Chapter 24

"Bronze Jue Cup (Fake)."

"Guangxu White Glazed Jug: (Authentic)"

"Blue and White Phoenix Tail Zun (Fake)"

""Exodus to the Fortress" (Fake)."

"Blue and white plum vase (fake): An imitation of the Republic of China, appearance: inferior product, imitation of Ming blue and white. Special note: hidden mystery!"


Su Chen was scanning the stalls with his intelligent eyes, when he was suddenly attracted by a large blue and white vase.

It was a blue-and-white plum vase. The plum vase was characterized by its small mouth, short neck, plump shoulders, thin bottom, and round feet.

Plum vases were mostly used to store wine in ancient times, so they were not large in size.But the plum vase of this stall owner is very large, about 80 centimeters in height, and it is a rare large porcelain vase.

But what Su Chen cares most about is not the porcelain itself, but the special comment that Huiyan gave to this porcelain vase!

Hidden mystery!

Based on Su Chen's experience of reading countless systematic novels, this porcelain vase is definitely not simple, and it may be a big leak.

The stall owner on the side has been greeting Su Pan, because Su Pan is a talkative person who can chat with anyone, so Su Chen is always easily ignored when he is with Su Pan.

However, the middle-aged stall owner is not a simple owner. Although he has been dealing with Su Pan, his eyes stare at Su Chen from time to time. Hooked a friendly smile.

"Brother has good eyesight. There is only such a priceless treasure in my stall, so I let you pick it out."

After hearing this, Su Chen rolled his eyes wildly in his heart.

Sure enough, these uncles who sell literature and play street stalls are all very bad, and none of them have a single truth in their mouths.

Although this plum vase is not an imitation of modern craftsmanship, it comes from the Republic of China and has a bit of history, but its workmanship is too rough, and there is a circle of very thin cracks on the surface of the plum vase, the quality is extremely poor, and it has no collection value at all.The value of this plum vase was not even ranked among the top ten treasures at the uncle's booth, yet the uncle casually called it a priceless treasure.

Well, these days, thick skin is also a skill.

Su Chen didn't expose the uncle's words, but returned a gentle smile. "Uncle's eyesight is not bad, and he saw my target at a glance. I wanted to steal the chicken, but now it seems that I have no chance. Come on! Uncle, please give me a good price!"

The stall owner was proud of himself. He was able to thrive in Panjiayuan because of his eyesight.He is also really good.He has also set up a stall in Panjiayuan for more than ten years, and he has never been stolen, let alone picked up.

The most surprising thing is that the stall owner doesn't really know much about antiques. He doesn't even know the authenticity of many cultural antiques.

In a sense, this is also a strange person.

Of course, after more than ten years in the business, the stall owner's eyesight can't stand still. He can still tell the truth of some simple literary games.And the blue and white plum vase was really rough in workmanship, so the stall owner could see the value of the plum vase at a glance, and even more so, that Su Chen was actually pretending to be stupid.

So the stall owner is a little embarrassed, and this situation is the worst.

As stall owners, what they like most is the kind of buyers who know little about antiques, because such people are easy to fool.

But it is also this kind of people who are the most annoying, because some people rely on their smattering of knowledge about antiques, set prices arbitrarily, and are extremely stubborn. Sometimes they may not make a penny and cause a lot of trouble.

In the eyes of the stall owner, Su Chen is such a type of person who can pretend to be confused but is very young, which is a typical characteristic of those people.

I just don't know what kind of temper Su Chen has.

Therefore, the stall owner hesitated for a moment and offered a price that was neither high nor low.

"Eight thousand!"

This price is definitely a bit high for this plum vase, but it is likely to fool some buyers.

After all, for porcelain, there is basically nothing worth collecting if it is less than one thousand.

Su Chen was smiling and hadn't spoken yet, but Su Pan over there was in a hurry.

"Eight thousand? Boss, you are stealing money! As far as the workmanship of your plum vase is concerned, any modern handicraft I can find is better than its workmanship. It's just this shit, how dare you ask for eight thousand?"

After finishing speaking, Su Pan turned back to look at Su Chen, puzzled, and said, "Old Su, this is a defective product with low value. Why did you buy it?"

"I know, don't worry!" Su Chen explained to Su Pan in a low voice.

Su Pan stared at Su Chen in a daze, nodded, and said nothing more.

"Hehe, boss, my brothers have already said it, you are not kind! Everyone is a real person, so hurry up and give me a real price!"

The stall owner didn't bat an eyelid for Su Pan's condemnation.After hearing Su Chen's words, the stall owner smiled softly.

"Little brother, I believe you can see it. I am a product of the Republic of China. Although the workmanship is a bit poor, but the size of my plum vase is nearly 600 pieces. Not to mention unique, there are not many plum vases. See. It is definitely valuable for collection, so I want you eight thousand, absolutely not fooling you, it is really the price of cabbage!"

Hearing this, Su Chen frowned slightly.

"Boss, you are so boring! Your porcelain is very big, but it is also true that it is rough in workmanship, and it is only a thing of the Republic of China. The historical value is really not high. Everyone understands it. You can give me a good deal." price!"

The stall owner stared at Su Chen for a while, then suddenly smiled.

"Okay, little brother, let's stop bargaining. You can't hide it from my eyes. My eyes tell me that you care about this plum vase very much. It can be said that you are bound to get it. So even if I bite eight thousand Don't let go, you still have to pay in the end. But, today I will teach you this friend, and I will give you a hundred taxi fare less, seven thousand and ninety-nine. As for the little bit more I earn, even if you pay my tuition, remember In the future, when negotiating with others, you must control your expressions and eyes."

When Su Chen heard this, his expression changed immediately. He thought he was covering up well, but he didn't expect the stall owner to spot it at a glance.

While he was upset, he also really admired the stall owner.

As expected of someone who can stand firm in Panjiayuan, this vision is really impressive!

However, Su Chen was upset, and Su Pan was really angry. He had never talked about such an arrogant stall owner.He couldn't help cursing: "Bah! What kind of garlic are you putting in here? A broken bottle, who do you think is so rare! And let us pay the tuition fee, you deserve it too? Why do you pay for a taxi? Look like you can't afford a car like Xiang people?"

The stall owner cast a glance at Su Pan, chuckled, and leaned back. He didn't know whether it was his nature or a posturing. The stall owner who had called Su Pan brothers and sisters just now turned his back on him without even looking at Su Pan. , with an extremely proud look.

Su Pan is so angry!Although he is easy to talk, it doesn't mean he has a good temper.

In fact, if he was wronged, Su Pan's temper would be more irritable than anyone else's.

Su Pan stood up suddenly, and was about to smash the stall with his hand, but was hugged by Su Chen.

"Don't worry, look at me!"

Su Pan turned his head and glanced at Su Chen. After a while, he nodded and walked aside in a muffled voice.

(End of this chapter)

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