I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 198 The Sensible Gu Qingyu

Chapter 198 The Sensible Gu Qingyu
With Su Chen as a guarantee, Mother Gu agreed without hesitation.

Gu Qingya didn't say anything, she just reminded Su Chen to be careful before leaving.

Maybe it's because before Su Chen was surrounded by Gao Qing, no matter how bad it was, there would be other security guards, and he rarely acted alone, so seeing Su Chen going out alone, Gu Qingya actually felt unsafe.

This makes Su Chen very depressed. He has lived alone for more than 20 years without any accidents. Now that he finally has money, he has even degraded his ability to go out alone?

But Su Chen just thought about it, knowing that Gu Qingya was doing it for his own good, so he didn't say anything.

Half an hour later, Gu Qingyu packed up and followed Su Chen out.

On the way, Su Chen looked at Gu Qingyu carefully, and said that the little girl had the same figure and appearance, but she was a bit young.

Of course, what Su Chen paid attention to was not this, but the little girl's clothes.

Maybe the father-in-law and mother-in-law are used to being simple, and the clothes on the little girl are also very simple, basically clothes that cost no more than three to five hundred, and even the mobile phone is only a bargain of two to three thousand.

If this is normal, it's fine, after all, the little girl is still young, so there is no need to be too extravagant.

But now I'm going to attend a birthday party, and Su Chen checked the address on purpose. It's a high-end resort hotel, and anyone who can hold a birthday party here must be either rich or expensive.When the time comes, the little girl will be despised if she wears this dress.

Su Chen doesn't care about being looked down upon by others, but he doesn't want those around him to be underestimated.

"Brother-in-law, why are you looking at me like that? I'm underage!"

Being looked up and down by Su Chen, Gu Qingyu felt a little hairy.

Su Chen flicked Gu Qingyu angrily.

"What are you thinking? I'm your brother-in-law!"

Gu Qingyu covered her head, pouted and said, "What's wrong with brother-in-law? Don't everyone say that sister-in-law belongs to brother-in-law!"

Before Gu Qingyu finished speaking, she was frightened back by Su Chen's death stare, and hurriedly covered her mouth.

"Hee hee, brother-in-law, I was wrong, stop talking!"

Su Chen shook his head, really helpless towards his eccentric sister-in-law, but he really liked Gu Qingyu a little bit.

Well, a very simple liking is the brother's feelings for his sister. Su Chen had longed for a sister to be pampered by him before, but now that his wish has come true, Gu Qingyu fits his requirements very well, um, if he doesn't say anything!
"What time does the birthday party start?"

"Six o'clock!" Gu Qingyu hurriedly replied.

Su Chen took out his watch from his handbag and looked at it. It was only around three o'clock, and there was still time!Then put on the watch, this thing is a bit in the way, Su Chen usually doesn't wear it when he doesn't go out.

"Wow, brother-in-law, your watch is so cool!"

Looking at the diamond-encrusted watch on Su Chen's wrist, the flickering flickering, the little girl's eyes straightened.

Su Chen smiled. "What? Like it?"

"Yeah, yum!" Gu Qingyu nodded like a chicken pecking at rice.

Su Chen snapped his fingers. "Well, brother-in-law will take you shopping!"

"Huh?" Gu Qingyu was momentarily stunned, not only not excited, but also a little tangled. "Brother-in-law, do you want to buy me a present?"

Su Chen was taken aback. "Yeah, you don't like it?"

Gu Qingyu rolled her eyes. "A gift! Who doesn't like it! But you and my sister are not married yet, so I can't ask for your things. Otherwise, wouldn't I take advantage of you with my sister's light? Then let my sister owe you for nothing, and I will be with you in the future." Don't even dare to talk back after arguing!"

"Huh?" Su Chen was dumbfounded.

Are all children now so mature?
But for some reason, Su Chen felt really comfortable listening to it.

Gu Qingyu can still think so much in the face of temptation, it is obvious that the little girl is very sensible and cares about Gu Qingya.

After all, the watch in Su Chen's hand is not cheap at first glance. Such a big temptation is really not something ordinary girls can resist.

Thinking of this, Su Chen's eyes became softer.

Rubbing the back of Gu Qingyu's head, then laughed and cursed: "You little girl wants a lot, your brother-in-law and I are that kind of person?"

Gu Qingyu shook his head. "That's different, it's two different things."

"Okay! I guess your sister didn't hurt you for nothing!" Su Chen smacked his lips, took out his phone, and called Gu Qingya directly.

Gu Qingya got connected quickly, and Su Chen briefly explained the matter.

After listening to it, Gu Qingya didn't speak for a while, probably also moved.Then she asked Su Chen to give Gu Qingyu the phone.

Gu Qingyu answered the phone, and the two sisters talked for a long time before Gu Qingyu changed the phone back.

"Hello?" Su Chen answered again.

"Honey, I told Xiaoyu to let her listen to you. But don't spoil her too much, this girl can put her nose on her face."

Su Chen smiled. "You know what you said. I have no father, no mother, no sisters and brothers. I finally have a younger sister. Whom do I not spoil her? Don't worry, other people's children who are spoiled may affect their future. Your child is afraid of this, and with me here, you are afraid of Xiaoyu suffering? As long as she is happy and does not die, everything else is fine."

Gu Qingya was silent for a moment, and then her voice was a little hoarse, as if she was moved and cried, women are emotional.

"I'm afraid she will die!"

"No, you have to trust her, and, don't you still have me?"

"Well, then I'll listen to you, husband!"


"Thank you!"

"Go! You're telling me that? I'm not happy!"

"Oh, isn't this just out of feeling! It's a big deal and I won't talk about it in the future!"

"No, I will punish you!"

"How to punish?"

"You make excuses, come out to live tonight!"

"Huh? Isn't this bad?"

"What's wrong? I'm still hurting in my heart."

"Okay, let me try!"

"Hey, daughter-in-law, I believe in you!"

"Virtue! Hang up!"

After hanging up the phone, Su Chen felt refreshed.


The little girl came up again.

"Hehe, what's the matter, is it okay this time?"

"Yeah!" The little girl nodded cheerfully and said, "My sister told me to listen to you, and I can keep whatever I buy! Brother-in-law, tell me, are you a local tyrant!"

Su Chen smiled. "Forget it, anyway, our family will not be short of money in the future!"

"Really?" Gu Qingyu's eyes widened. "Then brother-in-law, are you in the right family with my sister? You don't have many rules in your family, do you? Did your parents agree with you and my sister? I know that your wealthy family has many rules. abused, my sister"

Su Chen went on talking in a daze again, hearing this made him want to hit someone.

Hey, what a good sister-in-law, why do you have to have a mouth?
"Oh, brother-in-law, you hit me again!"

"If you don't beat me, who will you beat? Just think about it, I'm an orphan, and my relative is your sister. How can there be any rules of a wealthy family?"

"Huh? Brother-in-law, you are the national husband who is being taught? Wow! My sister has won a lottery!"

Su Chen shook his head, and pulled Gu Qingyu to the parking lot.

"Don't think about it, just think of me as an ordinary brother-in-law. If you behave well, your brother-in-law will be your dowry in the future!"

"Cut! I'm only 17, brother-in-law, you just talk to me about the dowry, it's too beastly!"

Su Chen: "."

(End of this chapter)

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