I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 196 The Foundation of Love

Chapter 196 The Foundation of Love
Su Chen secretly sighed, his mood changed a thousand times.

To be honest, the moment he was "morally kidnapped" by his father-in-law just now, he felt a little uncomfortable.

Anyone will subconsciously take themselves as the main body. Unless they have absolute trust and obedience to the other party, no one wants their things to be distributed by others at will.

The same is true for Su Chen, even though the other party is his own father-in-law, even though Tang Yin folding fan and Qianlong jade finger ring are not in his eyes, even though these things have been given to his father-in-law by him, he still feels uncomfortable.

Fortunately, the discomfort is only for a moment, and people's emotions cannot be controlled by themselves, but how to control emotions is a matter of their own willpower.

Therefore, there was only a moment of discomfort, and Su Chen already had an answer to this matter in his heart.

However, Su Chen was really moved by his wife's support for him and his father-in-law's voluntary concession later on.

In fact, before this, even though Su Chen and Gu Qingya had performed Zhou Gong's ceremony, even though they had recognized each other's status as husband and wife, their relationship was actually still in the initial stage of being a couple, and they loved each other but they didn't reach the point of mutual affection. After all, feelings need time to brew, and they cannot be done on a whim.

So before, Su Chen and Gu Qingya had only reached the initial stage of love. They fell in love with each other at first sight, and came together because of the impulse of love. After that, what kind of development will the two of them have after that, it will take time to temper it slowly.

However, even Su Chen didn't expect that the relationship between himself and Gu Qingya would heat up so quickly.

Perhaps the two are a natural pair, who know each other and have the same temperament.After a few days, Su Chen felt that he and Gu Qingya had become more and more tacit understanding, and the relationship between the two became deeper and more natural, especially after meeting the parents, the speed of the relationship between the two was almost like A rocket launcher was installed.

That's why there was this scene in front of me. For Su Chen, Gu Qingya resolutely denied her father's decision.

To be honest, the moment Gu Qingya spoke for Su Chen just now, Su Chen was really handsome by his wife, not to mention the touch in his heart.

And then his father-in-law's self-examination and voluntary retreat moved Su Chen even more.It was also from this moment that I really recognized the Gu family from the bottom of my heart.

However, moving is moving, speaking of it, the atmosphere is still a little dignified, my sister-in-law Gu Qingyu has completely buried her head, only showing two big eyes rolling around, not daring to say a word.

If it was someone else, it would be really difficult to deal with this matter today.Although my father-in-law backed down, there would definitely be pimples in his heart, so he must hand in the correct handling.But once it is handed in, it will make Gu Qingya feel uncomfortable with Gu's father. Although there is no real quarrel between father and daughter, it will definitely cause awkwardness for a few days and affect the harmonious atmosphere of the family.

So if it was someone else, this level would definitely be over.It's a pity that Su Chen is not an ordinary person. This problem that others seem to have no solution is easy for him.

"Cough, cough, cough!" Su Chen coughed softly a few times, and said with a smile, "Uncle, actually, there's nothing to worry about?"

Father Gu raised his head in confusion, not knowing what Su Chen meant.

Gu Qingya also looked at Su Chen in puzzlement. Speaking of it, it was because she didn't know Su Chen fully, otherwise this scene would not have happened.

Su Chen touched his nose, and said softly: "Then what, uncle, it's like this. I have always liked collecting antiques. For this reason, I also made friends with a senior in the antique world. Then, inspired by him, I sprouted The idea of ​​building a private museum. And this idea is already in action.

To tell you the truth, I have already bought a large piece of land in the imperial capital, and the construction of the museum is about to start.And I also set up a handicraft trading company, just to collect ancient cultural relics from all over the world to fill museums.

So this matter is very easy to solve, anyway, it is handed over, so the fat water will not flow into the fields of outsiders, and I will leave these two antiques to my future museum! "

"Huh?" Father Gu was stunned for a moment. "Xiaochen, what do you mean, you want to build a private museum?"

Su Chen nodded. "I'm not going to do it, but I'm already doing it. And the progress is very fast. I have accumulated a lot of antiques and cultural relics. I just wait for the construction of the museum to be completed, and then I can officially apply for the qualification to open the museum!"

Father Gu blinked, his whole body was in a state of shock.

Gu Qingya didn't come back to her senses for a while, when she thought about it, she didn't even know about it, Gu Qingya felt sad for a while, and couldn't help but angrily said: "You want to build a museum? I don't even know!"

Seeing this, Su Chen hurriedly got up and went to the side of his wife, explaining: "Daughter-in-law, it's up to me, I didn't want to hide it from you, the main reason is that I don't care much about this matter, so I forgot to tell you, but don't worry, wait When I return to the imperial capital, I will hand over all the family property to you. You know me, the most troublesome things are these troublesome things."

Gu Qingya felt sweet in her heart, and hurriedly said: "Okay, okay, I didn't say anything, don't we have a tacit understanding?"

When Gu Qingya and Su Chen confessed to each other before, the two had already set the tone for several things.

For example, regarding Su Chen's romantic affairs, Gu Qingya can tolerate Su Chen's slight fiddling, but she can't take it home unless she agrees, and she can't ask for it from anyone. On this point, both of them have a tacit understanding.

In fact, there is no need for Gu Qingya to remind, Su Chen is not a hungry person.Only sometimes, when feelings come, he will have some impulsiveness.Su Chen definitely wouldn't think about it without an emotional basis.

In addition, it is about Su Chen's privacy. Because of the existence of the system, Su Chen is destined to have some secrets, and the two have a tacit understanding on this. As long as Su Chen does not go too far, Gu Qingya will not interfere with Su Chen's real privacy.As for what is excessive, it still depends on the tacit understanding between the two of them.

Speaking of it, the so-called three chapters of the agreement are just the result of the tacit understanding between the two.And the basis of the relationship between Su Chen and Gu Qingya is to be honest with each other, even if there is a secret, they will tell each other clearly.Just like the existence of the system, Su Chen confessed to Gu Qingya that he had a secret channel and couldn't make it public.

And it was this kind of confession that gave the two of them a relationship foundation.Love can never be supported solely by appearance. If a husband and wife want to last long, they must have an emotional foundation, and this emotional foundation varies from person to person, and each is different, but it cannot be absent.

The husband and wife here have a perfect understanding, but Gu's father is a little excited over there.

"Xiao Chen, can your museum really be built? How sure are you?"

Su Chen scratched his head and said, "As long as the country does not prohibit the existence of private museums, then I can build them [-]%."

Just kidding, if you can't build a private museum with super national treasures such as the Chinese zodiac, the Nine Dragons Sword, and the Yongle Canon, as well as a large collection of first-class cultural relics, then no one is likely to be qualified to build a private museum.

(End of this chapter)

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