I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 224 Grandmaster Skills

Chapter 224 Grandmaster Skills

"Another way?"

Su Chen narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly thought of the various spiritual species and trees that the system rewarded last time, and then an idea was born in Su Chen's mind.

It seems that it is not easy to realize this idea!It takes a lot of time.

Forget it, let's just treat it as a joke, anyway, I have nothing to do recently, and the travel plan that was originally discussed has ended just as it started.Yu Qiang and others have jobs, and there is also news from Xiaoshi that preparations for a new program have begun, and the name is "My Local Tyrant Friends". .Basically every issue or every theme will be a guest at a rich man's house.

The first two episodes have already been taken by Su Pan, and the next two episodes have been given to Fatty Yu. After that, it is still undecided. It depends on the ratings of the show. As long as there are ratings, there is no need to worry about not having a partner.And with the connections of Su Pan and Fatty Yu, there must be no shortage of wealthy friends.

For the time being, Zhang Huan will follow up on the program, while Guo Xiaoshi will manage the museum and hotel business in the imperial capital.

Su Chen has already bought architectural drawings for all the buildings from the mall, and even the building materials have been settled.The most special thing here is actually more than a dozen hotels. Su Chen originally planned to build high-end business clubs based on them. Now that he has other plans, Su Chen changed his mind and planned to build them into the world's top theme hotel!
Because there are blueprints and building materials provided by the system, the construction of the themed hotel is not difficult for Su Chen.What is more difficult is the training of service personnel and chefs and the establishment of supporting services.

Since it is a theme hotel, the service model inside should fit the theme as much as possible. For example, if it is a theme hotel of the Western Duke Castle, the biggest features of the hotel should be butlers, maids and western food.

If it is a martial arts villa theme, then in addition to the martial arts-themed scenery, kung fu mistresses and delicious food must also be the top priority.

Most of them don't need Su Chen to worry about. There are all kinds of actors in the major film and television bases in Huaguo. As long as the money is in place, I'm not afraid that they won't change careers.

The most important thing here is actually good food and wine, which are available in the wine store, but Su Chen needs to train chefs for good food, otherwise he is not at ease with other people's craftsmanship.

So Su Chen has already called the imperial capital, and it is estimated that Han Yun will come back in the afternoon. With him, there is also a western food chef, whom Su Chen asked Guo Xiaoshi to recruit.

Fortunately, there is still time for hotel construction, and Su Chen has enough time to train chefs.

Su Chen chatted with Gu Qingyu and Tang Qiong here without saying a word.

On the other side, Wen Liangdong and Tang Fang finally settled down.


"Brother Su!"

"How? What result?"

Tang Fang looked at Wen Liangdong, Wen Liangdong was not humble, and said: "Master, after some discussions with Young Master Tang, the conclusion is that buying the Wang Group will certainly not be a disadvantage. The qualifications of the Wang Group are very good, so I I think it is possible to acquire the Wang Group."

"That's fine. Is there an acquisition plan? Are you confident?"

"Brother Su, in fact, there is no need for any plan for this matter. As long as the money is in place for the few loose shares of the Wang Group, they will definitely sell the shares in their hands. The most troublesome thing is Wang Jin. If you can't win him 15.00% of the shares, then no matter how much we toss, it will not help."

Su Chen frowned. "The evidence on your side is not reliable?"

"Almost strong!"

Su Chen paced back and forth in the room.

Now the matter is very clear. The key point is whether Wang Jin can be sent to prison in the form of economic crimes. Once successful, the 15.00% shares Wang Jin obtained by illegal means will be taken back by the bank. After that, it must be auctioned, and then it will be a fight Relationship and financial resources, if things develop to this point, then the Wang family is basically doomed.

But Wang Jin is extremely cunning, and his criminal evidence is not so easy to grasp.

Su Chen thought for a long time, and suddenly his eyes lit up. "By the way, is Wang Jin's criminal evidence backed up on the Internet?"

"There must be! A lot of Wang Jin's business is done through the Internet, and he must have kept a lot of contracts and ledgers in his computer. However, in order to protect these data, Wang Jin hired five of the world's top hackers to help him build a firewall. And the defense system, and there is a hacker by his side always obeying orders, so it is almost impossible to steal evidence from him!" Tang Fang said helplessly.

Su Chen was happy. "Hehe, Old Tang, you are too arbitrary, today I will tell you with actions, there is no absolute defense in this world!"

With that said, Su Chen got up and went to the Internet cafe area of ​​the room. There are first-class computers here, which are used for the guests to play games, but now it has become Su Chen's battlefield.

Su Chen has master-level hacking skills. Based on the system's rating standards, Su Chen believes that there should be no more powerful hacker than him in the world!

With his ability, it is really not difficult to steal a document quietly!Even Su Chen is sure that the other party will not notice it!

Turning on the computer, the moment Su Chen put his hands on the keyboard, he felt that countless knowledge had been added to his mind out of thin air, and then his hands seemed to be uncontrollable and instinctively began to operate on the computer quickly, typing one after another. character.

The others were dumbfounded.They couldn't understand what Su Chen was going to do, but they had seen the series of code screens in the computer.

"Hiss! Brother Su, do you even understand this?"

Wen Liangdong was also very surprised. He knew that his boss had many strange abilities, but he never thought that Su Chen actually knew how to hack.

You must know that hacking technology can be said to be the most cutting-edge and cutting-edge technical means. Any hacker will be strictly controlled by various countries. An ICBM!
Gu Qingyu looked at Su Chen with bright eyes, full of admiration.There's no way, even Gu Qingyu didn't expect that she, who has always been more proud, was completely conquered by Su Chen in just one day.

It was the first time for Gu Qingyu to see such a strange man like Su Chen who not only had a heaven-defying appearance, but also possessed heaven-defying abilities.

Tang Qiong was also extremely surprised and excited. "Wow, Su Chen, you're too good, aren't you? Brother Su, can you help me make a cheat for a game? If it's really impossible, a cheat for grabbing red envelopes is fine!"

Everyone: "????"

What kind of brain circuit is this?But why are they all so excited?
Especially for grabbing red envelopes, if it is bound to hundreds of red envelope groups, wouldn't it be.
I can't think about it anymore, the more I think about it, the more I look forward to it.

This means that Su Chen was concentrating on entering the code and didn't hear it, otherwise Tang Qiong would definitely have a brain collapse!

He, Su Chen, is also a master hacker after all, and the majestic master hacker actually went to make cheats for others?How shameless is this?

Is he, Su Chen, shameless?
(End of this chapter)

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