Chapter 29 Routines
Su Chen and others did not find Zhao Mouse on the stall street.

They were not in a hurry. Old stall owners like Boss Xu and Zhao Shuzi who had been in Panjiayuan for many years basically had their own shops, and setting up stalls was just their personal hobby.

After asking someone about it, he went straight to Zhao Shuzi's Wenwan shop.

Lighting Studio is not a very big shop.

When Su Chen and others entered the store, Mr. Zhao, the mouse, was eating fruit like crazy. This is his habit. When he gets angry, he likes to eat some sour ones, and the more sour the better, the ones that are sour .

It tastes stimulating and refreshing.

When Boss Zhao saw Su Suchen and the others coming in, he was taken aback for a moment, and unconsciously chewed the green plum in his mouth a few times, and then, Boss Zhao became alert instantly, feeling sour and stimulating His brain crashed immediately, his entire facial features were twisted together, his mouth was opened like a cramp, and saliva flowed out unconsciously.

Boss Zhao was turned into an emoticon by acid!
Anyone who likes sour food knows that it takes an adaptation process to get used to the sour taste, and you should not be distracted while eating, otherwise a sudden wave of stimulation will really break you down.

As soon as Su Chen and the others came in, they saw Boss Zhao's emoji.

Professor Wu is still very self-restraining, pursing his lips and looking up at the sky!
Su Pan and Su Chen were not so polite, and just laughed out loud.

Boss Zhao felt bad when he heard the laughter, his face twitched in anger.

The guys in the store didn't know Su Chen and the others, so they thought they were ordinary customers and hurried over.

"Welcome to Lighting Studio, gentlemen please!"

Boss Zhao became very angry when he saw that the waiter invited Su Chen in.But he opened his mouth for a long time, but didn't say anything.

Offending Su Chen before was just a quick talk out of jealousy, but in fact he regretted it after he finished speaking.So after being scolded by Boss Xu, he didn't say anything and left by himself.

Of course, in Panjiayuan, he was really a little afraid of some bosses.

Originally, he thought that this matter was over, but he didn't expect Su Chen to give up, and took the initiative to chase after him, which made him feel bad.If he hadn't been worried that Professor Wu was here, he would have closed the door directly to prevent Su Chen from entering the shop.

But now that everyone has come in, and there is Professor Wu, it's hard for him to drive people away!
Since you can't push people out, you have to beware of Su Chen's revenge. Boss Zhao doesn't know how Su Chen will retaliate, and now he is nervous.

Even Boss Zhao has made up his mind not to sell any cultural relics to Su Chen. He would rather make less money than be picked up by Su Chen in his shop.

In his opinion, Su Chen is really a bit evil to be able to smash Yuan Qinghua out of a broken plum vase, so he has to be wary.

After Su Chen entered the store, he started to wander around aimlessly, and at the same time opened his eyes to identify the items in the lighting room one by one.

Lighting Studio mainly deals in the Four Treasures of the Study and antique calligraphy and paintings.What makes Su Chen speechless is that the Wenwan in this lighting studio are all fakes, most of the calligraphy and paintings are imitated fakes, only a few authentic ones are the works of modern calligraphers and painters, these calligraphers and painters are still alive, their calligraphy and paintings Has no historical value, only pure craftsmanship value.

However, the value of these herringbone paintings is basically hyped up, and they are generally inflated. Unless there are people who don't like them, few people will buy them, and the price/performance ratio is too low.

Su Chen walked around for a long time, but didn't see anything of value, and felt a little helpless.

There are many ways to take revenge in the antique business, and among them, there are two ways to relieve anger, one is to pick up leaks, and the other is to play tricks.

Su Chen is better at the first one, but now it seems that Boss Zhao has no omissions here.

It's not that he is incompetent, but the enemy is too poor!

"Brother Su, there are very few shops in Panjiayuan that put real things outside, so there is almost no possibility of you trying to find something here!"

A bunch of words cost money, Su Pan whispered to Su Pan softly.

A piece of blue and white porcelain made Su Pan convinced Su Chen.So even though they don't know who is older, Su Pan is already willing to call Su Chen Brother Su.

Su Chen nodded. Actually, he didn't have too much hope. He just wanted to give it a try because he felt that he was very lucky these days.

However, perhaps because Su Chen's luck was too bad, there was a one-in-a-million chance that he would meet him again.

"Calligraphy "Thousand Characters": imitation, author unknown."

"Calligraphy "Lanting Collection Preface": imitation, author Meng Xiangxi, a modern calligrapher. There are universes in the scroll!"


Su Chen's eyes lit up instantly.

There is really a windfall!
Su Chen was really surprised, his luck has been against the sky for the past two days.

Su Chenqiang concealed the excitement in his heart, and fixed his eyes on the calligraphy "Preface to the Collection of Lanting Pavilion", but intentionally or unintentionally, his eyes glanced at the "Thousand Characters" next to it from time to time.

Boss Zhao, who was entertaining Professor Wu, saw this scene rightly.In fact, Boss Zhao has been observing Su Chen, and he dare not relax for a moment.

Now Su Chen always glances at the "Thousand-Character Essay" next to him intentionally or unintentionally, Boss Su instantly guesses that "Thousand-Character Essay" is Su Chen's goal.

Boss Zhao knows these routines in the antique shop very clearly.Especially for those who are a little bit virtuous, they like to pretend to be smart.

These people will not buy directly after they fancy an item. They will often buy an unrelated item first, and then bargain with the seller. When the seller is impatient, they will take the opportunity to draw out the real target. Give me something small.

In the past, this kind of routine was really useful when it first came out, because it was very deceptive, and the seller would fall into it if they were not careful.

But this kind of routine has long been commonplace for old fritters like Boss Zhao, and they can be seen through at a glance.

Thinking that he had seen Su Chen's way clearly, Boss Zhao finally heaved a sigh of relief, and secretly shook his head in disdain.

After all, you are a young man, and his knowledge is too shallow.

On the other side, Su Chen stood in front of "Orchid Pavilion Collection" for a long time before speaking for the first time.

"Boss, how do you sell this calligraphy?"

Hearing Su Chen speak, everyone gathered around.

Professor Wu waited for a long time, but he was very patient. He sat in the guest seat and drank tea quietly. It was not until Su Chen opened his mouth that he stood up with great interest and came over.

Seeing that Su Chen was indeed acting according to his guess, Boss Zhao already had a calculation in his heart, so he was very confident.

"Oh, my friend's vision is really good, no wonder you can easily pick up such a big leak, this is my treasure, one of the best treasures in my house."

With a smile on the corner of Su Chen's mouth, he said, "Really? It seems that my luck is really good. Please ask Boss Zhao to make a price!"

Boss Zhao pretended to ponder for a moment, then stretched out a finger, pretending to be reluctant and said: "1000 million, you take this painting!"

 Oops, late update, sorry, there is another chapter later.

  emmmmm, although the update is a bit weak, but the small one is still cheeky and you big guys give some support, please collect, ask for recommendation tickets, please comment, the new book issue is in urgent need of various data, thank you for your support.


(End of this chapter)

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