I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 190 Give Another Harmless Smoke

Chapter 190 Give Another Harmless Smoke
"Yeah! Deyun Club? Taoer and Uncle Ke? Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Sis, I'm a Deyun luck girl!"

Gu Qingyu was so excited that she grabbed Gu Qingya's arm and kept shaking it.

Gu Qingya said helplessly: "Have you heard the cross talk of Deyun Club? Been to the scene?"

Gu Qingyu pouted. "I've been there twice, tickets from our agency are too hard to grab!"

Gu Qingya shook her head, just about to speak, before she heard Su Chen's voice from the kitchen.

"Xiaoyu, if you want to listen to cross talk in the future, just tell your brother-in-law!"

When Gu Qingyu heard this, he was immediately excited.Cheering and running to the kitchen, he asked in disbelief, "Brother-in-law, can you get the ticket?"

Lu Qingya laughed and pulled Gu Qingyu back. "Calm down, why are you so excited?"

When Gu Qingyu heard the words, she immediately sat up straight, and for the tickets of the Deyun Society, the little girl also went all out.

"Sister, tell me the truth, can my brother-in-law really get the ticket?"

Gu Qingya said helplessly: "Your brother-in-law and your uncle are sworn brothers, Guo Qilin and Yue Yunpeng both call him uncle, what do you think?"

"Wow!" Gu Qingyu was stunned. "Isn't it? Brother-in-law is so powerful?"

Even Gu's father was a little surprised.Before, he knew that Su Chen was a rich man because he inherited the inheritance.But there is not much concept of how rich you are.But Su Chen's ability to call brothers like Guo Degang, Yu Qiang and others really surprised Gu's father. Despite all the hustle and bustle on the Internet, one thing is still true.

That is, in the minds of many ordinary people, celebrities are superior.If someone can be friends with a celebrity, it means that this person is promising and amazing.

But what about the reality?hehe!
Gu Qingya didn't say too much to Father Gu and Gu Qingyu, she didn't want her family to know too much about Su Chen, and she didn't want the relationship between herself and Su Chen to deteriorate because of these things.

However, in order to appease the younger sister, Gu Qingya resolutely found out the video about the live broadcast that day, and cast it on the TV for Gu's father and Gu Qingyu to watch, and then went to the kitchen to replace Gu's mother, and she went to the kitchen to help Su Chen.

Then, the couple here were having an affectionate lunch, but Gu Qingyu yelled in the living room.

I don't know how long it has passed, the food here is almost ready, and the live broadcast over there is almost ready.

After watching the live broadcast, Gu Qingyu hurried to the kitchen, swaying around Su Chen for a while.

"Ah! Brother-in-law, you are so handsome! You really know how to cook!"

"Are you really familiar with the people in our agency?"

"Brother-in-law, you sing so well!"

Obviously, with just one video, Su Chen completely conquered his sister-in-law.

Not only that, after the show, even Gu's father and mother's eyes on Su Chen changed a lot.It seems that Su Chen has become a celebrity without knowing it.

Fortunately, the Gu family has big hearts, and they really don't care about fame and fortune.Although Gu's father and Gu's mother seem to be ordinary people, they actually have the arrogance of a cultured person in their bones. Don't look at Gu's mother who cares about every detail when shopping for vegetables, but she just wants to prevent herself from being disadvantaged, but she never covets petty gains.

So even though Su Chen's image is much taller, the attitude of the two elders towards Su Chen is only more cordial, and there is no sense of strangeness brought about by the distance.

This made Su Chen heave a sigh of relief, and at the same time, he admired and recognized the two elders even more.

After the family had a lively time, lunch was finally ready.Su Chen didn't have to worry about serving food, he came to Gu Qingya's room, opened the suitcase, took out two boxes from it, then went to the living room, and opened the boxes in front of Gu's father.

"Uncle, I heard from Qingya that you also like to smoke and drink. I specially prepared these for you. There are twelve kinds of cigarettes and ten kinds of alcohol in total.

These cigarettes do not contain nicotine, there is no harm to the body when smoked, but can gradually purify nicotine, so you can smoke with confidence.These wines are also medicinal wines, and regular drinking is good for the body.

These cigarettes and wines have different tastes, you can taste them one by one, tell me which ones you like, and I will prepare more for you! "

Gu's father looked at the cigarettes and alcohol in front of him, his eyes sparkled. Just now when he was watching the live broadcast, he was so greedy for green fruits.

Mother Gu stood up. "Xiaochen, tell auntie the truth, these alcohol and tobacco are really harmless to your health? Your uncle is not in good health, but he is very addicted to alcohol and tobacco. I spent a lot of effort to get him to restrain himself. Come on, my previous efforts were in vain.”

Although Gu's mother liked Su Chen very much, Su Chen and Gu Qingya were not married after all, so calling "Mom" before was just a joke, and they still had to call Auntie seriously.

After Gu's mother finished speaking, Gu Qingya answered directly: "Mom, don't worry, Xiaochen's cigarettes and alcohol are all specially made, and they can't be bought in the market at all. He asked a friend to buy them. These studies have been authenticated by authorities. However, there is absolutely no harmful substance in it, especially harmless smoke, which can not only become a substitute for cigarettes, but also purify the harm caused by cigarettes to the human body, regular smoking is definitely good for the body!"

Mother Gu asked suspiciously, "Why does it sound so mysterious?"

Father Gu also laughed and said, "I can't even say that. You guys won't plan to cheat me together, will you?"

Gu Qingyu also curled her lips and said: "Sister, brother-in-law, our dad really quit smoking with great difficulty. Aren't you hurting dad by doing this?"

When Gu Qingya heard this, black lines immediately covered her face.Although the child's words are innocent, they also hurt people.

Su Chen shook his head and looked at Mother Gu. "Auntie, have you ever smoked?"

"Yes, your dad often smokes, and I have tried it occasionally, but I'm not addicted to this stuff, and it's not comfortable to smoke."

"That's good!" Su Chen stepped forward, directly opened a pack of cigarettes, and handed one to each of the two elders.

"Uncle, Auntie, try it and see how the smoke tastes?"

Gu's father and Gu's mother hesitated.

Gu Qingya said helplessly: "Mom, I am your own daughter, can I lie to you?"

When Gu's father and mother heard this, he took the cigarette.

Gu's father hesitated and looked at Gu's mother.

Gu's mother was speechless: "What are you looking at me for? Your daughter has already spoken, so you just smoke one, just one!"

When Father Gu heard this, he was a little excited.He hasn't smoked for a long time, and he is really hungry.As soon as he got the approval, without further ado, Gu's father skillfully took out the lighter from his pocket, lit it with a snap, and took a deep puff.

"Hiss~! Huh~! Comfortable!"

Su Chen smiled, and lit the cigarette for Mother Gu again.

Gu's mother didn't want to smoke at first, but she didn't want to refute Su Chen's face, so she could only half push and say: "Oh, I really don't want to smoke, I hate the smell of cigarettes. It's too choking~! Huh! Huh?"

As soon as she took a sip, Gu's mother realized something was wrong.

"This smoke, why doesn't it choke people? It seems to have a fragrance when you smoke it."

Gu's mother let out a voice that brought Gu's father back to his senses. He took another puff of the cigarette, and his eyes instantly enlarged. "Huh? This smoke?"

(End of this chapter)

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