Chapter 22
Handing over the system tasks to Guo Xiaoshi was Su Chen's deliberate decision.

The reason why he made such a decision was not how he trusted Guo Xiaoshi. In fact, Guo Xiaoshi was a fresh graduate with almost no working ability.The only advantage is that she is young and has the courage to face any challenge.

In fact, Su Chen also knew that it was a bit hasty to entrust such a task to Guo Xiaoshi.But he has his ideas.

If in the past, he had no system and still had to work hard for three meals a day and his future life, then he would definitely do his best in everything, because he has no qualifications to be self-willed .

But now, with his system, he reached the pinnacle of his life overnight.

Now he is not short of money, has no worries about food and clothing, and is in good health. He has no elderly to support, and no children to worry about. It can be said that he is the most perfect living state for a person.

If you really want to say that Su Chen has any shortcomings, it's probably because he lacks the motivation to fight hard.

Without pressure, naturally there will be no spirit of struggle.

Fortunately, Su Chen is not a person with lofty aspirations, he is just an ordinary person, and what he yearns for the most is this kind of life without worrying about food, clothing and money.

So now this kind of life may be very boring to others, but to Su Chen, there is only one word - cool!

Because of this, the system may really give Su Chen a goal, let him become a master of science and technology or something else, so that he has a direction to struggle, so he issued a task for him.

As for this task, Su Chen has no objection. Although he is not a person of extremely high moral character, he does not mind making some contributions to the country, or to exaggerate, to the entire human race if he is capable.

But the premise is that these can't drag him down.

In other words, let him promote the development of technology, but he will not work hard for it.In the past, he worked so hard just to enjoy life, but now that he is qualified to enjoy life, Su Chen definitely doesn't want to experience the busy life in the past.

So although it sounds simple to set up a technology team, and in fact it doesn't take much, Su Chen doesn't know how to do it.

Because work, as long as there is a beginning, it will be endless.After forming a team, it is necessary to hire professors to do research. After they come, they have to worry about various logistics support. If they have scientific research goals, they need to plan for sales in advance, etc.

It can be said that as long as there is a beginning in business or scientific research, unless you give up halfway, it will definitely be endless and endless.

Su Chen didn't want to let himself get trapped, so he wanted to pull himself out from the very beginning.

He thinks very simply, in terms of knowledge and talent, he is not necessarily better than Guo Xiaoshi. A day ago, he was just an errand boy who graduated from a second-year university, and there is no way to compare with Guo Xiaoshi, a college student who graduated from a key prestigious university. .

So if he can do it, Guo Xiaoshi can definitely do it too.If Guo Xiaoshi can't do it, then he may not be able to do it either.Unless he used the system, but once that happened, wouldn't he be stuck again?

Therefore, in order not to let himself worry about the copy, he resolutely followed his heart.

Isn't he good to be a hands-off shopkeeper?
In order to find an excuse for being lazy, Su Chen really worked hard.

"Stop! Stop!" Su Chen waved his hand to stop Guo Xiaoshi's words, and said directly: "I said, I only look at the result, not the process. If you have any needs, you can tell me, money, rights, these are all fine, you I will give you whatever you want, I just need you to help me complete the task, as for the process, I will not ask.

Of course, if you can’t do it, you can also tell me, it’s okay, no one is omnipotent, you can talk directly if you have anything between us, and you don’t have to worry about work, I can assure you, as long as you are serious If you don't do anything wrong to me, no matter how capable you are, I won't fire you.

This is my guarantee to you! "

"Now, you just need to tell me, can you complete the task I gave you today?"

Guo Xiaoshi's mood at this moment is extremely complicated.

It is the first time that Guo Xiaoshi has seen such a wonderful boss as Su Chen since she is so old.

From ancient times to the present, from emperors to emperors and ministers to merchants and civilians, there has been no leader who has fully delegated power to his subordinates. Even Song Taizu in the allusion of employing people who do not doubt people does not need to use this sentence later came up with a drink to release military power .

Not all people throughout the ages are narrow-minded, not as open-minded as Su Chen.Instead, the practice of completely delegating power to subordinates will do more harm than good.

Because people are inflated, it is easy to gain power, but it is difficult to get it back.

Therefore, from ancient times to the present, it is rare for someone like Su Chen to entrust everything to his subordinates and only ask about the result.Such a person is either stupid and honest, or really lazy.

Obviously, Su Chen is the latter.

Of course, these are rational analyses.In Guo Xiaoshi's eyes, this is Su Chen's trust in her.

At this moment, Guo Xiaoshi felt that she was so happy that she would die, that she had accumulated great virtues in eight lifetimes to meet such a fairy boss.

May I ask which fresh graduate can find a job like her?

Not only the wages are extremely high, but also super-high standards of food and housing.That's all, the most important thing is that she, a college student who has just graduated, can actually preside over such a major event related to the company's future, not to mention a graduate from a key university, even a master's or even a doctorate, it is impossible when she just graduated There is such an opportunity.

To give an inappropriate example, Su Chen's decision is actually equivalent to throwing a salary worth tens of millions to Guo Xiaoshi to practice. Such an opportunity is probably only available to those super rich second generations.

So one can imagine what kind of mood Guo Xiaoshi is now.

It's not that it's almost as good for a scholar to die for a confidant.

To be more serious, maybe now, as long as Su Chen gives a small hint, Guo Xiaoshi can take the initiative to cleanse herself and let the king slaughter her for nothing!

However, after being excited, Guo Xiaoshi became hypocritical.In the beginning, she was really not afraid of tigers as a newborn calf, but now that Su Chen is so generous, she has concerns.

She was mainly afraid that if she could not do well, she would spoil Su Chen's important event and disappoint Su Chen's hope.

Therefore, Guo Xiaoshi hesitated for a moment, resisted the temptation, and opened her mouth to refuse.

"Boss, I"

However, she was interrupted by Su Chen before she finished speaking.

"What about me? All right, that's it. Time is tight and tasks are heavy. You can do it after dinner. If you need any appointments, you can write a report and I will sign it. Come on, I am optimistic about you!"

After speaking, without waiting for Guo Xiaoshi to refuse, Su Chen got up and left.

After leaving the study, Su Chen heaved a sigh of relief.

What the hell, it's a good thing that he speaks quickly, if this girl rejects this, where can he find another tool person?

It's hard to find reliable and foolish tool people these days!
In the room, Guo Xiaoshi was dumbfounded, but she was extremely moved in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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