Chapter 189 Gu Qingyu

"Ah, sister, you are back! Did you bring me a present?"

As soon as Gu Qingyu saw Gu Qingya, she was so happy, she stretched out her arms and hugged Gu Qingya's suitcase!
Gu Qingya shook her head helplessly, and stretched out her hand skillfully to give Gu Qingyu a headache.

"Go, don't make trouble! Is there anyone else?"

Gu Qingya's head hurt from being bounced, she couldn't help pouting, she covered her head with her hands, her eye sockets got wet, just about to perform the Dafa of calling mother, when she turned her head and saw Su Chen, her eyes instantly straightened, and she instantly forgot After feeling the pain in his head, he immediately took out his mobile phone and walked towards Su Chen, and said skillfully:

"Zi Liu, my god, handsome guy, such a handsome handsome guy. Zi Liu, handsome guy, leave a WeChat message!"

The corner of Su Chen's mouth twitched, a little dumbfounded.

This is the naughty little girl Gu Qingya was talking about?this is too
Well, not to mention it's quite interesting, he has always wanted to have a younger sister, and he had some expectations before coming here, but now for some reason, he regrets this idea a bit.

"Everyone enter the house, what are you doing standing at the door?"

At this time, Mother Gu came over in time and greeted: "Oh, Xiao Su, you are welcome, just treat this as your own home! You do it first, and I will wash the vegetables!"

Gu Qingya shook her head, showing that she glanced at the house and found that everything looked familiar, she couldn't help feeling warm in her heart, changed shoes with Su Chen, then skillfully pinched the back of Gu Qingyu's neck, and said ruthlessly : "Little sister, come into the room with me, I have something to talk to you about!"

Gu Qingyu was shocked suddenly, as if thinking of something bad, his expression changed drastically in an instant. "No, sister, I was wrong, I don't want handsome guys, and I don't want gifts anymore. Don't drag me, mom, save me. Ah~!"

Before Gu Qingyu could finish her sentence, she was pulled into her room by Gu Qingya. A moment later, there was the sound of a thunderclap in the room.

Su Chen stood alone at the door.

Hmm, a little embarrassing.Can't help but blame Gu Qingya, can you think about your lonely and helpless husband before you teach your sister a lesson?Or let me go with you?I can help you too!

"Hehe, Xiao Su, right? Come and sit down, you don't need to be so polite at home!"

Finally, Father Gu put away the Guanyin statue and came to the living room to relieve Su Chen.

Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief, as long as someone is there, he is not afraid of being interrogated, but he is afraid that no one will pay attention to him.

Su Chen sat down generously on the sofa in the living room, but Gu's father started chatting.

At first, the two just chatted about Su Chen's situation and his and Gu Qingya's affairs.

Hearing that Su Chen was an orphan and had inherited a large amount of inheritance, Father Gu's expression also changed.To be honest, it stands to reason that Su Chen's condition is definitely the ideal condition that girls are most looking forward to now.

But as a parent, after Gu's father heard it, his first reaction was that Su Chen didn't have parents, which means that his character is uncertain, and people who have no worries in their hearts are often very ruthless.Father Gu was very worried that Su Chen would disappoint his daughter.

Therefore, Gu's father has been testing Su Chen's character on the sidelines. Gu's father is a teacher, and these topics are still easy for him.

It took a while for Gu's father to gradually confirm that Su Chen's personality is very good, at least he is not a heartless person.This also made Gu's father gradually feel at ease, and he no longer objected to the eldest daughter's marriage.

Su Chen also wiped his sweat secretly.After all, he was a teacher, the level of chatting is different, Su Chen almost couldn't stand it, but fortunately he has such a nature, he doesn't need to hide anything, otherwise, if there is something nasty, maybe he will be asked by Father Gu.

Su Chen has always acted openly and aboveboard, and his only problem with Gu Qingya is his fickleness, but this has also been approved by Gu Qingya, so Su Chen is not false about this matter at all.

After a while, Gu Qingya finally finished training her sister, and brought Gu Qingyu back to the hall.

Obviously, after being trained, Gu Qingyu became much more honest. She changed from a smart girl to a good girl. When she saw Su Chen, she yelled brother-in-law obediently, which caught Su Chen by surprise.

Here, Mother Gu's dishes are almost done.Su Chen offered to help with the cooking, but Gu's mother strongly refused at first. After all, it is the first time for my uncle to come to the house, so how can there be any reason for asking my uncle to cook?

However, after Gu's father and Gu's sisters unanimously voted, they rejected Gu's mother's decision and agreed to let Su Chen be in charge.

The main reason is that Gu's mother's cooking skills are really mediocre. Over the years, the father and daughter of the Gu family have been tortured quite a lot. It is rare for Gu Qingya to come back once, and she is also deeply impressed by her mother's cooking skills. Mom punishes the risk of kneeling and voting.

Gu's mother was very angry, but she couldn't get angry in front of Su Chen, so she could only sulk all by herself.In the end, Su Chen took the initiative to cook with Gu's mother, and asked Gu's mother to guide him, so Gu's mother entered the kitchen with Su Chen with a smile on her face.

Knowing that Su Chen and Gu's mother had entered the kitchen, the three of Gu's father and daughter all heaved a sigh of relief, and collapsed on the sofa together, feeling apprehensive for a while.

My God, they dared to veto my mother with one vote!

This was simply unimaginable before.

"Fortunately, my brother-in-law is here, otherwise we would be useless." Gu Qingyu patted his chest, feeling afraid for a while. "Hey, sister, don't say it, I found that my brother-in-law is really good at talking!"

Lu Qingya gave Gu Qingyu a white look. "You think everyone is as annoying as you?"

Gu Qingyu curled her lips, then rolled her eyes, and asked again: "Sister, is brother-in-law's cooking skills really good? We risked our lives to let him take over. I hope his cooking skills are worthy of my cold sweat."

Gu Qingya smiled. "Okay, don't worry. I promise I won't disappoint you. Besides, Xiaoyu, you really don't know your brother-in-law?"

Gu Qingyu was taken aback. "What do you mean? Should I know?"

"Have you not been online these days?"

Gu Qingyu pouted. "Don't mention it, the network at grandma's house is terrible, and there is no wifi. I haven't touched my phone for several days. If there is no mahjong, I don't know how I got here these days."

"No wonder!" Gu Qingya shook her head. "Go to Weibo and search for your brother-in-law's name, and you will know how good your brother-in-law's cooking skills are!"

"Huh?" Gu Qingyu regained his energy in an instant, as if he had discovered a new continent. "Sister, don't tell me, my brother-in-law is still a star."

Father Gu frowned upon hearing this.He didn't have a good impression of the stars in the entertainment industry.

Seeing this, Gu Qingya hurriedly explained: "What nonsense? What is your brother-in-law's status and will he become a star? He just has a few friends in the entertainment industry. He did a live broadcast with them before, and the response was very good. But your brother-in-law doesn't like There is no interest in being a star!"

"Wow, brother-in-law also knows someone in the entertainment industry? Who? Do I know him?" Gu Qingyu couldn't help but asked hurriedly.

Father Gu was also listening attentively, as if he cared a lot about this matter.

Gu Qingya didn't hide it, and explained casually: "Your brother-in-law's friends are all older, and the best friends with him are those from the Deyun Club, such as Yu Qiang and Guo Degang, who have a very good relationship with him!"

(End of this chapter)

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