Chapter 186 Answers
In the car, when Gu's mother knew part of Su Chen's situation, she felt better about Su Chen, and she let go of her temptations in her words, appearing more cordial.

To be honest, Mother Gu's performance was a bit forceful.But from the perspective of being a parent, this is actually quite normal. There are no parents who do not worry about their daughters. It is very normal to inquire about their son-in-law's financial situation. As long as they don't covet Su Chen's property too much, then Gu's mother will be human in everything she does. common sense.

And judging from the fact that Gu's parents didn't know that their daughter was a rich woman for so long, it is obvious that the two elders are not greedy people who hate the poor and love the rich.

When they met for the first time, Su Chen and Gu's mother were very satisfied with each other.As for Gu Qingya, she was not in such a good mood, anyway, she was rejected by all kinds of people.

In the beginning, Gu Qingya felt wronged in various ways, but she gradually got used to it. My mother has been like this since she was a child, and this is not the first time.

"Mom, where is my dad?"

Gu Qingya took a chance to interject.

Mother Gu snorted softly. "Your dad? Where else can I go besides the old street?"

"Old Street?" Gu Qingya was stunned after hearing this, and then explained to Su Chen. "Old Street is an ancient cultural play trading market on our side. It is said that it used to be a ghost market. It existed in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. It was an underground market for ancient cultural transactions. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, the ghost market was gradually transformed, from dark to bright, lost. It has lost its uniqueness, so it gradually declined, but it is still very popular with some old players. It is said that many old objects can be found in it. My dad is a frequent visitor to the old street. There is a room in my house, which is piled up by him over the years. Great collection."

After hearing this, Su Chen became interested, looked back at Gu's mother, and asked, "Mom, does my father like to play ancient Chinese?"

When Mother Gu heard this, she curled her lips. "He's just messing around. He doesn't understand, so he knows how to follow the trend. He listens to what others say, and he doesn't know how much money he threw into those broken copper bowls!"

"Hehe, that's really a coincidence, Mom, to tell you the truth, I also like to study these things."

Gu Qingya looked up at Su Chen, sighed and said: "The ones you play are all cultural relics and antiques at the collection level, and they are not on the same level as my dad. Don't show off like my dad, or he will control you when the time comes." I want you not to look for me!"

Su Chen was happy. "Look at what you said, they're all toys. There's no level. If my dad likes them, I'll give them as much as they want!"

When Gu's mother heard this, it was rare for her to stand by her daughter this time, and persuaded Su Chen: "Oh, Xiaochen, you also like to collect? But Xiaoya is right, you should listen to him. Our father is right. Wenwan and antiques are really super obsessed, and yours are all good things, don't let him ruin them."

Hearing this, Su Chen scratched his head. "Okay, let's talk about this later!"

He wasn't stubborn, anyway, he couldn't hide these things, he just had to adapt to the situation when the time came.

After Su Chen heard about this, he was really relieved. Before he asked Gu Qingya what Gu's father liked, but Gu Qingya didn't say anything, so that he didn't know what to give as a gift. Now it's all right, the things on his body , Take out a few pieces at random, and they will definitely satisfy Gu's father. No matter how bad it is, the mall will cover the bottom line. It seems that the old man's level is not a problem.

A group of people drove, and soon came to the side of the old street.Mother Gu's family lives on the side of the old street. In fact, there is also a vegetable market here. The reason why Mother Gu ran so far was to buy some good meat for Su Chen. That market is a famous meat market in Jiangzhou. The meat is basically freshly killed on the same day, and the quality is excellent. Gu's mother bought a lot of meat there. She originally wanted to buy vegetables as well, but she didn't expect that there were so many problems with the vegetable stalls there.

The three got out of the car, and then divided into two groups.Gu's mother went shopping by herself, while Su Chen went to the old street to look for Gu's father.Originally, Su Chen wanted Gu Qingya to accompany Gu's mother, but Gu's mother resolutely refused.Gu's mother has lived here for more than 20 years, she is too familiar with this place, how can she need someone to accompany her?

Gu Qingya was also very familiar with this place, but it was Su Chen's first time here, so Su Chen didn't insist.

Speaking of which, Su Chen is really curious about this old street.Since Panjiayuan, he has never visited a stall again, and after having a mall, his desire to collect ancient texts has also decreased a lot.

However, as soon as he stepped into the old street, Su Chen found that his blood was agitated again, and his whole body was full of desire to pick up leaks.

Su Chen smacked his lips, it seems that no matter how rich a person is, they all have a gambling instinct hidden in their bones.

Pulling Gu Qingya, Su Chen didn't open the sky eye this time, but wanted to use his master-level appraising skills to scan the booth. The efficiency of opening the sky eye is high, but it doesn't have the kind of uncertain gambling. , that sense of accomplishment will be greatly reduced.

"Tsk, don't tell me, these things are not bad. Look at that porcelain vase, the door is wide open at a glance, it is definitely something from the Ming Dynasty."

Su Chen walked in front of various small stalls, explaining to Gu Qingya while walking.

Gu Qingya also grew up in the old street, so she must know a lot about these things.But the eyesight is definitely not comparable to that of Su Chen.Hearing Su Chen's words, she also followed her gaze. After a while, she realized from various characteristics that the porcelain vase was indeed an old object, but she couldn't tell which dynasty it belonged to.

Some things, without comparison, do not know the strengths and weaknesses.Originally, Gu Qingya thought that Su Chen's skills were all in betting on stones and carvings, and that he must dabble in cultural and antiques, and his appreciation of quality was probably about the same as hers.

But now with Su Chen's words, Gu Qingya instantly understood that Su Chen's appreciation of ancient cultural relics must be top-notch.

Thinking of this, Gu Qingya sighed.

"Huh? What's the matter? Why are you still sighing?"

Gu Qingya looked at Su Chen with complicated eyes. "What do you think? It's not that you are too good. Sometimes I wonder, are you a monster? Why do you have so many abilities at such a young age? Compared with you, I am nothing!"

"Huh? How can you be useless?"

"Isn't it? Then tell me, what am I better than you?"

"You conquered me, isn't that enough?"

When Gu Qingya heard this, her sad and pretty face was filled with joy in an instant, she pursed her lips, and gave Su Chen a charming white look. "Oh, you tease me again!"

"No, it's the truth!" Su Chen looked at Gu Qingya's pretty face, couldn't help but pecked the beauty's mouth, then hugged Gu Qingya gently, and said in a gentle voice: "It's so spicy, don't think too much, don't care about me No matter how many abilities I have, I am your husband, even if I am really Sun Wukong, then you must be the Tathagata Buddha, and I will never escape your grasp in my life!"

Gu Qingya's heart was too sweet, she knew that Su Chen was comforting her, but she could also tell that what Su Chen said was sincere.That's why he was so moved. Thinking about how such a perfect and excellent man as Su Chen actually walked with her, at this moment, Gu Qingya is absolutely absolutely, there will be no regrets in this life!

Hugging Su Chen violently, Gu Qingya lay in Su Chen's arms, with happiness on her pretty face, and whispered: "My husband, don't leave Qingya for the rest of your life, okay?"

Su Chen hugged Gu Qingya, and said in a gentle and firm voice: "I want to spend my whole life answering this question for you!"

(End of this chapter)

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