Chapter 258
"Xiaochen, have you made up your mind?"

Mr. Yu said with an extremely serious expression.

The two businesses that Su Chen introduced are too important. Once they are implemented, they will have unimaginable benefits for all parties!
Su Chen nodded seriously.

"Old Yu, I'm sure I won't joke about such a big matter. Besides, you three old men, let's talk about our own business behind closed doors. I plan to hand over this business to your three companies. I don't care how to negotiate with the country. I'm only responsible for it." Supply!"


The three elders instinctively want to refuse, because this is not a trivial matter, and they are not joking. If everything goes well, as long as the three families can capture Su Chen permanently, the three of them will not say that they will rise completely through this, at least they can guarantee that the three families will not be in trouble for decades. Something went wrong.

This kindness is too great, they instinctively want to decline.But when the words came to his lips, he was really reluctant, and in the end, he chose to accept them.

"Okay, you are studying your affairs, Su Chen, right? My old man has something to do here, and I want to ask you for help!"

Chen Kuan finally couldn't help but speak.

Su Chen nodded. "You say!"


Chen Kuan told Su Chen about Mr. Du's situation below, and then continued: "Mr. Du's situation is very bad now. I want to ask, is there any way you can save Mr. Du's hand!"

Hearing this, Su Chen thought for a few seconds, then nodded and said, "Yes! But I have a condition!"

"Say it!" Chen Kuan hurriedly said.

"I hope that I can perform surgery on Mr. Du myself, and at the same time, there should be no other people around, let alone any surveillance cameras!" Su Chen said.

Most of the methods used by Su Chen come from the system, and there is no way to explain them. Naturally, he doesn't want anyone to see them.

Hearing this, Chen Kuan was stunned and said, "Do you still know medical skills?"

Su Chen nodded confidently, without any modesty!
Seeing this, Chen Kuan frowned, thought for a moment and said, "Xiao Chen, how sure are you? Oh, I'm not questioning you, but you have to know that once you do what you want, once Mr. problem, then you are likely to be responsible, after all, you are not a serious doctor! You do not have a medical qualification certificate!"

From Chen Kuan's point of view, at such a young age, Su Chen definitely does not have a medical qualification certificate. After all, the country has very strict research in this area, and there are requirements for age.

However, Su Chen smiled. He knew that Chen Kuan was thinking of him, so instead of being angry, his heart was warm. "Mr. Chen, don't worry. I won't do anything I'm not sure about. It's not good for me. I just couldn't bear to see a national hero like Mr. Du regret his old age, so I made a move. Besides, what about the medical qualification certificate?" , I still have it!"

With that said, Su Chen reached out and took out the ID from his pocket.Well, this is just exchanged by Su Chen from the system, 100 million copies, the authenticity is not afraid of checking, and it can produce certificates for various industries!

Produced by the system, it is so awesome!

Chen Kuan stared blankly at the certificate in Su Chen's hand for a moment, he was really shocked!
He never thought that Su Chen actually had a medical qualification certificate!

After a while, Mr. Chen stopped hesitating and pulled Su Chen out.

"It's not too late, let's go now!"

With that said, the two left the ward.

In the ward, the three elders looked at each other and nodded secretly.

From Su Chen's words just now, the three elders can see Su Chen's character.A billionaire who is willing to take responsibility and take risks to stand up for the country's heavy industry, just because of this, it shows that Su Chen is worthy of friendship and reliable.

Mr. Yu looked out the window, then turned his head and said, "Old Xu, I will leave the controllable nuclear fusion to you. The fetish trading will be left to me and Lao Meng!"

Mr. Xu stood up, tapped the crutch, and said lightly: "Don't worry, leave it to me!"

Downstairs in the operating room, Chen Kuan dragged Su Chen to the door of the ward. Instead of going in, he found the leader and Mr. Du's family members, and said bluntly, "Old leader, Sister Mei, the current situation is like this. Old Du's hand is injured. It's too serious, at least our 168 hospital can't do anything about it!"

When the leader and Mr. Du's family heard this, their colors immediately changed.

The leader was so anxious that his forehead was sweating, he said: "Chen Yuan, you can't think of other ways!"

"There is a way, but I'm afraid you won't dare to use it!"

"Oh, Chen Yuan, don't be fooled, it's all like this, what else do you dare to use!"

Seeing this, Chen Kuan said directly: "Then I'll say it, there is only one way, and that is to let my little friend try it, and don't ask about my little friend's situation, I don't have time to let you know. I can only tell you, let us do it, Elder Du will definitely not be able to keep his hand, let my little friend come, at least there is a [-]% chance!"



"Can he do it?"

"So young, the hair hasn't grown yet!"

As soon as Chen Kuan said this, the people outside the ward exploded instantly.

Seeing this, Su Chen honestly stayed aside without saying a word.

He was supposed to help out voluntarily, so he wouldn't get angry because of this point of questioning, but he wouldn't go up to the chase to explain, he wasn't a brat and had no status.

Anyway, he is also a master doctor now, and even a billionaire, so it is already good to be able to stand here.

Chen Kuan also knew Su Chen's situation, so he was very dissatisfied with everyone's doubts.

A billionaire is here to perform the operation himself. Whether you agree or not, it is too much to question it!

The leader and the elder Du's family were also in disbelief at first, but seeing Chen Kuan's face getting more and more ugly, they immediately reacted.

At this time, the leader couldn't make a decision, so he could only anxiously wink at Mrs. Du's lover, Mrs. Mei.

Mr. Mei is a scientist and an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. His knowledge and character are definitely not comparable to a group of young people.

Mr. Mei just thought about it for a while, and then said: "There is a specialization in surgery. Old Chen, you are a doctor. You have the final say on the matter of curing diseases and saving lives. We will listen to you!"

When Chen Kuan heard this, his complexion improved a lot!

"Sister Mei, don't worry, I will definitely not cheat Lao Du!"

After finishing speaking, without further hesitation, I dragged Su Chen into the operating room!
After tossing for a while, Chen Kuan first took Su Chen to wash his hands, disinfected his hands and changed into surgical gowns, and then went into the operating room to further confirm the condition. The man left, and then ordered the head nurse to go out and prepare various medical records for the family members to sign.

There must have been twists and turns in the process, and a group of doctors and nurses must have been confused and puzzled, but Chen Kuan's majesty was there. Although some people had doubts in their hearts, they dared not speak out. In the end, everyone left, leaving only Su Chen.

In the ward, looking at Mr. Du who had fallen asleep, Su Chen heaved a sigh of relief.

Then call out the system and start exchanging various wound medicines, nutrient solutions, and surgical equipment.

In fact, this operation is not very difficult for Su Chen. The main reason is the special drugs in the system. With them, even an ordinary doctor can complete the task.

(End of this chapter)

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