I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 195 The Peach Blossom Fan in the Fog

Chapter 195 The Peach Blossom Fan in the Fog

"Throughout history, only the finger rings of the Qianlong Dynasty are the most precious and extravagant." Father Gu said, after a pause, he continued: "In addition, the imperial finger rings worn by Emperor Qianlong all have a fixed style. The size, thickness, and shape were all custom-made by the jade craftsman in the Ruyi Pavilion in the palace according to the instructions of Emperor Qianlong. And this wrench is in line with the characteristics of Qianlong's imperial wrench in every aspect.

Coupled with the Ninth Five-Year Supreme logo, Xiaochen is right, this topaz finger is indeed the finger of Emperor Qianlong! "

After hearing this, Su Chen couldn't help admiring. "Uncle, your historical knowledge is really good, you are worthy of being a teacher of history!"

Father Gu smiled happily and said, "It's nothing, I have a good memory at best, I can't compare to you, you know, without you, I wouldn't have found this jade wrench at all, not to mention, you were the one who recognized this wrench at first sight." Origin, in terms of eyesight, I am not as good as you!"

Mother Gu curled her lips and said, "That's right, if you had Xiaochen's eyesight, you wouldn't be tricked into buying so many money-losing goods!"

When Gu's father heard it, his old face was embarrassed, he lowered his head and dared not refute, he had no choice, he was guilty!Gu's mother said that he really has no confidence in this aspect.

The atmosphere was a bit awkward for a while, but fortunately Gu Qingyu had good eyesight, diverted his attention in time, and asked, "What about the other finger?"

Su Chen hurriedly picked up the white jade wrench and looked at it, and then said: "There are nine phoenixes engraved on this wrench, it should be a thing of the harem. If you look at it together with Emperor Qianlong's jade wrench, this should be a certain queen of Qianlong Or chaise accessories.

In other words, these two fingers are a pair! "

"Huh?" Gu Qingyu turned his eyes and said, "Isn't that just for the eldest sister and brother-in-law?"

Su Chen's heart moved, let alone, he was really moved.

But after a while, he lost interest.After all, I don't know how many people have worn this thing before, and it's okay to appreciate it, but Su Chen really feels uncomfortable if he wears it.

After hearing this, Father Gu scolded, "What nonsense are you talking about? How can you wear such a precious thing casually?"

"Precious?" Gu Qingyu asked with bright eyes: "Brother-in-law, how much is this pair of finger rings worth?"

Su Chen rubbed his nose, thought for a while, and said, "In history, there really was an auction record of Qianlong Jade Finger. Comparing the market at that time with the current market, such a Qianlong Jade Finger can be worth at least several hundred dollars." If you count the mother's white jade ring finger together, the value will be at least 2000 million!"

"What? 2000 million? I'll be good! Ziliu!"

After hearing this, Gu Qingyu salivated in shock.

Gu's father and Gu's mother were also stunned. "Xiaochen, is this thing really so valuable?"

Su Chen smiled. "Uncle, you also said before that throughout history, as for the accessories of the Qianlong Dynasty, the fingers are the most precious, and rare things are more expensive. This thing is definitely not cheap!"

When Gu's father heard this, he immediately put the finger in his hand back on the coffee table carefully, his hands trembling a little, for fear that the finger would be broken by himself.

Gu's father has been playing antiques for so many years. It is probably the first time he has picked up such a big leak, and it may even be the first time he has picked up a leak. One can imagine his excitement.

Gu Qingya was also a little surprised, but his reaction was definitely stronger than that of Gu's parents, Gu's mother and Gu Qingyu.

Gu Qingya glanced at Su Chen, then picked up the folding fan on the table, opened the fan and looked at it, the next moment, Gu Qingya's expression was instantly dull.

"This...isn't it true?"


Father Gu hurriedly took the folding fan from Gu Qingya's hand, wanting to see what kind of treasure made his eldest daughter so excited.

However, upon seeing this, Father Gu was also stunned, and his reaction was even greater than when he knew that Qianlongyu had pulled his finger.

Su Chen cast a glance from the side. He knew what it was beforehand, so he wasn't surprised.

Gu Qingyu hurried forward, pushing her head forward, and finally saw the fan.

But with her quality, she can't see anything at all, and she only knows a few words.

"Peach Blossom in the Mist. Tang Yin? Tang Yin? Huh? This name looks familiar!"

The next moment, Gu Qingyu's eyes instantly enlarged, and he let out a scream.

Gu's father was so frightened that he trembled suddenly, and the fan in his hand almost fell off.Glaring at Gu Qingyu fiercely, he scolded, "What are you shouting for? Shock me!"

Gu Qingyu didn't care, still pointing at the fan, excitedly said: "Tang Yin? Is this Tang Bohu's fan?"

Lu Qingya gave Gu Qingyu an angry look. "Little girl, calm down! Let's read!"

"Oh, I'm so excited! Brother-in-law, is this fan real?"

Hearing this, Gu Qingya and Gu's father also hurriedly looked at Su Chen. Obviously, they couldn't confirm the authenticity of the fan, and wanted to get an answer from Su Chen.

Su Chen didn't ink, nodded and said: "Judging from the paper, artist, handwriting and various seals on the fan, this should be Tang Yin's authentic work, and it was once collected and played by Qianlong. There are three of his seals on it, Obviously, when Qianlong was alive, he must have liked this fan very much!"

"Wow, brother-in-law, doesn't that mean that this fan is more valuable!"

Gu Qingyu said with eyes full of expectation.

Su Chen nodded. "According to my estimation, this fan is worth at least three to 5000 million. If you find someone you like, the price will definitely be even higher!"

"Three, five, thousand, ten thousand???? Every time~!" Gu Qingyu lay on the sofa in a daze, pressing the Renzhong acupoint by herself, and kept rolling her eyes, expressing that she was twitching excitedly.

"No!" Gu's father suddenly slapped the table, not caring about Gu Qingyu's mischief, but said seriously: "This finger and fan cannot be sold!"

As Gu's father said, he suddenly looked at Su Chen, apologetic, but said firmly: "Xiaochen, it stands to reason that this Guanyin seems to be paid by you, so the fan and finger pull should also belong to you. But Both items belonged to the Emperor Qianlong. In ancient times, they were all belongings of the royal family. They are definitely national treasures. Such treasures must not be listed in auction houses. Therefore, although I am a little unreasonable, I still hope that you can put them Hand it over to the museum, and I will give you the 300 million you lost. Of course, I know that your actual loss should be tens of millions, but there is no way, even if your aunt and I don’t have that much in our life savings, so we can only I have wronged you!"

As soon as Father Gu's words came out, the people in the room fell silent instantly.

Gu Qingyu's face was full of reluctance, she gritted her teeth excitedly, but dared not say a word.

Gu Qingya looked hesitant, but she didn't speak.

Gu's mother frowned, she didn't feel sorry for money, but she felt that her husband's doing this would be too much for Su Chen, and even more so for her own daughter. If it doesn't work out, it may affect the relationship between Su Chen and Gu Qingya.

But in the end, Mother Gu didn't say anything.Don't look at Gu's mother scolding Gu's father fiercely, but in fact, he has always turned a blind eye to Gu's father's purchase of antiques.He understands and maintains Gu's father's integrity.

So in this regard, even though Mother Gu felt that everything was wrong, she still secretly chose to support her husband!

Seeing that Gu's mother didn't speak, Gu Qingya finally couldn't hold back, took a deep breath, frowned and said, "Dad, there's something wrong with you, isn't it?"

Gu's father was originally very firm, but after seeing Gu Qingya's tangled face, he seemed to wake up suddenly, slapped his forehead, and let out a wry smile. "Forget it, pretend I didn't say it!"

(End of this chapter)

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