Chapter 257
If you want to talk about understanding of men, it must be your brother.

Even though Fatty Yu and Su Chen have known each other for a short time, and they haven't even had real contact a few times, Fatty Yu knows Su Chen very well.

So as soon as Su Chen said that the old illness must be curbed, Fatty Yu immediately realized that his boss had a cure.

Sure enough, Su Chen nodded in agreement.

In fact, there is nothing Su Chen can do if he doesn't admit it.The main reason is that he used his big move as soon as he came up, and directly took out the life-prolonging elixir.

In this way, Su Chen must not hide those cheaper basic elixirs in the system, otherwise you even have life-prolonging elixirs but no ordinary elixir to treat old diseases. Who will believe it?

Rather than being suspected in the future, he might as well admit it voluntarily.

In addition, Su Chen didn't intend to hide it. Ever since he took out the life-extending elixir, Su Chen had already planned to use the elixir to make money.

Since ancient times, the pharmaceutical industry has been making huge profits. As long as he doesn't cheat others, he can earn the money with peace of mind.

As for security issues, this is not to be considered.

Doctors have been one of the safest professions since ancient times. No matter in ancient times or in modern times, few people dare to provoke doctors, because no one can guarantee that they will not be injured or sick. If they can save their lives, they have to be doctor doctor.There are really not many people who are as aggressive as Cao Cao.

What's more, Su Chen is still doing a monopoly business. As long as they can't find Su Chen's purchase channel, they dare not do anything to Su Chen, and Su Chen's purchase channel is the system. If you want to find the existence of the system, let alone others, Even Su Chen couldn't do it by himself.

Taking a step back, even if someone is desperate for some reason, then Su Chen himself has various means of protection.

The outside world has insurance, and the system mall must also have related businesses.Su Chen once spent a total of 100 billion to buy various special means in the system mall, the purpose is to ensure the safety of himself and the girls around him.

So despite the lack of security around Su Chen and the girls, if you want to harm them, unless you deploy large-scale weapons that cannot be resisted by manpower, it is impossible to cause harm to Su Chen and the girls.

So Su Chen can be regarded as no taboo now.

Therefore, in the eyes of the three elders, the elixir is a hot potato, but in the eyes of Su Chen, it is a tool for making money.

"Boss, you really have a way!" Fatty Yu was still concerned about his grandfather's health.

Su Chen nodded. "I have an acupuncture method. Later, I will treat Mr. Yu with acupuncture and moxibustion, and then I will bring you some medicine. As long as you take it on time and take good care of your body, if you don't dare to say too much, I will guarantee your life for at least another five years." , if you take good care of yourself, even ten years is not impossible!"

"Bang! It's impossible!"

Suddenly, without waiting for the elders to react, the door was suddenly opened from the outside.

Everyone looked towards the door together, and saw Chen Kuan looking at Su Chen with an extremely complicated expression. Behind him, Yu Shuiyue stuck out his tongue, his face full of helplessness!

"Old Chen! Pay attention to your emotions!"

Mr. Yu was the first to react. He restrained Chen Kuan first, and then signaled Yu Shuiyue to go out and watch.

Then he looked at Fatty Yu again. This time, just in case, Mr. Yu even sent Fatty Yu out.

Fatty Yu was full of reluctance, but he didn't dare to disobey in the slightest, so he nodded and bowed and went out!
As soon as Fatty Yu left, there were only four old people and Su Chen left in the room.

The four old men, with four pairs of eyes, all stared at Su Chen closely.

After a while, Mr. Su said with a complicated expression: "Little friend, do you know what you just said?"

Seeing this, Su Chen sighed, knowing that it was time for a showdown!

Su Chen got up first, and gave up his seat to Chen Kuan. This is also a great doctor of a great country, who has saved lives and healed countless wounded. Su Chen has always respected such heroes from the bottom of his heart.

After Chen Kuan sat down, Su Chen didn't sit down again, just stood there, and said seriously to the old men: "Masters, I'll tell the truth now! As for me, I have some magical things , I can't say the specific origin, and it's hard to say. I can only say that I have some amazing treasures in my hands.

As big as priceless treasures like controllable nuclear fusion technology and life-prolonging elixir, I have all kinds of elixirs for healing and healing, harmless cigarettes, and all kinds of alcohol for strengthening the body, etc., all of which I have!
I know the truth of not leaking money, and I know the worries of some of you, but you can rest assured, since I dare to take these things out, I am naturally fully prepared! "

When the old people heard this, they all showed disbelief.

"Xiaochen, what do you mean, you still have a lot of precious things like life-extending pills?"

Su Chen nodded, then shook his head again. "I have some, but I can't say many! And I need to spend a lot of money to get these things, each of which is worth a lot.

Therefore, when I return to Beijing this time, I also want to try to cooperate with you, or the government.

As for me, I can donate a batch of fetishes to the government for free every year, which can be regarded as my personal contribution to the country on Weibo.After that, I can cooperate with the country as a supplier.

In the future, I will only be responsible for the supply, and the government will be my only buyer. The government can take full responsibility for the entire sale, and I can also not interfere with the pricing. The price is 16 billion pills. This longevity pill, as long as the user is aging normally and has no major diseases, it can prolong life by at least five to ten years. It can also guarantee a life extension of three to five years, and at worst, it can also prolong life for at least half a year! "

After Su Chen finished speaking, the four old people, including Chen Kuan later, were all shocked and speechless for a long time.

They thought that the previous controllable nuclear fusion was already a big earthquake brought to them by Su Chen, but now it seems that the controllable nuclear fusion is even insignificant after making a deal with the god in Su Chen's mouth.

Controlled nuclear fusion is very powerful and can increase the influence and voice of the country, but this kind of transaction and enhancement is a one-off.

After the controllable nuclear fusion device is built, the country can use this technology to trade with other countries and benefit from it, but this transaction is a one-off, because the controllable nuclear fusion device is permanent, one-time equipment, permanent warranty, not A second transaction is required.

But the fetish transactions that Su Chen took out are different, and this happens every year.Moreover, these fetishes are exactly what any country will compete for, because it involves the most essential theme of human beings-life span!
In this world, there is no one who does not want to prolong life, especially those politicians and rich people in the world, who have an almost abnormal pursuit of life expectancy.

So it is conceivable that once Su Chen hands over the power of this transaction to the country, the country will be able to grab the throats of the people of the world with this!In one fell swoop, he became the King of Yama who could control the lifespan of human beings!

(End of this chapter)

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