Chapter 31 Oil Painting
Boss Zhao gritted his teeth and gave Su Chen an invoice.

Su Chen took a look and nodded in satisfaction.

"Zhao Hao? This name is quite arrogant!"

Su Chen looked at Boss Zhao's signature on the invoice and smiled.

"Oh, Brother Su, don't worry about his name, tell me quickly, what's the meaning of this calligraphy? Could it be that there is an authentic script of Lanting Collection Preface hidden here?"

Su Pan anxiously urged Su Chen.

"The original Lanting collection preface? How dare you think about it!" Su Chen shook his head. "Actually, I don't know what's in it, but I just feel that this calligraphy is not simple!"

Su Chen's words shocked Su Pan and Professor Wu.But Boss Zhao Hao's heart trembled.

No way?
This young man's luck can't be really that good, can he?

Boss Zhao raised his heart and wanted to invite Su Chen out, but he thought of what happened to Boss Xu just now.

Boss Zhao took a look at Professor Wu, but he didn't dare to open his mouth after all. He could only look at the calligraphy in Su Chen's hand with a worried expression, his expression was uncertain, and his heart beat like a pot.

The calligraphy of the "Preface to the Lanting Collection" in Su Chen's hand was simply framed into a scroll.

Professor Wu held the scroll and looked at it for a while, then shook his head helplessly and said:
"Little friend, I didn't find any problems with this calligraphy. His mounting method is very simple, and the backing paper is also very thin. It seems that there should be no interlayer in the middle. Is there really a problem with this calligraphy?"

Professor Wu's words made Boss Zhao happy, but Su Chen's next sentence made his heart rise again!
"Mr. Wu, take a look at his two shafts, do you feel that his earth shaft is not only much thicker than normal specifications, but also the overall weight distribution is very uneven?"

"Huh? Shaft? It's a bit thick indeed, as for the weight"

Professor Wu dragged the scroll and turned it upside down. After a while, he asked in surprise, "Huh? It seems that the two sides are heavier than the middle?"

Su Pan was dumbfounded watching.

"No, are you real or fake? Why do I feel the same!"

Professor Wu smiled and said: "I also rely on feeling, and it's not obvious. If Su Xiaoyou doesn't tell me, I can't feel it at all. But." After finishing speaking, Professor Wu looked at Su Chen and asked, "Little friend, you just rely on the feel Can you conclude that there is something wrong with this scroll?"

"Of course not!" Su Chen firmly denied.

Professor Wu heaved a sigh of relief, this is normal, how can anyone feel that there is a treasure hidden in the scroll just because the scroll feels wrong?That is too metaphysical.

"What does that depend on?" Professor Wu asked curiously.

"Intuition!" Su Chen said decisively.

Professor Wu: "???"

Boss Xu: "!!!"

Su Pan scratched his ears and cheeks.

"Oh, no matter what the reason is, you should publish the answer quickly. What's wrong with this scroll?"

Su Chen shrugged.

"I don't know, I only know that there is a problem with the earth's axis, and the only way to know the answer is to break the earth's axis!"

"It's the hidden universe again?" Su Pan's small eyes shone brightly, and he said positively, "Break it open, right? Just leave it to me!"

After Su Pan finished speaking, he looked around and found a knife on the counter, which should be used to cut paper.

Su Pan took it directly, then rudely tore up the calligraphy, pulled out the shaft of the ground, and chopped it down without hesitation.

"Wait a minute!"

Professor Wu was taken aback by Su Pan's rude actions and hurriedly stopped him.

However, his words were still slow, Su Pan's knife had already slashed onto the scroll, but fortunately Su Pan had mastered the strength, and only split the shaft head a crack, causing no accidental injury.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

Su Pan curled his lips, feeling annoyed at everyone's distrust. He has played with knives since he was a child, and this trivial matter couldn't be easier for him.

Su Pan pinned his knife to the crack of the scroll, and with a force from left and right, the scroll split in two with a sound.revealed what was inside.

Everyone rushed up and found three things in the scroll.

The two small solid iron balls are supposed to add weight to the scroll, lest people see that the shaft is hollow. The two solid iron balls are placed on both sides of the shaft, so there is a feeling that the two ends are heavy and the middle is light.

But this feeling is very subtle, and most people can't feel it at all.If Su Chen didn't know the answer in advance, and because the Body Shaping Pill made his body more sensitive to the six senses, he wouldn't be able to feel it.

As for how Professor Wu felt it, Su Chen didn't know.

No one paid attention to the two solid iron balls, and everyone's eyes were attracted by the third item in the shaft, which was a rolled-up drawing paper.

For a moment, both Professor Wu and Su Pan stared at the roll of paper with bright eyes.

Su Chen was also a little curious and excited.

Only Boss Zhao, the moment he looked at the drawing paper, he felt his heart throbbing and almost passed out.

Boss Zhao doesn't have the kindness that Boss Xu can afford and let go, on the contrary, he is quite stingy.

Usually when a few grains of rice fall on the ground, he has to pick them up one by one, and he is reluctant to waste a little bit.

But now, he actually saw that the possibly priceless treasure was bought at a low price from under his nose, Boss Zhao even thought about the place to hang himself.

Boss Zhao fixed his eyes on the roll of paper, mumbling non-stop, hoping that the roll of paper was garbage, not a treasure!

At this time, Su Chen and the others were not in the mood to pay attention to Boss Zhao.

Seeing his drawing paper, Su Chen slowly opened it under Su Pan's urging!

After a while, the paper was fully opened.When they saw it, they were all stunned.

In fact, when the rolled paper just fell out, Su Chen realized something was wrong, because the type, size and format of the paper were obviously not like the oriental ones. Now when he opened it, it turned out that it was an oil painting!

The oil painting is very special. The content of the painting on it is very strange. I can see that there are squares drawn on it. The whole looks like a jigsaw puzzle that has been broken up. There is no description of the whole thing at all. People who don’t understand painting can’t see it Understand.

Su Pan is one of them.He stared at the painting for a long time, but he didn't see any reason. In the end, he could only utter the three words omnipotent.

"what is this?"

Boss Zhao stretched his neck and took a look. Seeing that it was an oil painting, Boss Zhao heaved a sigh of relief for no reason.

It's not the treasure of the ancestors, so there's nothing to feel bad about.

Western paintings are nothing precious.

However, both Professor Wu and Su Chen looked pensive.

Especially Su Chen, when he saw the oil painting, his eyes widened in surprise.

Professor Wu still has a look of surprise and uncertainty in his eyes. Obviously, he only knows a little about this painting.

But seeing Su Chen's surprised expression, he opened his mouth and asked, "Little friend, do you know this painting?"

Su Chen nodded when he heard the words, and exclaimed: "I didn't expect it to be here. However, it doesn't make sense! This is simply amazing!"

Su Pan scratched his head anxiously.

"Brother Su, stop playing charades, you know this painting? Is this broken painting still a treasure?"

"Broken painting?" Su Chen chuckled. "Have you ever heard of Picasso?"

(End of this chapter)

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