I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 185 The Sophisticated Mother Gu

Chapter 185 The Sophisticated Mother Gu

Su Chen stepped back while taking a photo of the vegetable stall owner.

"Old, what are you doing?"

Suddenly, Gu Qingya leaned forward.

"It's okay, just in case." Su Chen shook his head without explaining.

Gu Qingya blinked at Su Chen, didn't ask any more questions, but changed the subject and said, "You can do it. My mother has been working in the vegetable market for so many years, but I didn't expect her eyesight to be worse than yours."

Su Chen shrugged. "It's just a coincidence. Don't forget that I am a chef, and grocery shopping is too familiar to me. And Auntie was just careless."

"Hmph, I think she's greedy for cheap things." Gu Qingya curled her lips, feeling helpless at her mother's character. "ah!"

While Gu Qingya was talking, she suddenly felt a pain in her ears. Looking back, she found that her mother was gnashing her teeth and looking at her, tightly twisting her ears with her hands, and said while twisting:
"Little bastard, who are you saying is greedy for petty gains? You don't come back once in 800 years, and when you come back, you talk bad things about your mother behind your back. Why are you still coming back?"

Seeing that Gu Qingya was being attacked, Su Chen was startled. Just as he was about to make a move, he found out that it was Gu's mother. "Auntie, hello, my name is Su Chen!"

Mother Gu actually saw Su Chen a long time ago, but Su Chen didn't speak, so she didn't dare to recognize him.

Now that Su Chen took the initiative to say hello to her, Mother Gu smiled instantly, and let go of Gu Qingya's ears, then took Su Chen's arm, and smiled gently: "Oh, you are this Su Chen? This little bastard told me Yes. Well, the young man is really good-looking, he is a handsome young man, and he is also a very nice person, it was thanks to you just now."

Gu's mother kept looking at Su Chen up and down. It was the mother-in-law looking at her son-in-law, and the more she looked at her, the more she liked him.

To be honest, Su Chen's appearance is too much. It is not too much to say that he is a national handsome guy. After all, he has undergone systematic transformation, so his appearance must not be picky.

Coupled with Su Chen's perfect figure and excellent temperament, and Su Chen also helped Gu's mother a lot, so Gu's mother was almost extremely satisfied with Su Chen.The first time I saw Su Chen, I couldn't like it, and I looked at Su Chen with a smile in my eyes.

Seeing that his mother-in-law liked him so much, Su Chen was also delighted, and hurriedly said: "Auntie, we are all one family, so it's polite to say so. I heard Qingya say how nice you are, Auntie, and that you are amiable, gentle and kind. Now As soon as we met, as expected, what Qing Ya said was not an exaggeration at all, Auntie, your temperament is really great!"

Gu's mother was so happy that Su Chen praised her from ear to ear, and quickly said: "Xiao Su, you are too good at talking. Oh, Xiao Su, you said that we are a family, so what are you called aunt?"

Su Chen was shocked and changed his words instantly. "Mom! Mom! I am an orphan, and you will be my real mother from now on!"

"Hey! That's great, I've wanted to have such an older son for a long time!" Gu's mother's happy eyes turned into crescent moons.

Speaking of which, Gu's mother and Gu Qingya look very similar, and Gu's mother is well maintained. Although Gu's mother is nearly fifty years old, she does not look old at all. She looks like she is in her 30s, and she is still very beautiful.

So for Gu's mother's enthusiasm, Su Chen not only didn't feel uncomfortable, but was very happy, really happy.This feeling of having family is really fascinating.

Gu Qingya on the side looked dumbfounded.

She never expected that Su Chen would be so liked by her mother.This must be a good thing, Gu Qingya was very happy.She really likes Su Chen, so naturally she also hopes that Su Chen can live in harmony with her parents. Now this scene is exactly what she wants to see, so she just forgot about being scolded by her mother just now. It was the first time she was beaten, and Gu Qingya was used to Gu's mother's "toughness".

It's just that Gu's mother was so direct, which still made her a little uneasy.

"Mom, we haven't received the certificate yet, isn't it too early for you?"

"How early?" Gu's mother gave Gu Qingya a sideways glance when she heard that, and said, "I'm talking to my son, what's wrong with you?"

After scolding Gu Qingya, Mother Gu turned her head and looked at Su Chen, with a smile on her face instantly. "Oh, son, let me tell you, choosing a wife is a major event in life. You, my little bastard, are you in the truth? Do you want to think about it again? You are at a disadvantage by marrying this little bastard!"

Su Chen: "???!!!"

Gu Qingya: "."

Gu Qingya was stunned for a moment, whose real mother is this?If you don't know the truth, you must think that Gu's mother is Su Chen's real mother, her mother-in-law.

How can there be such a cheating girl?

Gu Qingya was in a bad mood for a while.

Su Chen was also amused by Gu's mother, but she could tell that Gu's mother was joking and was also trying to get closer to him.Don't look at Gu's mother beating and scolding Gu Qingya, but the way she looked at Gu Qingya was full of longing and concern, but she didn't show it.

"Mom, Qingya and I really love each other. The most important thing about coming here this time is to see your elders, and then let your elders inspect me. If you agree, I want to get a certificate with Qingya as soon as possible!"

Sure enough, when Mother Gu heard this, she smiled from the bottom of her heart. "Agree, agree, what's wrong with this? I'll give you the account book later!"

"Hey, Mom, you are too open-minded. No wonder Qingya has so many excellent qualities, and her feelings are all inherited from you."

Gu's mother couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear, squinted her eyes and waved her big hand. "Oh, Xiao Su, your eyes are so sharp that you didn't even notice it. To be honest, Gu Qingya, this little bastard is much worse than me. It's all because she wasn't by my side since she was a child, and she didn't discipline her well!"

"That is, after all, Qingya is the flesh that fell from your body, and it is definitely not comparable to you."

Su Chen and Gu's mother chatted more and more speculatively, but Gu Qingya followed behind, but she was a little weak.

Is this the son-in-law visiting or the daughter-in-law visiting?
Looking at her own mother, Gu Qingya fell into self-doubt.

After a while, several people came to the parking space, and Su Chen found his car smoothly.

When Gu's mother saw the mighty Maybach, she was startled.

"Oh, Xiao Su, isn't this car cheap?"

"Well, it's okay, it's not expensive!"

Mother Gu took a serious look at Su Chen and said, "Xiao Su, is this your car?"


"What do you do? Why are you so rich?"

Su Chen instantly saw a hint of vigilance in Gu's mother's eyes.For a moment, Su Chen was full of emotions. Sure enough, Jiang was still old and hot. If it weren't for this vigilance, Su Chen really thought that Gu's mother liked him so much just now from the bottom of her heart!

"Mom, let's get in the car first. After getting in the car, I'll tell you about my situation."

Gu Qingya also stepped forward in time and said: "Mom, you think too much, he has much more money than me."

Su Chen looked at Gu Qingya in surprise, and then at Su Chen.Then without saying a word, he got into the car carefully.

(End of this chapter)

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