I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 184 Do you keep this dish fresh?

Chapter 184 Do you keep this dish fresh?

(Chapter 184)
Not far behind Gu's mother, seeing Gu's sharp bargaining routine, Su Chen couldn't help but click his tongue.

Gu Qingya next to him turned her head, and she couldn't bear to look directly at her.

Su Chen didn't think there was anything wrong, just curious.

"Hey, daughter-in-law, didn't you tell our mother that you are a rich woman?"

Gu Qingya gave Su Chen a blank look, and was very dissatisfied with Su Chen's title of rich woman, but she replied: "I told them, but I didn't say it in too much detail. I just said that I made a lot of money with Uncle Gu. But the old man The two never cared about it. My family is considered a middle-class family, and my ancestors have a good family. Although the family is not rich, it is certainly not short of money, so they rarely ask me about my career.

And I got the 100 billion from buying shares. Before that, my annual salary was only 300 to [-] million, and I never received the dividends from the shares! "

"That's it! That's fine, so you don't owe the Gu family any favors. Getting together with them, this should be one of the best endings in the disputes over the wealth of the wealthy family, right? She is worthy of my wife, and she behaves like this in the world sharp!"

"Go! Now you know how sweet your mouth is? Also, you should pay attention to the influence, we are not married yet, don't rush to call your daughter-in-law!"

"Hey, isn't it just the two of us? I will definitely pay attention when we come to our parents' house. Don't worry, daughter-in-law, my husband will never embarrass you."

"Tch, what do I have to worry about, what does it matter to me whether you lose face or not?"

Gu Qingya said something bluntly, but there was a happy smile on her face that couldn't be concealed.

"Oh, why is my mother buying endlessly? It's really not enough to be greedy for petty gains, and she still buys vegetables knowing that they are pesticides."

Su Chen watched with relish. "Hehe, daughter-in-law, this is why you don't understand. Life is actually firewood, rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea. My mother looks like a person who knows how to live!"

Gu Qingya glared at Su Chen reproachfully. "It's useless for you to be sweet with me, and my mother can't hear it."

"Hehe, I understand, daughter-in-law, you wait here and watch my performance!"

As Su Chen said, he let go of Gu Qingya's little hand, raised his head, and walked forward with his head held high.

"Hey? Why are you going?" Gu Qingya was taken aback for a while, not knowing what Su Chen was going to do.

When Su Chen came to the vegetable stall, he didn't recognize Gu's mother, but picked vegetables first.Then he picked up two cucumbers and asked, "Boss, how do you sell these cucumbers?"

The boss was a young man. He cast a glance at Su Chen, then at Gu's mother, then turned his eyes and said, "Six cents a catty, how much do you want?"

Gu's mother was loading vegetables, she looked up at Su Chen, and then looked away.

The boss sold his cucumbers for [-] cents a catty just now, and when she "struggled with reason", he gave her a [-]% discount, which is [-] cents a catty. Cucumbers on the market usually sell for [-] to [-] cents now. Eight cents a catty.So she took advantage of it, so naturally she didn't want to make extra troubles, and lowered her head to pretend to be her own food.

Su Chen took a cucumber, looked at it carefully, and then said to the boss: "Nowadays, the average cucumber is only [-] cents a catty. Boss, yours is a bit expensive!"

The boss didn't raise the price because Gu's mother was there, and he was afraid that Gu's mother would talk too much.In fact, with his relationship in this vegetable market, as long as it is not too much, he can set whatever price he wants to sell.

But he didn't expect that he had already "conceded", and Su Chen was still reluctant, which was a bit "excessive".

"I said, brother, have you ever bought vegetables? These are fresh vegetables. Do you think it's too expensive to sell you sixty cents a catty?"

Su Chen smiled. "It's normal for fresh cucumbers to sell for [-] cents a catty, but boss, do you dare to say that your vegetables will stay fresh?"

The boss was taken aback. "What's the meaning?"

"It's literally, I'll ask you, do you keep your vegetables fresh?"

When the boss heard this, he immediately became angry. He was already full of anger, but now he was being picked on by Su Chen. No matter how good the boss is, he couldn't stand it, let alone he is not a good-tempered person.

Staring at Su Chen coldly, the boss sternly said: "Boy, have you watched Douyin too much? Do you think you are Brother Qiang after you imitate others? Do you know where this is? How dare you come here to make trouble?"

Su Chen didn't care about the fierce eyes of the boss, and picked out a few more cucumbers slowly, and then said lightly: "Calm down, don't be so angry, I know where this is, and we know that our country is a country ruled by law. Everything is based on facts. Let me ask you a question, do you dare to turn off the lights above the stall?"

The vegetable boss was originally very angry, but when he heard Su Chen's words, his heart suddenly jumped, and he had a bad premonition.

"What do you mean?"

Su Chen shook his head, stopped talking, and reached out to turn off a few lights on the vegetable stand.

The vegetable stall owner's face suddenly changed, and then he reached out to grab Su Chen's hand, but was frightened back by Su Chen's cold eyes.

"You dare to touch me?"

Su Chen is equipped with master-level martial arts skills, and his cold and hard temperament is real.Frightened by Su Chen's eyes, the vendor owner only felt a chill on his forehead, a chill came from his heart, he shivered suddenly, and withdrew his hand reflexively.

And here, a few lights were also turned off.

At this time, many aunts had gathered in front of the stall.Well, the nature of Chinese people who love to watch liveliness is by no means a fabrication.

These aunts were just watching the fun, but after Su Chen turned off the lights on the vegetable stall, everyone immediately discovered the clue.

I saw the vegetables that looked very fresh at first, but after turning off the light, they suddenly wilted instantly. It seemed that they were seriously dehydrated, and they were definitely not the fresh vegetables of the day.

Gu's mother on the side was still watching the fun, but when Su Chen turned off the lights, he could instantly see that all the vegetables in the box had turned wilted, and in an instant, Gu's mother came to her senses.

"This is... Fresh Lamp?"

The fresh light is a kind of special lighting lamp. The function of the fresh light is to add a layer of filter to the vegetables, so that the meat that is not fresh can look fresh and tender, and the vegetables that are wilting can be seen. It looks extremely fresh, which is the usual method of street vendors.

In fact, these methods are not new at all, but sometimes people are always attracted by fresh dishes when they buy vegetables, and subconsciously ignore these lights.

Gu's mother has suffered these losses before. She was always vigilant about this matter, but she didn't expect to ignore it today because she wanted to take advantage of it.

Vegetables that are not fresh can't be sold for a price at all, even if they are [-] cents a catty, few people buy them. After all, no one likes to eat "rotten vegetables", so Gu's mother seems to have taken advantage of it, but in fact she still suffered a big loss.

Most importantly, these dishes will be more pleasant to buy back.Let's eat, but the dishes are really not fresh, and I'm afraid that there will be problems with eating.If you don't eat it, your money will be wasted.

When she thought that she almost bought back a bunch of rotten vegetables, Gu's mother exploded in an instant.Pointing at the vegetable boss just gave him a slap, and other aunts also joined in.

The owner of the vegetable stall was caught off guard by Su Chen, and he could only admit his mistakes again and again, not daring to provoke these aunts at all.

Su Chen retired and sneaked away before the aunts got mad.

But he saw that when he was leaving, the vendor owner looked at him resentfully.

(End of this chapter)

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