filth created by human beings, which gradually degrades these natural high-grade substances and makes the resources on the earth more and more barren.

In other words, these things originally belonged to the earth, but they are gone now.

Su Chen didn't pay much attention to these things at first, but after a while he realized that if he could plant all these fruits and seeds, then he only needed to buy some formulas from the system, then he could totally make the system The things in it are copied on the earth, bringing the legendary things to reality, and most importantly, this can avoid the system, the middleman, from making the difference.

And if he can plant a large area, then he can do business in this area.Once successful, it will mean that a large wave of new products will come to the earth, and it will also mean that his already "stretched" financial resources will be greatly relieved.

Su Chen looked at those seeds, his thoughts diverged, but he didn't rush to give an order.These things are all extremely precious. If Su Chen wants to plant them, he must plan carefully in advance, so I can't remember them for now.

After eating, everyone boarded the plane together. With the experience from last time, everyone is familiar with it this time. They don't need Su Chen to be polite, they can take care of themselves.

Bragging and farting all the way, more than an hour later, the plane came to the sky above Jiangzhou Airport and landed smoothly.

Su Chen and Gu Qingya got off the plane with bags on their backs. Guo Xiaoshi didn't follow this time. After all, it was the son-in-law's visit and it was inconvenient to take her with her.It happened that there were a lot of things going on in the capital, and Guo Xiaoshi needed to go back and preside over the overall situation.

Su Chen and Gu Qingya, each with a bag.What Gu Qingya carried on her back was her salute, while Su Chen's backpack contained a gift for the second elder.

After leaving the airport, Su Chen saw a slender and enchanting beauty, it was Zhang Huan.

Still the old rules, Su Chen sent her here one day in advance to stand up for him.

The three of them didn't say much when they met, but Gu Qingya thanked Zhang Huan, which made Zhang Huan unprepared and a little "panicked".

The car that came to pick them up was also newly bought by Zhang Huan, a 3000 million Maybach.It wasn't Su Chen Zhangyang, it was Zhang Huan who ran for a whole day yesterday before finally finding a luxury car that could be picked up directly. Everything else needs to be booked in advance.

Fortunately, the two of them used the car this time, and a Maybach was enough.

Su Chen became the co-pilot with ease, this time he didn't even take Gao Qing with him.On the other side of the capital, Gao Qing and others' parents have come, and Gao Qing needs to go back to settle down, so Su Chen didn't let Gao Qing follow.

The three first came to a five-star hotel and put Zhang Huan here, letting her rest here, ready to accept Su Chen's call at any time.

After that, the two drove to an old residential area. Under Gu Qingya's command, the two came to a vegetable market.

Entering the vegetable market, the two searched for a long time before finding a middle-aged woman with a more elegant temperament under Gu Qingya's identification.

The woman was arguing with the stall owner in front of a vegetable stall. Su Chen looked at her mother-in-law from a distance, and couldn't help secretly praising, after all, this is the world of scholars. Her temperament is so elegant, and she doesn't even have much fireworks when bargaining with the vendors.

But after walking in, Su Chen gradually realized that although his future mother-in-law looked gentle, in reality, she seemed to be quite different.

"Hey, I said, why do you still have the face to fight against me? You don't know how your own vegetables are grown. The color of your vegetables is too bright. It's obviously sprayed with medicine. It's okay to spray medicine. It’s understandable in order to accelerate the ripening. But you put up a sign saying that the vegetables are manure vegetables from the countryside, and the price is more expensive than ordinary pesticide vegetables. You are fraudulent. Can I sue you? "

"Hey, old lady, you have been nagging me for an hour. You have ruined several of my business orders! You are too deceitful."

"It's even more deceitful if you engage in fraud."

"That's right, I can't say no to you, and I can't afford to offend you. How about this? Let's see which vegetables you like. I'll give you a [-]% discount, okay?"

"Heh! Who do you think I am? Will I join forces with you?"

"[-]% off!" The small trader wants to cry but has no tears.

"No!" The woman looked righteous.

"[-]% off!" The small vendor gritted his teeth.

"Boy, you still underestimate me!"

"[-]% off, this is my bottom line, aunt, you just accept it when you see it?"

When Su Chen continued to watch his mother-in-law's upright performance, he never expected that his mother-in-law would put on a smiling face in an instant, and said happily, "Success, I forgive you this time. Come on, come on, serve me food quickly, Cucumbers, cabbage, cilantro, and these, I will buy some"

Su Chen: "."

(End of this chapter)

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