I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 197 Gu Qingyu's Request

Chapter 197 Gu Qingyu's Request
"Dad, don't worry, with Xiaochen's financial resources and contacts, since he has spoken, it must be fine!"

Although Gu Qingya still has a little understanding of Su Chen, based on what Su Chen told her now, she can already guess how powerful Su Chen is now.

Not to mention anything else, Su Chen's nearly one trillion yuan in cash is enough to settle 90.00% of the world's [-] things.

Father Gu knew his eldest daughter's character, and when he saw his eldest daughter speak with such certainty, Father Gu became excited instantly.

His greatest ideal in life is to collect antiques. At first, he thought that this ideal of his would come to an end, and he could only toss about in the old street, but he did not expect that his cheap son-in-law would have the financial resources to build a museum. That being said, the impact was simply too great.

"Okay! Xiaochen, you have to do this matter well. Uncle supports you with all your strength. When your museum opens, uncle will give you all the collections from these years. Although my collections are not very valuable, they are still worth it. A heart!"

Su Chen's eyes moved slightly, and he sincerely admired his uncle's patriotism.

Instinctively, Su Chen wanted to refuse, not because he didn't look down on Gu's father's collection. A museum can't be full of top-quality treasures. It must be a balance between good and bad, and the pursuit of comprehensiveness, so he doesn't want too many antiques.

He was mainly afraid that his father-in-law would regret it. After all, it was his half-life savings. Once he donated it all, his only thought would be gone.

But soon, Su Chen had an idea and suddenly thought that he could invite his father-in-law to work in the museum. This would not only allow him to appreciate the treasure house of antiques anytime and anywhere, but also find him a job in his later years, so that he would not be too lonely.

But what needs to be noted is that he should try his best not to let his father-in-law and mother-in-law settle in the courtyard of the imperial capital. After all, he has too many secrets. If nothing else, he said that if his mother-in-law knew about Xiaoshi, there might be troubles.Lu Qingya didn't care, it was impossible for Gu's mother not to care.

So if father Gu can join the museum, it's best to get them a house near the museum.

The location of the museum is in Daxing, not far from Yu Yu’s “Tianjingdihuapet Paradise”. There are many people there and it’s very lively. My father-in-law and mother-in-law will definitely not feel lonely when they move there.

Thinking of this, Su Chen made a decision in an instant.

Turning his eyes, Su Chen said to Gu's father: "Uncle, those treasures of yours are half your life savings, are you willing to donate them?"

When Father Gu heard this, he really hesitated.

However, Mother Gu, who had been watching the excitement, was not happy seeing this.

"You old man, why hesitate? Why were you so determined when you asked Xiaochen to donate the baby just now? Why did you hesitate when it was your turn? Aren't you double standards?"

Su Chen snickered secretly, his mother-in-law is definitely an expert in training husbands.

Fortunately, Gu Qingya has a gentle personality and will not be so overbearing. His future life should be much, much better than that of his own father-in-law.

Suddenly, Su Chen turned his head and met his daughter-in-law's half-smile eyes, his heart stopped for a while for no reason.

"Crack!" Father Gu slapped the table suddenly. "Hmph, am I that kind of person? Donate! Must donate! Donate everything!"

Father Gu gritted his teeth and made up his mind.

Su Chen smiled, Gu's father was really reluctant, so it would be easy.It is estimated that he will not need to waste his words in the future.

Sure enough, as soon as Su Chen told Father Gu about letting him serve as the deputy curator of the museum, Father Gu agreed without much reason.

Mother Gu hesitated for a while, but finally did not stop her.Speaking of which, Father Gu is not young anymore, and he won't be able to work in high school for a few years. After all, he is old and his physical strength can't keep up.Better to retire early.

And once he retires, Gu's father will definitely not be able to stay idle, and it must be good to have something to do now.

Gu Qingya had no reason to refuse, and was even a little surprised.He immediately realized that once Gu's father agreed, the two elders would definitely go to the imperial capital to settle down, which was naturally a great joy for her.

So, such a big event was actually decided like this.

Afterwards, the family chatted for a while, all about the museum.Then Father Gu couldn't sit still anymore, he got up and left, saying that he wanted to find Lao Li next door to play chess!
Then Gu Qingya was pulled into the bedroom by Gu's mother making excuses, presumably to interrogate Su Chen about his details.Just now when Su Chen said that he was going to build a museum, Su Chen found that Gu's mother didn't look very much, probably because he was shocked by his own financial resources, so he must have carefully questioned his daughter.

Su Chen definitely doesn't care about this matter, it should be said sooner or later.

It's just embarrassing that as soon as the three left, only Su Chen and Gu Qingyu were left in the living room.

Regarding Gu Qingyu, Su Chen was instinctively childish, mainly because this girl was too eccentric, and Su Chen was really afraid that he would not be able to subdue her.

Sure enough, as soon as the three of them left, Gu Qingyu regained his spirits instantly.

I saw that the girl threw the pillow in her arms casually, then knelt and rubbed against Su Chen, pouted, without saying a word, just staring at Su Chen.

Su Chen touched his nose, and his heart felt hairy when he was seen.

"What are you doing?" Su Chen forced himself to be calm.

"Hee hee!" Gu Qingyu hugged Su Chen's arm and said coquettishly, "Brother-in-law~!"

Su Chen shuddered suddenly, bit the bullet and said: "Speak well, speak up when you have something to say!"

"Hee hee, okay, let me tell you then?"

Su Chen nodded.

"Actually, it's nothing. It's a friend of mine who wants to invite me to her birthday party. Brother-in-law, you know that I'm only 17 years old. My parents will definitely not let me go out by myself, but I promised her. So, brother-in-law, you Can you take me with you?"

When Su Chen heard this, he was relieved.It's just a party, nothing serious.

However, in line with the sense of responsibility of being a brother-in-law, what should be interrogated should still be interrogated.

"Is your friend your classmate?"

"No, it's a friend I met by chance, but I've known him for several years."

"Male and female?"

"Female!" Gu Qingya said immediately.

Su Chen raised his eyebrows. "Since it's a woman, why don't you find your sister and ask her to accompany you?"

Gu Qingyu pouted, looked at Su Chen, and said quietly: "Brother-in-law, there must be many handsome guys at the birthday party, are you sure you want my sister to accompany me?"

Su Chen was shocked when he heard this, and then made a decision in an instant.

"When is the party?"

Gu Qingyu left and smiled happily.

"Just tonight!"

"Success! You go change your clothes, I'll tell auntie!"

"Yeah! Brother-in-law, you are the best! Bo! This is for you!"

Su Chen touched his cheek, and the corner of his mouth twitched.

Well, my sister-in-law is still a child, so this is just a joke, it can't be taken seriously.

The corners of Su Chen's eyes twitched, then he took a breath, smiled wryly, and got up to ask Gu Qingyu for leave.

(End of this chapter)

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