Chapter 23 Super Mission
A group of people ate a takeaway breakfast with their own thoughts.

After the meal, the girls offered to help Su Chen tidy up the East Garden.

The few girls are not people who don't know how to advance and retreat. They treat guests to dinner and stay overnight, but they make a mess for the family, and they pat their ass and leave. Is that what people do?
No matter what the owner thinks, at least they have to show their attitude.

And the girls seemed to be sincere, not pretending, Han Yao had already found the broom, if Guo Xiaoshi hadn't stopped her and said she had found a cleaner, this girl would probably have done it by herself silently.

Since there was no need to clean up, the girls thanked Su Chen and took the initiative to leave.

But Han Yao was kept by Guo Xiaoshi.

Su Chen didn't care about these things. After he had dinner, he went out with Su Pan. He threw all the mess at home and the company to Guo Xiaoshi.

Originally, Su Pan wanted to go home, but when he heard that Su Chen was going to Panjiayuan, he followed everything.

Sometimes the friendship between men is so unbelievable. Maybe Su Chen and Su Pan are angry with each other. Even though it's just one night, the two of them are now able to joke with each other without any scruples.

Panjiayuan is located on the East Third Ring Road, across the Forbidden City from Houhai.

Turned half a circle around the Forbidden City, because I came out late, the morning rush hour had passed, so luckily there was no traffic jam along the way.

Looking for a place to park outside Panjiayuan, the two entered Panjiayuan with high spirits.

However, as soon as Su Chen stepped into Panjiayuan, a system notification sounded in his mind.

"Ding! It has been detected that the host has entered Panjiayuan, and the ability of the intelligent eye has been activated."

"Ding, a temporary mission is released: for every antique worth more than [-] million yuan that the host successfully misses, the host will be rewarded with one or a set of lost world-class rare treasures!
Task time limit: eight hours! "


Su Chen stepped forward suddenly, and the pupils of his eyes suddenly enlarged!

Hold the grass!Great job!

To actually reward a world-class rare treasure that has been lost!
The first thing Su Chen thought of was treasures such as Chuanguo Yuxi and Huaxia Jiuding.

If it is really this kind of treasure, then Su Chen has to complete the task even if he tries his best.

For such a big event, even if Su Chen is a peerless lazy man, it is impossible for him to have the idea of ​​being lazy.What's more, Su Chen himself is still a patriotic young cynic, and he has always been very motivated for such things that benefit the country and the people.

Needless to say, Su Chen has already decided that he will fight Pan Jiayuan to the end, and he will never quit the battlefield until the last moment.

On the side, Su Pan was still chattering.

"Hey, I don't know when I will have a luxury car of my own. To be honest, Lao Su, your king monster really makes me greedy. When this car came out, I fell in love with it immediately. , but the price is really outrageous, and my dad has always asked me to be frugal, so there is no way, I can only drive an ordinary Lamborghini suv when traveling now, hey! I have counted the entire imperial capital, and there is no rich second generation like me .

Oh, by the way, why are you here at Panjiayuan?I've wanted to come here a long time ago. My grandfather will have his [-]th birthday next month. I'm wondering what to give him as a birthday gift. I heard that there are treasures everywhere in Panjiayuan, so I'm going to try my luck today. Maybe I can pick up a big one. Leak, hey!Su, what is your goal?

Um?Old Su?Why don't you speak? "

Su Pan was muttering, and suddenly found that Su Chen was gone.Turning around, he saw Su Chen standing motionless at the door of Panjiayuan.

Su Pan hurriedly turned around and pushed Su Chen.

"Old Su, what's wrong with you?"

"Huh? What did you say?"

"I said what's wrong with you, why are you standing still?"

"Oh! It's okay, I suddenly remembered something and lost my mind!"

"You can also distract your mind? You can do it! By the way, old Su, what are you doing in Panjiayuan?"

"Me?" Su Chen stared at the quaint entrance of Panjiayuan, and a grin suddenly appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Brothers are going to raid Panjiayuan today!"

Su Pan: "?????"

"Brush wash (fake): modern handicraft, imitating Song Ru kiln"

"Inkstone (fake): Modern handicraft, rough imitation of Song Dynasty"

"Juyongguan Map (Fake): Modern Artifact, Machine Print"



Su Chen and Su Pan were walking on the street stalls, Su Chen's heart was so hot, it didn't take long for it to cool down.

Good guy, although he also knew that [-]% of the stalls in Panjiayuan were fake, but he didn't expect the authenticity rate to be so low.

He swept through more than a dozen stalls, and unexpectedly found three antiques, all of which were antiques from the Republic of China period, and they were all carefully treasured by the boss.

After decades of turmoil and development, the antique industry has already matured.

After decades of sweeping by antique lovers, those antiques that were hidden in the dark were basically discovered, and few leftovers were left.

In addition, many of the antique vendors in the past were actually antique lovers. Many of their goods were sourced from various corners of the country when they went to the countryside. There are also many, buyers and sellers fight for eyesight, and what they buy is excitement.

But now, the sources of goods for these street vendors are basically mass-produced in processing factories, and there are few old traditions of going to the countryside to harvest, and basically what they sell are fakes.

So these days, if you want to find leaks in Panjiayuan, it is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

Su Chen walked through more than a dozen stalls, but he didn't see any decent treasures.

Until at a corner, Su Chen came to a booth set up by a middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man is about 50 to [-] years old, and his face is covered with wrinkles from the vicissitudes of life.A pair of eyes are extremely sharp.Although he also smiled three-pointedly when looking at people, but there was always a hint of chill in that smile.

This is a not very friendly owner.

Su Chen came to a conclusion at the first sight of the boss.

However, Su Chen was mainly there to look at the goods. Su Chen had an intuition just now that he was far away. This boss seems to be the kind of stall owner who knows how to harvest.

That said, there is likely to be a baby here.

Sure enough, Su Chen took a casual look, and the information that appeared in front of him made him look overjoyed.

"Qing Shanxi silver ingot (genuine product): the condition is well preserved."

"Qing rosewood gold abacus (genuine product)."

"Shadow Youth Justice Cup (Fake)"

With a casual scan, Su Chen "saw" several authentic products.Of course, this information was told to him by the supernatural eye.

This wisdom eye is not so much a supernatural power, but a high-tech. Of course, its function is absolutely amazing.

The function of the smart eye is very simple, that is, as long as Su Chen concentrates on looking at a certain antique, the smart eye will tell him the complete information about the antique, including the authenticity, origin, characteristics and value of the antique.

 Emma, ​​I broke my promise, and there was a temporary change. I stayed up late until one o’clock in the middle of the night, and only wrote two. I haven’t completed the task of adding updates. I’m sorry, everyone. I will continue to work hard tomorrow. If I have time and energy these days, I will definitely do more. renew.

(End of this chapter)

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