I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 27 Story Porcelain

Chapter 27 Story Porcelain

"Yuan Qinghua? It turned out to be Yuan Qinghua?"

"My dear, the cheapest Yuan blue and white treasures cost several million, right? The better ones are worth tens of millions!"

"Hiss! Yuan blue and white flowers were smashed out of an ordinary plum vase, this is a big leak!"

"Tsk tsk tsk, Boss Xu has made an eye shot this time!"

"Yeah! I remember that this plum vase has been stored in Lao Xu's hands for seven or eight years, right? In seven or eight years, I had a baby without knowing it. This time I really lost money!"

"If you don't drill for ten years, you will lose all your money once you drill! Fate! Hehe!"

"Hey! Old Zhang, just feel emotional, why are you happy? You are gloating, do you know that?"

"No, I don't want to, but I can't help it!"

"Ahem, I can't help it either! Puchi!"

Listening to the discussions of the people around, looking at the blue and white Yuan in the hands of Professor Wu Mengde, Boss Xu was out of anger at this moment, and his brain was buzzing.

He doesn't even have time to think about financial loss and revenge. He just wants these people to disperse quickly and make Su Chen disappear from his eyes immediately. He really wants to be alone now.

Having worked hard in the antique shop for many years, he knows very well that there is almost no possibility of returning to this kind of eye-catching business that owes money and clears the goods.

Unless he was playing some dirty tricks, but seeing the watch on Su Chen's hand, Boss Xu gave up.Although he didn't know the brand of the watch, he still knew the sparkling diamonds on it.

Obviously, Su Chen has a lot of money.With millions of fans, he is certainly not afraid of being bullied, but he doesn't have the capital to bully others, let alone the second generation rich.

So don't think about it, Yuan Qinghua will definitely not come back.

That being the case, it might as well be out of sight.

"Ahem, you two, now that the transaction has been completed, please step out of the way, why do I still need to do business?"

Boss Xu forced a smile on his face.

When Su Chen heard this, he almost burst out laughing. It was Boss Xu's aggrieved appearance, which actually looked a little cute.

Just as Su Chen was about to open his mouth, Professor Wu over there quit first.

"What's the matter, Xiao Xu? You mean that the old man hindered your business?"

Boss Xu sat on the wax in an instant.

With Professor Wu's status, he will be regarded as a guest of honor wherever he goes. If he dares to admit this, it will not take tomorrow, and his business will be smashed.

Boss Xu realized that he had said the wrong thing, and he broke out in a cold sweat.

"Oh, Mr. Wu, I didn't think carefully and said the wrong thing. I was also in a hurry. Don't be as knowledgeable as I am."

Professor Wu is also a kind-hearted person, but he has a quick temper.But his temper came and went quickly.

Seeing how pitiful Boss Xu said, and thinking of him being picked on just now, I feel a little more sympathy in my heart.

"Forget it, I don't blame you. Anyone who misses a treasure worth hundreds of millions will definitely be anxious."

"What? Hundreds of millions? What do you mean? Isn't this Yuan Qinghua?"

Boss Xu's tone of voice changed in a hurry.

Don't blame him, no one can calm down after knowing that he has lost hundreds of millions of money.

The people around were also dumbfounded. They thought that the Yuan blue and white flowers were worth tens of millions, but according to Mr. Wu, it seems that this Yuan blue and white flowers are not simple?
"Professor Wu, is there anything else to say about this Yuan Qinghua?"

Someone asked.

"It's natural. A treasure that can be protected by such a complicated method is naturally not easy." After speaking, Professor Wu looked at Su Chen and said with a smile, "Little friend, do you know the origin of this Yuan blue and white flower?"

If it was before, Su Chen was really guilty, but now, in terms of knowledge of antiques, Su Chen claims that he is no better than this Professor Wu, and if you count his insight, then Professor Wu is even more incomparable.

Taking a rough look just now, with the help of Huiyan and master-level skills, Su Chen has a clear understanding of this porcelain.

Nodding his head, Su Chen replied: "If this junior reads correctly, this should be an extremely rare and precious Yuan blue and white story map jar!"



"Aren't there only ten blue-and-white vases with story pictures in Yuan Dynasty? And they all already have owners. How could they appear in this Minguo plum vase?"

There was a lot of discussion around.

Su Pan asked curiously: "Old Su, what else is there to say about this Yuan blue and white story pot?"

Boss Xu looked sad and angry, but couldn't help stretching his neck and leaning forward, wanting to hear Su Chen's explanation.

Because he also wanted to know what the Yuan blue and white story map pot was, he really didn't know much about these treasures in the antique shop.

Su Chen didn't hold back, and opened his mouth to explain.

He opened his mouth, and the surroundings were silent, listening to him.

"Yuan blue and white character story jar is the most precious existence in Yuan blue and white, it has a very important position in my country's porcelain circle, and it is a dazzling and wonderful flower in my country's porcelain.

Because of its exquisite craftsmanship, exquisite patterns and motifs based on famous Chinese stories, it has always occupied the dominant position in the history of Chinese porcelain, and it is a treasure that cannot be replaced by any porcelain.

Up to now, there are only eight pieces of Yuan blue and white figure story porcelain recognized by the world, and all of them have been lost abroad.In fact, there are ten pieces of Yuan blue and white story porcelain, because two of them have been unearthed in succession among the people, namely Yuchi Gong's single-riding savior picture jar and car elephant and figure pattern picture jar.
Unfortunately, due to improper preservation, these two story porcelains were seriously damaged, which is a pity, but even so, Yuchi Gong's single-riding savior pot is listed as a national first-class cultural relic.

As for its value, it is hard to say now, because it is too rare, and all of them have owners. The last auction was in 05, and two pieces were successfully bought in the auction house. The price is 2.3 million yuan, another thing is Jinxiangting story porcelain, the transaction price is 4716 million Hong Kong dollars.

But these are the prices of more than ten years ago. Now, if there is a Yuan blue and white story porcelain on the auction house, it is estimated that the starting price will be at least [-] million. "


People around who haven't heard of these all feel goosebumps when they hear it.

Su Pan was even more surprised that his eyes widened. It was probably the first time in his life that his eyes were so wide.

As for Boss Xu, he was already clutching his heart and twitching on the ground.

Professor Wu gave Su Chen a very appreciative look.

He guessed that Su Chen might know something about Yuan Qinghua, but he didn't expect Su Chen to be able to speak in such detail.

You know, Su Chen has never searched for information, and just speaks from memory.

And for most people, you may be very good at some knowledge, and you can even write a lot of fancy articles, but you may not be able to fully express it on the spot, because you do not have such good eloquence.

This is like, some people always regret that they didn't perform well after quarreling with others, and they can come up with a lot of curse words afterwards. This is the problem of poor eloquence.

And Su Chen not only expressed it completely, but also had a very clear logic. This literary quality and eloquence made Professor Wu love talents.

(End of this chapter)

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