I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 191 Father Gu's Peak in Life

Chapter 191 Father Gu's Peak in Life

"This smoke doesn't have the turbid and hot feeling in the lungs before, but it's very refreshing, like taking a breath of pure oxygen." Gu's father felt it carefully, and then said in disbelief: "But, it doesn't make sense, this smell is really Is it similar to nicotine? And it really relieves the addiction to smoking!"

With that said, Father Gu looked at Su Chen with burning eyes.

This time, Su Chen was not playing tricks, and explained: "Uncle, Auntie, it is like this, the tobacco in this cigarette is a special kind of tobacco, which is compounded by a research institute after decades of research, and the tobacco in it is all Various herbal medicines that are beneficial to the human body, but experts have added some properties of nicotine in it, so smoking this cigarette can bring back the feeling of smoking and relieve the craving for smoking!”

Father Gu's eyes brightened. "In other words, this smoke is really harmless to the body?"

Su Chen nodded. "Of course, Uncle, your body's reaction can't be fooled. After you smoke, do your lungs feel uncomfortable? Do you feel like coughing?"

"No! Not at all! Not only nothing, but I feel very comfortable, like taking a breath of oxygen to bathe my lungs. It's really comfortable."

Mother Gu smacked her lips. "Don't tell me, it's true, I feel very comfortable smoking this cigarette now, even a little addicted!"

Gu Qingyu was stunned and said with a face full of disbelief: "Are you guys real or fake? Are you lying to children? I'll smoke one too!"

"Slap!" As soon as Gu Qingyu stretched out his hand, Gu Qingya slapped it back.

"Go! What kind of cigarettes do girls smoke? Don't you know it will damage your image?"

Gu Qingyu pouted, covered her little hands aggrievedly, and angrily pointed her nose at Gu Qingya and said, "Hmph, if you don't smoke, then don't smoke."

Immediately, he turned his head to look at Su Chen, and said excitedly, "Wow! Brother-in-law, if this cigarette is so good, wouldn't you make a lot of money if you were in the tobacco business?"

Su Chen smiled. "You think too much, the production of this harmless smoke is currently scarce, and you can't do business."

Su Chen's skin is thick enough now, and he doesn't blush when he tells a lie.

Gu Qingyu secretly thought it was a pity, and kept muttering.The little girl is not very old, but she has a lot of business in her mind.

Father Gu smoked a cigarette, very satisfied.Then he looked at Su Chen and said, "Xiaochen, your smoke really saved my life. If you don't come again, I really can't hold it back!"

"Cut, that's fine, you, you think I don't know that you are smoking secretly." Gu's mother dismantled Gu's father's platform without any shame, then looked at Su Chen, hesitated for a moment and said: "Xiao Chen, Isn’t this cigarette very expensive, and it’s not easy to buy?”

Su Chen smiled. "Auntie, I know what you mean, don't worry. I said that the scarcity is relative. If you use it for business, the output will definitely not be enough. But if you use it for your own use, it will be too much. And this smoke is only available in a small range. That friend only sells to acquaintances, so if you use it yourself, you can use a lot of it, and the price is not expensive, which is double the price of ordinary cigarettes, not much money. So just let my uncle rest assured to smoke!"

When Mother Gu heard this, she looked at Gu Qingya in disbelief.

Gu Qingya actually doesn't know much about these things, she only learned a few words from Su Chen.But she believed in Su Chen, and she and Su Chen were not short of money, so there was really no need to get entangled in money, so she followed Su Chen's words and replied: "Mom, don't worry, what's there to be entangled with? Think about it, no matter how good this thing is, it is essentially cigarettes, even if it is expensive, how can it be so expensive? Our family is not short of money, so I will treat this tobacco and alcohol as my tribute to you, okay?"

Mother Gu nodded when she heard the words.

That's right, their family is also considered to have a small fortune, and they are really not short of money.

"That's fine, let Xiaochen worry about it from now on."

Su Chen hurriedly waved his hand and said: "It should be, Auntie, you are too polite!"

Father Gu grinned as he listened, happily like a child.

Because he no longer has to smoke secretly.To him, this simply saved half his life, can you not be excited?
"Okay, let's eat first, the food will be cold in a while!"

"Yes, yes, Xiaochen has been busy all morning, don't disappoint Xiaochen's kindness, eat and eat!"

With that said, the family sat around and started eating.

During this period, Su Chen introduced those medicinal wines.

With the base of harmless smoke, it is easier for parents and mothers to accept medicinal wine.

It also made Gu's father even more excited.All of a sudden, all tobacco and alcohol were liberated, which seemed like a second spring to the middle-aged Father Gu.

Excited, Father Gu saw that Su Chen was more friendly, and took Su Chen to drink. After a while, the two of them almost became friends. To be honest, I went back to the house and went to bed.

Gu's father was happy, and Gu's mother and Gu Qingyu also had a good time eating.Of course, these two girls were simply conquered by Su Chen's cooking skills.

According to Gu Qingyu's words, her brother-in-law is definitely a god of cook. She has been to so many restaurants, but none of the restaurants can compare with her brother-in-law's craftsmanship, and she doesn't even have the qualifications to compare.

Gu's mother also praised her again and again. After eating a meal, Gu's mother's face was flushed, and she couldn't hold it anymore.

After the meal, it was still Gu Qingya who grabbed the bowls and chopsticks that Gu Qingyu had put away.

Mother Gu went back to the room to take a nap with Father Gu.

Su Chen came to the living room, drinking tea and sending WeChat messages to Gao Qing.

Su Chen sent Gao Qing the photos of the daytime vegetable stall owner and Zhao Cha, and asked him to find Dingdun Company to check their backgrounds. By the way, Dingdun Company sent six security guards over. Male, responsible for secretly protecting Gu's father, Gu's mother and Gu Qingyu.

It's not that Su Chen is too cautious, but because of his status, he has to.Su Chen still has enemies now, he is not afraid, but the Gu family are ordinary people, out of caution, he has to do the same.Let at most six bodyguards secretly protect, so as not to disturb Gu's father and Gu's mother.

In addition, Su Chen also has a rough understanding of facial features. He could tell before that the vegetable stall owner and Zhao Cha both had looks of vengeance, and their eyes were stern. Well, when Su Chen came here once, he naturally couldn't leave a safety hazard for his father-in-law and mother-in-law.

Fortunately, these are minor problems. As long as the money is in place, Dingdun Company can definitely take care of these trivial matters!

After a while, sister Gu Qingya finished cleaning up, walked over talking and laughing, and sat down beside Su Chen.

There's nothing wrong with Gu Qingya, it's just that she and Su Chen get along more and more harmoniously, and they become more and more in touch with each other.

It's just that the girl Gu Qingyu seems to admire Su Chen a little too much, she admires Su Chen very much in words, and is also very attached to Su Chen, even a scumbag like Su Chen is a little tired of parrying.

Fortunately, it didn't take long for Gu's father to wake up from the drunken sleep, and then pulled Su Chen to admire the Guanyin statue!
(End of this chapter)

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