I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 225 The Evidence Is Available

Chapter 225 The Evidence Is Available
Several people looked at Su Chen expectantly, but the hacker sounded majestic, but in fact, the hacker's "combat" was far less exciting than in the movie, but rather boring and time-consuming.

At the beginning, everyone was very enthusiastic, but after ten minutes, a few people couldn't stand it anymore.

The main reason is that Su Chen has been typing codes, and the computer interface has nothing but codes.The most important thing is that they can't understand a single code, just like reading a bunch of bibles.It's okay for a short time, but after a long time, it will definitely become irritable.

So in less than half an hour, everyone left, looking for places to have fun.

But it can be seen that no matter what they are playing, they are a little absent-minded. They look at Su Chen from time to time, hoping that Su Chen can give them a surprise.

At the same time, in the basement of a manor in Jiangzhou, a group of people were busy doing something.

The leader is a man with blond hair, big shoulders, a muscular body, and fierce eyes. He is not a good-tempered master at first glance.

"Master, our business is almost over, and most of the finishing work has been completed. At most half a month, the subordinates will be able to complete the finishing work!"

The man's face was fierce, but his tone of voice was very gentle, as if he was chatting with a friend, he said casually, "Well, didn't you leave any tail?"

"Don't worry, young master, I have personally checked every life, and I have verified it three times, there will be no problems!"

"Well, I don't worry about your work!"

Wang Jin patted the man on the shoulder, and then came to a young man. In front of the young man were several computers, all of which were full of incomprehensible codes.

"Little Seven!"

"Master!" Seeing Wang Jin, the young man hurried to stand up, but was pressed down by Wang Jin.

"Don't be nervous, I just took a look at it on a whim. Are you okay here?"

"Young master, don't worry, I've been watching, there is no problem!"

"Well, it's coming soon. In half a month, the third child will be able to complete the finishing touches. By then, the things inside will be unnecessary, and you will be liberated!"

"Okay! Don't worry, young master, I promise to persist until the last moment, and I won't give anyone a chance."

"Well, I don't worry about your work!" He patted the young man on the shoulder.Wang Jin stood up, stretched his waist, looked at the exit with deep eyes, and said to himself: "Half a month, I can leave here in half a month. Brother, after all, I am from the Wang family. I can give you a chance, I hope you don't let me down, otherwise, if the fish dies and the net breaks, no one will get better!"

And when Wang Jin yearned for a free life abroad in the future, Xiao Qi who was sitting in front of the computer suddenly felt that the screen went black for a second.

Just for a second, and then the computer screen returned to normal!
But Xiaoqi's heart skipped a beat. As a hacker, his intuition told him that the black screen just now was abnormal.

But he didn't find anything abnormal.

Under his strict defense, he can still make the computer screen black for a second without leaving any traces. This is definitely a super expert, at least not comparable to him.

In an instant, Xiao Qi knew that something might have happened.

Xiaoqi's first reaction was to tell Wang Jin.But as soon as the idea came up, he was strangled to death.

First of all, he has no evidence. If he didn't have the intuition of a hacker, he would rather believe that his eyes were dazzled at that second. With such a rapid flickering, it is estimated that even monitoring would not be able to detect the abnormality.

Second, even if Wang Jin believed what he said, then Wang Jin's reaction would definitely be to make up for it, but he knew himself that the opponent's skills were by no means comparable to him, and he was definitely not an opponent.

And he believes that since his computer screen is black, it means that the other party has succeeded.Then nothing he can do will help.

So it's useless to make a sound at this time.Moreover, his subordinates were not good at handling affairs, and Xiao Qi couldn't help but tremble in his heart because of Wang Jin's method of torturing people.

No, this matter cannot be reported. He didn't see anything just now.

The worst result is that the police will come to the door in a while.If he can't escape, he is at best an accessory and won't be sentenced for long.But if you say it now, you might die before the police arrive!
And more importantly, maybe he was dazzled just now?
Xiaoqi continued to stare at the computer calmly, with a serious expression, without any slack!
Seeing this, Wang Jin patted Xiaoqi's head with a smile, and left the computer area with a relaxed expression.

Yanyu Pavilion, Su Chen looked at the contracts and ledgers in the computer, and heaved a sigh of relief!

"It's done!" Su Chen clapped his hands.

"What? It really happened?"

Tang Fang, who had been waiting for more than an hour, hurried over. He had studied Wang Jin the longest, so he was most familiar with Wang Jin's criminal evidence.

He hurried forward, and when he saw the documents in the computer, the expression of joy on his face became more and more obvious.

Finally, Tang Fang slapped the table.Excitedly said: "That's it, that's it! Brother Su, you are so awesome, how did you do it?"

Su Chen stretched his muscles and bones, and after taking a sip of the tea that Gu Qingyu thoughtfully handed over, he said: "It doesn't matter how you do it, the important thing is that you keep it a secret from me!"

"Understood!" Tang replied with a serious expression: "Brother Su, you are the great benefactor of our Tang family, so I promise, I will not confide a single word about this matter today."

Others also expressed their views.

Su Chen nodded, he just said casually, in fact, even if it is exposed, it doesn't matter, in his capacity, even if he knows how to hack, it won't cause too much impact, he just wants to prevent problems before they happen.

"By the way, although I don't think the other party will find out that I submitted their information, unless they are staring at the computer all the time. But just in case, I think you should act as soon as possible, so as not to have long nights and dreams!"

Tang Fang excitedly said: "Okay! Then there is no need to delay. Brother Su, don't worry, I have a friend in the police station. He is in charge of investigating Wang Jin's case. He has been planning for more than a month. As long as we have enough evidence, They immediately made arrests."

Wen Liangdong also hurriedly said: "If that's the case, it's better to buy the shares sooner rather than later, lest Wang Jun notice it early and cause accidents!"

Tang Fang said: "Then let's do it together, Wang Jin, as long as I teach the evidence to my friend, then I don't need me. In this way, Brother Wen will go to the police station with me first, and then we will start the acquisition plan immediately. I will make an appointment People, you negotiate, let's make a quick decision!"

Su Chen nodded. "Then I'll leave this matter to you, Old Wen. You can make up your own mind about the negotiation. In the end, report the total to me, and I'll give you the money! Also, take Xiaoyu with you! Let her study and study with her." .”

After speaking, Su Chen looked at Gu Qingyu again, and warned: "Xiaoyu, go over there, listen more, watch more, don't talk, don't cause trouble for Old Wen, everything depends on Old Wen, you know?"

Gu Qingyu was mentally prepared beforehand, so she nodded obediently.

On the contrary, Wen Liangdong was a little hesitant to speak.

(End of this chapter)

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