Chapter 256
Controlled nuclear fusion!
One of the core technologies of the fourth generation industrial revolution!

One of the biggest themes that changed the world!

It can be said that in today's society, whichever country has mastered the technology of controllable nuclear fusion will be able to rank among the world's powers and have enough voice.

And if a country that is itself a big country masters controllable nuclear fusion technology, it will not only make this country a superpower in one fell swoop, but also make this big country not fear any country in the national society!

Controllable nuclear fusion is the lifeblood of the country!
Although he is not a nuclear weapon, in some respects, his role is even greater than that of a nuclear weapon!

So even if the research on controllable nuclear fusion requires countless investments, even if every country knows that its own country's investment in controllable nuclear fusion may be in vain.But no developed country dares to stop research on controllable nuclear fusion, and even increases resource investment every year.

Because no country dares to take chances and allow this technology to be mastered by other countries.Even taking a step back, even if this technology is mastered by other countries, then your own country should not be too far behind, at least it must have the ability to learn from precedents and follow up bravely.

The same is true in Huaguo. Huaguo scientists are as enthusiastic about controllable nuclear fusion technology as any other country, and the Huaguo government also attaches unparalleled importance to this.

So when Su Chen said that he had mastered all the technologies of controllable nuclear fusion, the first reaction of the three elders was not surprise, but dignified!

Because of the importance, so this kind of thing is not a joke.

Even though Su Chen has a small pill, even though Su Chen is the savior of the Yu family, even though Su Chen behaves as a young and old man, he is too young after all, the three elders really can't believe what Su Chen said is true!
"Su Chen, you have to be clear, this kind of thing is not a joke!"

Elder Xu's attitude was very serious, and he even called Su Chen by his real name for this reason.

Su Chen's attitude was also very serious, without the slightest hint of a joke in his eyes.

"Mr. Xu, what I said is the truth. I know this sounds absurd to you guys. So I didn't expect to take advantage of the country. I just need the country to lend me a piece of land, and then lend me to garrison the army. I can handle the rest by myself, such as scientists, raw materials, infrastructure, etc., I can handle by myself!

In fact, I can do this by myself, but after all, it involves major national affairs, and it will not be good for me to do it privately, so I want the country to participate and even lead.

Therefore, the support I want most is to let the country allow me to research and try to build it!
Of course, if the country is willing to support strongly, then I definitely welcome it sincerely! "

After Su Chen said everything like this, the three old people looked at each other and nodded secretly.

It's not that they believed in Su Chen, they just thought that this matter could be given a try.Just like what Su Chen said, as long as the matter is kept silent, it will be considered a failure, and there will be no loss to the country, and the three elders will have no psychological pressure.

But once it succeeds, not to mention the benefits to the people, the country, and the world, just the three of their families, with Su Chen's light, can benefit countless.

It can be said that although Su Chen asked the three elders for help in this matter, in fact, it might not be that Su Chen wanted to take this opportunity to give the three families a great contribution for nothing.

As soon as he thought of this, the expression of the three elders became a little complicated.

This is a favor, why is it so troublesome?

"That being the case, leave this to me!" Old Master Xu said in a deep voice.

Among the three, only the Xu family has connections in the energy department. Of course, the other two can also contribute to this matter, so there is no need to worry about not getting credit.

Elder Xu thought for a while and said, "Just in time, my grandson Xu Zhen has just returned from a job report in other places, and he happens to be in the energy department. Xiaochen, let's see when you have time. I'll let him find you?"

Su Chen said: "Tomorrow, at noon tomorrow, I will hold a banquet at home, fat man, you are also called Shang Supan, and our brothers haven't got together for a long time, just take this opportunity to have a good get-together!"

"Okay! No problem!" Fatty Yu readily agreed.

Seeing this, Mr. Xu smiled slightly. This was exactly what he wanted to see.

Afterwards, Su Chen checked Mr. Yu's pulse. After some examinations, Su Chen pondered for a moment, and then said: "Mr. Yu, my pill has completely awakened all aspects of vitality in your body, but the old wounds and old diseases in your body are also It's getting more and more troublesome, if you don't stop it, the effect of my pill may be greatly reduced!"

Mr. Yu looked at it very openly, and waved his hand indifferently. "It's okay, I know my body, those old diseases and old injuries are old problems, and they can't be cured. I can live again now, and I am satisfied. Xiaochen, you just need to tell me how long I can live." !"

After pondering for a moment, Su Chen said, "Based on your current situation, it's not a problem to live another three years!"


When Su Chen said this, the three elders were all taken aback.

They thought that Su Chen's pill would at most have the effect of returning to life, and it would not prolong old man Yu's life for too long.

So even though old man Yu woke up, everyone's heart is still very heavy, and they are ready to see old man Yu off at any time.

Mr. Yu himself is also mentally prepared, so he tries to put himself in a good mood every day, so that the illness can be slowed down, and he has finished all the arrangements that should be made for the Yu family.The most important thing for him now is to live. As long as he lives, it will be of great benefit to the Yu family and even to the whole country.

But none of the three elders expected that Su Chen's pill was actually the legendary Longevity Pill!
And it was possible to prolong his life by three years. This was discounted because of Yu's old illnesses. If there was no discount, then...
For a while, even with the state of mind of the three old men, it was inevitable that they all changed color.

This is a life-prolonging elixir!

This is the legendary elixir!
Such a huge medicinal effect, once spread, the whole world will probably be crazy about it!
Now people outside think that Su Chen's pills can only bring back the light, so despite the turbulent tide in Jincheng, with the energy of the three families, it can still be suppressed.

But once the real efficacy of the pills is known, it will be useless to come to ten or eight, let alone three, because this will surely be a news that shocks the world!

The shock in the eyes of the three old men could not be let go for a long time.

On the other hand, Fatty Yu's focus was different from that of the three elders. Seeing that the third elder hadn't spoken, Fatty Yu interjected, "Boss, what did you mean just now, is it your method to contain my grandfather's hidden wounds?"

When the three elders heard this, their expressions changed drastically again, and the three pairs of eyes fixed on Su Chen instantly!

Su Chen touched his nose, his scalp felt a little numb after being watched by the elders, took a breath, Su Chen said truthfully: "I have a way!"

(End of this chapter)

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