Chapter 188
Su Chen glanced to the side, and the person who was talking was a man who was about the same age as Gu's father. This man was dressed in middle-aged and elderly casual clothes, and his black and white hair was combed into the same style as "Fa Ge". Gold, jade on the finger, very hard temperament, at first glance, he is not very kind-tempered.

Su Chen didn't speak, but asked Father Gu with his eyes.

Father Gu turned his head and opened his mouth to the man. "I said, Lao Zhao, what are you urging? Lao Sun's Avalokitesvara Jade has been on display for less than half a month, and it's not the first time you've seen it. If you wanted to buy it, why did you go so early?"

The man was not annoyed when he heard the words, but said slowly: "I didn't think about it before, but now I have thought about it. Are you going to buy it or not? If you don't buy it, I'm going to make a move!"

"Bullshit!" Gu's father jumped on his head when he heard this. "I don't know who you, Zhao Cha, are? You just wanted to get along with me, and you didn't think about it before? Do you know porcelain? It's clear that you saw that I was right, and you came here to win love!"

Zhao Cha twitched the corner of his mouth, still not annoyed, but said seriously: "What I think has nothing to do with you, now that things have come to this, either you let go, or you bid with me!"

"Fart!" Father Gu was furious. "The rule of this antique stall is first come, first served. Since I get started first, you are not eligible to bid unless I don't want it!"

Zhao Cha sneered. "That's your rule, the rule of the old ghost market, not the rule of the old street. The rules of the old street have always been that the highest bidder gets it!"

Father Gu frowned, glared at Zhao Cha fiercely, then turned to look at the stall owner, and asked, "Old Sun, what do you say about this?"

The stall owner had been dozing off with squinted eyes, as if he was soundly asleep. After hearing what Gu's father said, he reluctantly raised his head to look at the two of them, and then said calmly, "First come, first come, buy it and leave!"

Father Gu gave the stall owner a thumbs up, then looked at Zhao Cha, and said cheerfully, "Zhao, what else do you have to say this time!"

Zhao Cha frowned, looked at the stall owner, and said in a concentrated voice: "Your road has narrowed. What era is it now? You still follow the old rules, but you can't make money!"

The stall owner raised his head impatiently and glared at Zhao Cha. "Are you teaching me how to do things? How I do business has something to do with you? Eat carrots and don't worry!"

"You are very good!" Zhao Cha gave the stall owner a hard look, then turned to look at Gu's father, hesitated for a moment and said: "Old Gu, I won't talk nonsense with you, to tell you the truth, I need This Avalokitesvara statue is going to be given as a gift, if you give him to me today, I owe you a favor!"

Father Gu pouted. "I need your favor? And you don't know who Zhao Cha is, do you think your favor is very valuable?"

"You..." Zhao Zha's face was ashen. After taking a few deep breaths, he suppressed his anger, and then said to Gu's father, "Then can I buy it at double the price?"

After Gu's father heard it, he refused without hesitation. He likes antiques from the bottom of his heart and cannot be measured by money.

However, before Father Gu could refuse, Su Chen leaned forward and whispered something in Father Gu's ear.

After Gu's father heard it, his face was filled with astonishment.Turning to look at Su Chen, he asked in surprise, "Are you serious? How sure are you?"

"Eighty percent!" Su Chen didn't talk too much, after all, if there is no existence of Tianyan, then there is too much gambling in this matter.

Father Gu looked at Su Chen seriously, and after pondering for a while, he said to Zhao Cha: "Zhao Cha, I'm going to order this Guanyin statue today, but I just want to play with it when I buy it. If you really want to buy it , call me in three days!"

Zhao Cha's eyes narrowed slightly. He saw clearly the conversation between Su Chen and Gu's father just now, and he became suspicious. "Gu Yun, what were you talking about just now? Is there something wrong with it?"

After Gu's father heard this, he ignored Zhao Cha, but looked directly at the stall owner and said, "Boss, I want this Guanyin statue!"

The stall owner seemed to have finally regained his energy, yawned, and got up to close the stall. "Okay, the bank is next to it, let's transfer money!"

"Don't be so troublesome!" Su Chen stood up and said, "Boss, just give me the card number, and I'll pay you."

The stall owner was taken aback for a moment, then nodded, and gave out his card number.

Su Chen fumbled on the phone, and after a while, the stall owner received the bank information.

"Tsk, 300 million has arrived. Can the mobile phone transfer such a large amount at the same time?"

Su Chen smiled and didn't answer.His card is the super supreme card given by China Construction Bank, which has various privileges. Transferring several million at a time is just a trivial matter for him.

Zhao Cha over there stared at Su Chen for a while because of this.He is a businessman, so he naturally knows what it means to transfer 300 million yuan at any time by mobile phone, which means that Su Chen must be a big customer with a deposit of more than [-] million yuan in the bank, a VIP customer with a special bank card.

He, Zhao Cha, has been in Jiangzhou for so long, and only has a little privilege in the bank with the assets he has accumulated for half his life, and Su Chen has such a right at such a young age.Obviously, it can basically be classified as the second generation.

When did the Gu family climb to the top?

Zhao Cha's thoughts changed for a while.

Father Gu didn't think so much, instead he was still struggling with the 300 million.

"Oh, no, no, Xiao Su, how can I let you spend this money, I'll go to the bank and transfer it to you later!"

Su Chen didn't speak, but Gu Qingya, who understood Su Chen's thoughts, hurried forward and said: "Dad, this is a trivial matter, so don't worry about it, just treat it as my daughter bought it for you, let's go back and talk about it if we have something to say!"

When Father Gu heard this, he hesitated for a moment, but he was not stubborn after all.

Turning around to look at Zhao Cha, Gu's father simply said: "Zhao Cha, for the sake of the neighbors for many years, what I just said still counts. If you call me in three days, I can sell you this Guanyin statue at the original price! "

Zhao Cha nodded. "Okay, I hope you keep your word!"

After speaking, Zhao Cha turned and left.

Afterwards, Gu's father didn't stay any longer, and after carefully installing the Guanyin statue, he, Su Chen, and Gu Qingya turned and went home.

The Gu family lived in an older community, but the community had been renovated. Although the outside looked a little old, the various facilities inside were very advanced, and there were no hidden dangers in terms of safety.

A group of people took a walk, and returned to the downstairs of Gu's house in just three to five minutes.

Open the door, go upstairs, and enter the house!
The Gu family is on the third floor, a very nice floor.

The one who opened the door was a little girl of sixteen or seventeen years old. The little girl was very pretty, she was somewhat similar to Gu Qingya, but she was much younger than Gu Qingya.The only special thing is that the little girl's eyes are very big, a bit bigger than Gu Qingya's big eyes, and her eyes are very energetic. When she talks, her eyeballs roll around, making her look very clever.

It was Gu Qingya's younger sister - Gu Qingyu!

(End of this chapter)

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