Chapter 30 Anti-Routine

"1000 million? Hey! Boss Zhao, the robbers are not as ruthless as you!"

If it wasn't for knowing that Su Chen was going to cheat people before coming here, Su Pan would not have scolded people, but would have done it directly.

Boss Zhao's price is really an insult to people's IQ.

Even Professor Wu couldn't listen to it anymore. He had a bad impression of Boss Zhao's moral kidnapping before. Now that he saw him maliciously asking for a price, Professor Wu even felt a little disgusted with Boss Zhao.

It is normal for antique goods to have no fixed price, but the absence of a fixed price does not mean that you can set a price at will.

Asking prices indiscriminately is not making money, it is fraud.

Of course, this kind of thing is not uncommon in the antique shop. Most people will not buy it when they encounter it, and they will not say anything. That is to say, Professor Wu can't tolerate sand in his eyes.

"Boss Zhao, right? Could you explain to us why this calligraphy is worth 1000 million?"

In fact, Boss Zhao regretted it after he finished speaking.He is just like this, he always speaks without thinking. This is due to his personality, and he can't change it even if he wants to.

But Boss Zhao didn't panic, it's normal for antique shops to ask for prices all over the place, and it's not that you are not allowed to bargain.

So although he was a little guilty, Boss Zhao didn't panic.

"Hehe, Professor Wu, two friends, I know that the price I want is a bit high, but I can't help it. I just picked up a big leak. You are so optimistic about this painting now, who knows if there is something hidden in it? Qiankun, I don't dare to offer a low price just because of my little friend's name!"

"What's your reasoning?" Professor Wu looked very bad, and said angrily: "Su Xiaoyou can find the Yuan blue and white flowers in the plum vase, that is his own ability. What does it have to do with your business? The business should be fair and reasonable. If you charge the price arbitrarily just because the little friend has a name that he missed, wouldn't he not need to buy anything in the future? According to your logic, if he buys a toilet, you will doubt whether there are gold ingots hidden in it?"

Boss Zhao was speechless for a moment, with an ugly look on his face, and he didn't dare to reply to Professor Wu, so he could only mumble, "It's not that I don't allow him to bargain!"

When Professor Wu heard this, he looked better.

After losing his temper, he also found himself overreacting.But he didn't care, anyway, he didn't have a good impression of Boss Zhao.

Professor Wu put away his temper, and Boss Zhao heaved a sigh of relief.

There is no way, Professor Wu's background is too deep and well-connected, just showing the tip of the iceberg can make him unemployed, and he can't get along in Panjiayuan.

That's why he dared not disrespect Professor Wu even if he was willing to bully Su and Chen, who were suspected of being rich second generations.

Heaving a sigh of relief, Boss Zhao looked at Su Chen.

Seeing Professor Wu calm down, Su Chen finally spoke.

"Boss Zhao, let's be more serious. I just want to find some copybooks to copy because I want to practice calligraphy recently. Although this "Preface to the Lanting Collection" is a bit rough, it is enough for a beginner like me!

Just make another price, and if it's right, I'll buy it. "

Boss Zhao stared at Su Chen, and didn't believe a word Su Chen said, but he knew Su Chen's goal, so after thinking about it, he offered a price again.

"Okay! Now that we've reached this point, I won't say anything more. One million, you take away the calligraphy!"

Su Chen shook his head, not agreeing at all.

After thinking about it for a long time, some pretended to look back, as if very casual, took the "Thousand Characters" and put it next to the "Preface to the Lanting Collection", and said: "Let's do this! Boss Zhao , I won’t follow your ink marks anymore, two calligraphy and paintings, 10 yuan. This "Thousand-Character Essay" should be used as a supplement!"

Seeing this, Boss Zhao's heart was instantly settled, and he gave Su Chen a mocking look.

Young man, you already know that your goal is "Thousand Characters", so you still want to trick me with this bit of knowledge?
"Hey! That won't work, one yard is one yard. Then "Thousand Characters" is not for sale in my store, because I like it better, so I don't sell it to the outside world. In this way, little friend, we have had some festivals before, since you like it I won’t earn your money for the Preface to the Collection of Orchid Pavilion, 10 yuan! You take it away! But don’t think about the “Thousand Character Essay”!”

When Su Chen heard it, he quickly took "Thousand Characters" aside, then took out ten wads of money from his handbag, threw 10 yuan into Boss Zhao's arms, and said with a grin: "Deal! Money and goods are settled! "

Boss Zhao was instantly dumbfounded!

Even Professor Wu and Su Pan were stunned.

In fact, they also thought that Su Chen's goal was "Thousand Characters" just now, and secretly lamented that Su Chen was too young and the city was not enough.Unexpectedly, everyone was deceived by Su Chen.

"So your goal from the very beginning is "Lanting Collection Preface"?"

Boss Zhao woke up instantly and exclaimed.

Su Chen shrugged. "How do you say that? Didn't we just keep talking about "Lanting Collection Preface"?"

Boss Zhao's face was extremely ugly.Although he didn't know what was wrong with the "Preface to the Collection of Lanting", but Su Chen valued it so much, there must be something tricky in it, obviously, he was missed.

At this moment, Boss Zhao wanted to slap himself.

At first, he thought that no matter what Su Chen liked, he would not sell it to him, but later Su Chen deliberately sold a loophole to make him think he had seen through Su Chen's tricks. The hatred of ridicule, and by the way, teach young people a lesson.

Unexpectedly, I was misunderstood by my cleverness, and was taught a lesson by others.

Boss Zhao's face was pale, his whole body was a little soft, and there were all kinds of feelings in his heart, not to mention how sour.

Boss Zhao is in a bad mood, but Su Pan and Professor Wu are in a good mood.

Before Su Chen said to bring them here for revenge, they only thought that Su Chen was young and vigorous, and at most they would just quarrel here.

Who knew that Su Chen just used a small scheme to deceive all of them.

"Little friend, what does this calligraphy say?"

Professor Wu is very concerned about Su Chen's eyesight, so he is most concerned about what the calligraphy and painting say.

Su Chen didn't explain, but looked at Boss Zhao. "Boss, since the money and the goods are settled, can you issue me an invoice?"

Although the clearing of money and goods means that "Lanting Collection Preface" already belongs to him, but for insurance, Su Chen still wants to ask for an invoice, which is the most direct evidence.

When Boss Zhao heard this, his expression was extremely troubled.

In all honesty, he has 1 regrets now, and he definitely doesn't want to invoice Su Chen.

But he had already made a price before, and Su Chen gave the money again, and now the money and the goods have been cleared. If he refuses to issue the invoice, not only may he not be able to recover the calligraphy and paintings, but his reputation will also be damaged. In addition, with Professor Wu here, If he dared to break the rules, his reputation would be bad, and he might even be expelled from Panjiayuan.

Unless Su Chen's discovery this time is another rare treasure comparable to Yuan blue and white, otherwise, it would be more harm than good for him to regret it.

After weighing the pros and cons, Boss Zhao could only grit his teeth and admit it.

He didn't dare to gamble, and he didn't believe that Su Chen would be so lucky to pick up the big leak twice in a row!

 Codewords in the middle of the night, please collect, ask for recommendation tickets, and ask for comments!

(End of this chapter)

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