I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 28 Moral kidnapping?

Chapter 28 Moral kidnapping?

"That's not right! Since all ten Yuan blue and white story porcelains have provenance, what's the situation with this one?"

Some people around have raised questions.

Professor Wu glanced at the man, shook his head and said: "Little friend, he just said that there are ten pieces of Yuan blue and white story porcelain, but he didn't say that there are only ten pieces of Yuan blue and white story porcelain. The Yuan Dynasty has a history of hundreds of years. There must have been many, but most of them have been lost to history.

Didn't Yuchi Gong riding the Savior alone as Xiaoyou said was discovered later?

And this one in my hand can be regarded as the No. 11 piece of Yuan blue and white story porcelain. "

"That is to say, this is new? Hiss? Wouldn't it be more valuable?"

"Ahem, how can you talk about money for such a treasure? This is a priceless treasure, and it has to be handed over to the museum."

"That's right, it really should be handed over to the museum. How can such a treasure be kept private?"

"Fuck, what do you mean? Moral kidnapping?"

Su Pan was in a hurry.

Professor Wu also frowned.Although emotionally, he also hopes that this blue and white piece of Yuan Dynasty can be handed over to the country, but he doesn't like such things as moral kidnapping, and even hates it very much.

Even Boss Xu, who was lying on the ground, frowned, stood up abruptly, pointed at the person who spoke first, and opened his mouth to curse.

"Zhao Shuzi, why don't you come here to make trouble here, kidnapping morally on my territory, do you think that I, Mr. Xu, don't exist? What the hell, I'm most annoyed by your moral kidnapping who doesn't want to see other people's good, and you are in the name of morality. Who do you think you are? Which onion are you? Are you here to speak?
Let me tell you, Zhao Mouse, don't think that I can't cure you if I drilled eyes today.Although there is heaven and earth in my Republic of China plum vase, I sold that plum vase at a high price.Counting the value of the plum vase alone, I wouldn't be at a disadvantage if I sold it.As for Yuan Qinghua, it's my brother's eyesight, and he deserves it. There's nothing to say about it, I'm convinced.

But after all, this is a matter between us, you can watch the fun, but if you want to make trouble out of it, then don't blame me, Master Xu, for not giving you face.

Fuck, if you are not convinced, go out and listen, I, Mr. Xu, Panjiayuan, is something you can afford? "

Su Chen turned his head and looked at Boss Xu in surprise, his eyes kept changing.

He actually looked away again.

Although Boss Xu is a little bloated, judging from what he said just now, he is also a man who is eager for justice and righteousness. In these days, there are not many people with this kind of temper.

Su Pan on the side stared at Boss Xu for a while, then suddenly smiled, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, and handed one to Boss Xu.

"Okay, what I said to you, the previous affairs between the two of us have been written off. Brother Xu, my name is Su Pan, if you don't mind, can you smoke a cigarette?"

Boss Xu glanced at Su Pan, and said angrily, "Go away, I'm cursing people for the sake of morality, what does it have to do with you?"

Holding a whole pack of cigarettes, Su Pan grinned without getting angry. "You really don't smoke? Tsk tsk, what a pity it's a good pack of cigarettes!"

When Boss Xu heard this, he glanced at the cigarette case out of the corner of his eye, and saw the clear word "Tao" on it, his eyes straightened instantly.

"Red River?" Boss Xu exclaimed, snatched the integration cigarette, and put it into his pocket without any politeness. "Okay, you boy is on the road, I will take this cigarette."

Su Pan couldn't laugh or cry. "I didn't say I wouldn't give it to you, but you should leave one for me anyway!"

"What are you doing here? This is the cultural relics market. Smoking is prohibited. Can you smoke if I give it to you?"

Su Pan blinked, and said in his heart, what the hell.

This guy is actually even more shameless than him. He even has the cheek to say that smoking is prohibited here. Who threw the butts of Deliqun cigarettes on the ground?
Boss Xu looked up at the sky with a serious face.

On the other side, Zhao Shuzi, who was scolded by Boss Xu, blushed angrily, but didn't dare to say anything more, and left with his sleeves flung. Obviously, Boss Xu really has some deterrent power in Panjiayuan.

Su Chen glanced at the direction in which Zhao Mouse left, and made a note in his heart.

"Little friend, don't mind. There are everyone in this world. How to deal with this Yuan Qinghua is your freedom, regardless of other people's opinions."

Su Chen chuckled, revealing two rows of big white teeth.

"Mr. Wu, don't worry, I don't care about a few words. Moral kidnapping actually doesn't work for me!"

"Huh? Why is that?"

Old Wu asked curiously.

"Hehe, because I have no morals, I am not afraid of being kidnapped!"

Mr. Wu: "."

Passers-by A, B and C: "."

Good guy, this is the first time everyone has seen someone say shamelessly so clearly and clearly.

"Mr. Wu, why don't you tell us about this story? What kind of story is this story about?"

Mr. Wu was not taking the school exam this time, and Su Chen said directly: "If I guessed correctly, this should be the map of Lao Tzu's exit!"

"Hiss? The picture of Lao Tzu's sage? Isn't that more precious than the picture of Guiguzi going down the mountain?"

Master Wu did not deny it.

"Only in terms of the value of the story, the picture of Laozi going out of customs is indeed more precious than the picture of Guiguzi going down the mountain. In comparison, the price of this story porcelain will also be slightly higher."

As Wu Lao said, he glanced at Su Chen.

Su Chen himself said before that the map of Guiguzi Down the Mountain was sold for 2.3 million more than ten years ago, and it must be worth more now.

That is to say, the value of this blue-and-white Laozi exit map of Yuan Dynasty may be higher.

This is a treasure worth hundreds of millions, Mr. Wu wants to see how Su Chen will choose.

However, Su Chen smiled slightly and didn't answer.

Turning around, Su Chen came to Boss Xu and said, "Boss, we are not acquainted with each other anymore. I took advantage of today's matter. Give me your business card, and I will treat you to a drink later."

Boss Xu's face twitched slightly. After taking a deep breath, he took out a business card from his pocket and handed it to Su Chen. He said angrily, "Forget it, I'm unlucky to meet you two rich young masters!"

As he said that, Boss Xu was about to close the stall. Obviously, he was seriously injured today.

After simply packing and tidying up, Boss Xu said goodbye to Su Chen and Su Pan casually, turned around and left.

Su Chen's impression of Boss Xu changed greatly.

Although Boss Xu is a little swollen, he still seems to be very particular about what he does.

Even if tuition fees are charged, he will clearly tell you that you are at a disadvantage and that I am collecting tuition fees.

This kind of person is still worth handing over.

"Little friend, hey, return it to its original owner!"

Boss Xu left and the crowd dispersed. Professor Wu finally reluctantly returned Yuan Qinghua to Su Chen.

Su Chen took it, and then blinked at Professor Wu.

"Mr. Wu, are you interested in doing another wave of things? It seems that Zhao Mouse's booth is not far from here."

Old Wu's face froze, he couldn't laugh or cry. "Are you going to settle accounts after the fall?"

Su Chen nodded seriously. "Mr. Wu, as I said, I am a person with no morals! I am both fussy and vengeful!"

(End of this chapter)

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