Chapter 26 Yuan Qinghua

In front of a Wenwan stall in Panjiayuan, a large group of people stared dumbfounded at a pile of dilapidated porcelain.

There is nothing unusual about worn-out porcelain, there is a piece of worthless junk on the left and right, and if it is broken, it will be broken.

What people are concerned about is that there is actually another piece of porcelain hidden in the dilapidated blue and white porcelain plum vase.

It was a porcelain pot about 30 centimeters high, also made of blue and white porcelain, with a straight mouth and short neck, slightly thicker lips, sloping shoulders and a round belly, which gradually widened below the shoulders, gradually narrowed to the bottom of the abdomen, and slightly curled at the bottom.

If you look carefully, you will find that the porcelain jar is only pasted on the belly of the blue and white plum vase. The diameter of the porcelain jar is almost the same as that of the plum vase. There is a porcelain claw slot, which only fixes the porcelain jar.

And everyone also found that the wall thickness of the plum vase was much thinner than the regular specification, presumably to cover up the extra weight of the porcelain jar.

The mouth of the plum bottle is very small, even if you look inside, you can see the inside of the porcelain jar.Coupled with the rough workmanship of the plum vase, ordinary people have no interest in research just by looking at the surface, even if the weight is special, no one cares about it. This is another invisible trick.

Such a delicate design makes everyone look amazed.

Of course, after a while, everyone's attention was shifted to the porcelain jar.

Everyone wants to know that the objects that can make collectors go to such great lengths to cover up are probably priceless.

Among them, Boss Xu is the most excited.

When Su Chen smashed the plum vase and let him see the universe inside the plum vase, Boss Xu's eyes widened with excitement.

For more than ten years, he has been prosperous in Panjiayuan. Although he is not rich or powerful, he has never suffered a big loss, and he has never even made an eye contact.It relies on his extraordinary eyesight, which also makes him overconfident in his own eyesight, and he is a little inflated when he sees people and things.

Coupled with the development of self-media and the powerful exposure ability of the fan era, he has less and less awe of some dark activities, thinking that with a million fans in his hand, he can run wild with Panjiayuan without any scruples.

Simply put, it is floating.

So gradually, Boss Xu began to swell in all directions. As the elderly Panjiayuan gradually retired, he even secretly imagined that he was Panjiayuan's godfather, a figure standing at the top of Panjiayuan.

Sometimes, self-brainwashing is more terrifying than being brainwashed by others.The inflated Boss Xu became more and more proud, and he was also getting better and better at being a teacher. He liked to ask people to pay tuition fees every now and then.

Not to mention, after all, Boss Xu is a veteran of Panjiayuan, and he has really charged him a lot of tuition fees recently.

Until I met Su Chen!

In fact, Su Chen didn't intend to be so high-profile, he prefers to make a fortune in silence.However, when you meet some fucking people, they will take the initiative to put their faces close to you and tell you not to hit them.

Looking at Boss Xu whose face was constantly twitching, Su Chen greeted Su Pan with an excited face, and took the porcelain pot out of the plum vase.

"Come out, take it out!"

"I saw it before, please tell me, what is hidden inside!"

"Huh? It's another piece of blue and white porcelain, but judging by its appearance, it doesn't seem to be from the Republic of China."

Su Chen really doesn't know anything about antiques. At most, he has read some related novels. Before, the system rewarded the master-level appreciation skills of Wenwan. Although Wenwan and antiques are very similar, in essence, they are two different things.

So while looking at the porcelain pot, he listened to the comments of the people around him.

It's a pity that there are mostly tourists around, and many people may not know as much about antiques as he does.

"Little friend, could you show me this jar?"

Suddenly, a gentle voice came from Su Chen's ear.

Su Chen turned his head and found that it was an old man who spoke.

The old man is about six to seventy years old, with many wrinkles on his face and black and white hair, but his eyes are full of energy, his face is ruddy, his voice is gentle but full of confidence, and he looks very healthy.Wearing a red Tang suit, he has a special literati temperament.

"Huh? Isn't this Professor Wu from Peking University? This old man is a figure of the Taishan Beidou level in the world of antiques."

Without Su Chen opening his mouth, a passer-by explained the identity of the old man for him.

Su Chen nodded to the old man, and immediately put the porcelain bottle on the ground gently, and then made a gesture of invitation to the old man. "Then ask the old man to palm the eye."

The old man secretly admired Su Chen's actions.

In the antique industry, experienced merchants and collectors will not pass the easily damaged antiques such as porcelain, jade, glass, jewelry, etc., but wait for the other party to place the item on a fixed object before picking it up. .

In case of damage to the item, the responsibility is self-evident.Different utensils have different ways to hold them. If you find that the opponent's method of handling is not in compliance with the rules, you will be regarded as a layman.

Su Chen's approach is obviously in line with the rules, and what Su Chen said about palm eyes can be regarded as jargon.

Therefore, Su Chen's seemingly ordinary behavior was regarded by the old man as an expert.

I don't know, Su Chen just saw some rules when reading novels before, he just learned and sold them now.

But at this moment, the system notification sounded suddenly again.

"Ding! It is detected that the host is appreciating antiques, trigger a temporary lucky skill aura, and reward the host's master-level antique appreciation ability!"

Su Chen: "!!!!"

The boss of the system is really timely, this skill is too good.

It's a pity, this task bug is about to expire, if this bug persists, then he will be invincible in the future!

Thinking that such a caring bug would leave him, Su Chen felt a little melancholy.

And just as Su Chen was thinking wildly, the old man over there had already picked up the porcelain jar and examined it carefully.

After a while, the old man's breathing became more and more rapid, his expression became more and more excited, and he kept muttering in his mouth.

"It turned out to be true, it turned out to be true! I didn't expect it! I really didn't expect it!"

Su Chen was awakened by the old man, and seeing the old man's reaction, he immediately knew that the porcelain jar was a treasure.

He didn't understand it before, but now it's different.

Su Chen looked expectantly at the porcelain pot in the old man's hand.

The next moment, the pupils of Su Chen's eyes shrank suddenly, and his whole body was shocked in surprise!
Yuan Qinghua!
The treasure he got by accident turned out to be Yuan Qinghua.

Su Chen hurriedly asked the old man.

"Old man, is this really Yuan Qinghua?"

The old man was a little excited, and he was even more surprised when he heard about Su Chen's culture.

"Eh? Little friend recognizes it?"

Su Chen nodded.

"I know a thing or two, but I can only guess roughly, I can't be sure!" Su Chen said modestly!

"That's really hard to come by! Young people nowadays are rarely interested in antique shops, not to mention that they can recognize Yuan Qinghua at a glance. Xiaoyou's eyesight is already considered an expert! No wonder this kind of treasure is acquired by you. , it seems that God favored you and gave you a reward!"

As soon as the old man said those words, the surrounding area instantly exploded!
(End of this chapter)

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