Chapter 223
It can be much more true. The current society is a society where money makes money.

But for all the richest people, the companies they belong to will always have negative equity on their books.Because the basic operation of anyone who can make a fortune is to leverage the unlimited market with limited funds.

Few people are stupid enough to deposit money in the bank.Because bank deposits are the stupidest way to manage money, not one of them.

Only a lazy person like Su Chen would think of depositing money in the bank.

But that was also his original thinking. His original thinking was very simple. The money in the bank exists for the system mall. Without the system mall, no matter how much money he has, it is meaningless.That's why he chose bank deposits in order to withdraw as he needed, because he was afraid that once he invested the money, he would be locked up and unable to withdraw it temporarily when he used the money.

But this was just his initial thought. Now Su Chen gradually realizes that what he has in his hands is not enough for him to spend his whole life recklessly, so in order to guarantee the daily expenses, he has to find a way to use money to make money, so this time he bought the Wang Group , Su Chen would be so happy.

But others don't know Su Chen's thoughts, others only know that Su Chen now has a lot of idle funds in his hands.Su Chen has almost put a label on his forehead that he is a fool with a lot of money.

It can be said that as soon as Su Chen's true identity is revealed, within three days, Su Chen will be surrounded by various business bosses.

It was precisely because of this that Tang Fang was so shocked by Su Chen's identity.

Of course, at the same time, he became more confident in Su Chen's plan.

People who can have 3000 billion deposits in the bank will be short of money?
What Tang Qiong thought was simpler.After what happened yesterday, this girl and Su Chen are already acquainted.As soon as he heard that Su Chen was the boss of the future company, he immediately pestered him.

"Brother Su~!" Tang Qiong moved closer to Su Chen, leaning her enchanting body against Su Chen, exhaling like blue, and said in a coquettish voice.

"Sister Tang, you are older than me!" Su Chen was serious, without squinting!

"Oh, I don't care, I have to call you brother! Otherwise, how could I have the nerve to take advantage of you?"

"." Su Chen sighed: "Sister Tang, if you have something to say, just say it!"

"Hee hee, I don't really have any other requirements, I just want to care about how many clothes you want!"

Su Chen: "."

It's just a few pieces of clothing, so why don't you make such a dedication?This fire has been lured up.

"Heck, Sister Tang, you've had enough!"

On the side, Gu Qingyu squinted his eyes and laughed into a ball.

Tang Qiong also seemed to realize suddenly that she had gone too far.Instantly blushing, she stood up, and then walked to Gu Qingyu's side, the two women were in a mess.

However, after Tang Qiong made such a fuss, Tang Fang and Wen Liangdong's eyes became a little strange.

Seeing the eyes of the two of them, Su Chen felt mmp in his heart!

What the hell, this goblin, fucked him again!Speaking of which, he is really innocent this time, even if his willpower is not firm, but he was made a fuss by Gu Qingya yesterday, Su Chen now has [-] guts and dare not mess around!
Fortunately, Xiaoyu is more obedient. If this is a talkative sister-in-law, he will definitely be in trouble when he goes back tonight!
The atmosphere was awkward for a while.

Fortunately, at this time, the manager went back and forth, and the attitude of the manager who came back changed again.

He explained to Su Chen in a very modest tone. The head office has already agreed to Su Chen's application. As long as Su Chen can prove his identity, he can get the top VIP card of Yanyu Pavilion!
The VIP cards of Yanyu Pavilion are divided into five levels: junior, middle, high, top and supreme!

The division of each level is very strict, and is closely related to the identity and background of the owner of the VIP card.

What Su Chen said to the manager before was actually to test the intelligence capabilities of Yanyu Pavilion, so he only reported his surname and address, and then the other party gave him a top VIP card.

It can be seen that Yanyu Pavilion's intelligence capabilities are not weak.

The second is to test the strength of Misty Rain Pavilion.His net worth on the surface should be nearly one trillion yuan now.And with such wealth, they can only get the top VIP card. From this point of view, the forces behind the Misty Rain Pavilion are by no means simple!

Of course, Su Chen has no other thoughts about Yanyu Pavilion, he just wants to know more about it.

After getting what he wanted to know, Su Chen was not interested in the rest, and left everything to Wen Liangdong.

Wen Liangdong is obviously more skilled than him in dealing with these matters.

After a while, the experience and Wen Liangdong were verified, and the group was invited into a luxurious VIP area.

The rooms of Yanyu Pavilion are different from ordinary rooms. The rooms of Yanyu Pavilion are more like a combination of a super entertainment center. There are many kinds of leisure and entertainment facilities in it, such as billiards, ktv, bowling, virtual vr game area, etc., and each The rooms in the area are extremely private and will not be disturbed by outsiders. Here, you can get everything you need.

And this is just the hardware facilities of Misty Rain Pavilion, the most famous of Misty Rain Pavilion is its soft service.Moreover, this kind of soft service includes almost everything you need, as long as you dare to mention it, Yanyulou will do its best to meet your requirements.

It can be said that this is a gold consumption cave!

After Su Chen listened to the introduction, he couldn't help but click his tongue secretly. No wonder he is famous, such thoughtful service is indeed attractive, even people like Su Chen who owns the mall have the desire to live here forever.

A few people first relax and have fun, and then the five people are divided into two groups.Wen Liangdong and Tang Fang played billiards, and while they were playing, they exchanged information about the Wang Group.

On Su Chen's side, he took the two girls to play VR games.

Tang Qiong was fascinated by this, especially the racing game in it, and she didn't want to stop playing it.

It just so happened that Su Chen took this opportunity to chat with Gu Qingyu.

"Xiaoyu, what do you think about Yanyu Pavilion!"

"Very strong!" Gu Qingyu thought for a while and said, "Yanyu Pavilion is complete in terms of hardware facilities, various services, and even operating rules, and it can be seen that the forces behind Yanyu Pavilion are very powerful. Such an existence, unless there is a big Changes, otherwise it will be very difficult to replace it!"

Su Chen looked at Gu Qingyu in surprise. "Yes, you actually read my mind?"

"Hee hee, no, I guessed it too, because it's rare for me to see my brother-in-law pay so much attention to one thing."

Su Chen smiled. "Now that you know what I'm thinking, have you ever thought about how I can succeed?"

Gu Qingyu pondered for a moment. "Emmmm, I think that there is already an existence like Yanyu Pavilion blocking the way ahead. Instead of trying to replace it, brother-in-law should find another way!"

"Another way?"

"Yes! If brother-in-law also wants to be a high-end club, he must have his own characteristics. And this characteristic should be unique, and it should not be easily imitated!"

(End of this chapter)

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