Chapter 21 wise words
"Why am I shameless?"

Su Pan squinted, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, pretending to be confused.

Su Chen cast a glance at Su Pan, and said, "I treat you as a friend, but you treat me as a nanny and ask me to cook you breakfast, are you still a person?"

Su Pan grinned happily.

"Then I'm a guest, isn't it normal for the host to entertain guests?"

"Who admits that you are a guest?" Su Chen said slowly, "I said yesterday that my courtyard house only entertains friends, not guests!"

Su Pan sat down on the recliner opposite Su Chen, and lazily said: "Well, your friend, I'm hungry, you won't have the heart to keep me hungry, will you?"

Su Chen was happy. "Yes! You are one of the thickest-skinned people I have met in so many years. Hey, can I ask you, how did you practice this thing?"

"It's simple. My father asked me to learn a sentence since I was a child. He said that if I can fully understand this sentence, then I will be successful in this life!"

Su Chen's hand turning the walnut finally stopped, turned his head, and asked curiously, "What are you talking about?"

"Just put down the cheekbones, and the world will tremble because of you!"

Su Chen was stunned for a moment, then said speechlessly: "It's just that people are shameless and invincible?"

"Hey! That statement of yours is outdated long ago! Motivational mottos have to keep up with the times!"

Su Chen smacked his lips, not to mention, Su Pan's shameless vibe really matched this sentence really well.

"It's no wonder that beauties like my eldest sister are captured by you. It turns out that the root is here. Su Pan, you can do it. I didn't expect you to be such a person."

Suddenly, Han Yao's voice came from the door.

Beside her were Su Qingqing and Chu Miao.

Su Pan didn't mind Han Yao's teasing at all, such words were not even itchy enough for him.

But when she noticed that Chu Miao's expression was unkind, she immediately sat up and smiled mischievously.

Su Chen looked at Su Pan with interest.I sigh in my heart, this is the legendary one thing descends one thing.

Although she has not been in contact with Chu Miao for a long time, Su Chen can tell that Chu Miao looks very quiet on the surface, but she is extremely strong and domineering in her bones, and she even has a bit of femininity.

This kind of woman is suitable for housekeeping, especially for people like Su Pan. It is definitely a good thing for Su Pan to have a housekeeper like Chu Miao take care of her.

Because shameless people often have a very low bottom line, they need someone to help them raise their moral bottom line at all times.

So, Su Pan and Chu Miao are really a good match.

To say that Su Pan's shamelessness is really strong.

In front of so many people, he made eye contact with Chu Miao as if no one else was there.

"My wife, I was wrong!"

"Get out! Get on the other side, I don't know you!"

"As long as I know you, you are so beautiful, you must be my wife!"

"Oh, don't look at me like that, you're going to die!"

"Yeah, yeah, I think you're going to die."

The eye contact between the two made other people feel tired for a while.

Well, I didn't eat any delicious food early in the morning, but I actually ate some dog food first.

"I said, if you two want to show your affection, can you go back to the house to show it? Close the door, and you can show it as much as you like, and I promise no one will disturb you."

Sleepy-eyed Guo Xiaoshi saw this scene as soon as she came out of the house, and she couldn't help but be speechless.

When Chu Miao heard this, her face turned red, and she gave Su Pan a hard look, she bowed her head in shame and said nothing.

Su Pan grinned stupidly and didn't care.

Su Chen was also left speechless by the two couples, and everyone got up, so he didn't have the heart to plate the walnuts anymore.

And the system bug clearly stated that the effect of one hour equals one year can only be triggered once a day, and it is useless if the disk time is too long.

Su Chen looked at the two walnuts in his hand, and they have indeed changed a lot. Compared with the previous ones, they are much rounder now, with a layer of pulp on the surface, and the quality of the walnuts has not improved much. Less, the surface shape is more rounded, the texture is clearer, and the material seems to have improved. When two walnuts collide, the sound seems to be much crisper than before.

These two walnuts on Su Chenpan are the most common lion heads, but now they seem to be evolving into special lion heads, and the material is also evolving like old tree fruits. Unfortunately, Su Chenpan has been playing for too short a time, so I don’t know what these are for the time being. The evolutionary direction of the two lion heads.

Putting away the walnuts, Su Chen first asked Su Pan to order a takeaway breakfast, and he was responsible for reimbursement.Then he stood up and summoned Guo Xiaoshi to enter the study.

The savvy people didn't follow, but went back to their rooms to wash up.

In the study, Guo Xiaoshi stood in front of Su Chen's desk with a serious and serious expression.

She was very happy yesterday, super happy, even when she woke up early this morning, she thought what happened yesterday was a dream.

And the happier she is, the more she admires and appreciates Su Chen.I want to repay Su Chen in my heart, and the new year of hard work will be more determined.

So now that she sees that Su Chen is going to assign her a job, she looks extremely serious.

In fact, Su Chen really wanted to assign tasks to Guo Xiaoshi.

"Xiaoshi, from today onwards, you will be officially employed."

Guo Xiaoshi nodded her head seriously. "Boss, don't worry, you can order any tasks, and I promise to do my best!"

Su Chen nodded, and then went straight to the topic.

"Your recent tasks mainly have two parts. The first is the home. Later, you will choose a cleaning company and ask them to clean up the East Garden. Then you will agree with them to regularly clean and maintain our courtyard.

Then choose two nannies who are hard-working and good at cooking. Remember, the nannies must be the best and professional. Don’t try to save money. I don’t want to cause any trouble because of the nannies. "

Guo Xiaoshi took the pen and paper Su Chen handed her, and carefully wrote down every sentence Su Chen said.

"Boss, don't worry, leave it to me."

"Well! Our yard is too big. You can find a security company and hire two full-time bodyguards like retired special forces. They will be arranged in the front yard, and they can also act as guards at ordinary times."

"it is good!"

"These are the things at home right now, not many things, but they need to be dealt with as soon as possible.

The second thing is our future technology company. I need you to help me find a professional manager. I also need to form a scientific research team to research some high-tech products.

There is no rush for a professional manager, you can look for it slowly, but the scientific research team must be established today, there is no need to do it in one step, first set up a shelf, find a temporary person in charge, first confirm the name, and the subsequent things can be done little by little !
Can it be done? "

Guo Xiaoshi thought about it carefully, and asked, "Boss, do you have any specific requirements for professional managers and scientific research team leaders? For example, education background, identity, work experience, etc.?"

"No!" Su Chen shook his head. "I only see the result, not the process!"

Guo Xiaoshi bit her lips when she heard the words, and suddenly said boldly: "Then boss, I have a good candidate to recommend to you!"

 Add more tomorrow, at least three more. emmmmm, I dropped a lot before, and it can also be said to be a make-up.

  These two days of the college entrance examination, I am not ashamed to ask for tickets. Now that the exam is over, I believe everyone has got good results. Then, while everyone is happy, I have the cheek to ask for recommendation tickets. The new book period urgently needs results. I implore everyone for your support!

(End of this chapter)

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