I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 32 Boss Zhao's Despair

Chapter 32 Boss Zhao's Despair

"Picasso?" Su Pan blinked. "Familiar!"

Su Chen was speechless.

"I'm curious now. With your half-knowledge about everything, how much money have you been scammed in Panjiayuan?"

Su Pan smiled awkwardly.

"What are you talking about? Aren't you talking about Picasso? Oh, yes, I remembered that he had a painting of four fat girls that was said to have sold for more than one billion. It is said to be the most expensive painting in the world. Tsk tsk, I really don’t know what those people are thinking, more than one billion to buy a piece of paper, and more than one billion to buy a five-in-one courtyard house, isn’t it good? Wait!”

Before Su Pan finished speaking, his eyeballs straightened suddenly, he swallowed fiercely, lowered his head stiffly, looked at the oil painting in Su Chen's hand, and said dryly, "Don't tell me, this painting is Picasso s work!"

Professor Wu took a deep breath and looked at Su Chen in surprise.

Su Chen nodded affirmatively.

"That's right, if I'm not mistaken, this painting is indeed an authentic work by Picasso!"

"Ah? Is it true?" Su Pan was instantly excited. "Doesn't that mean that this painting can also be worth more than a billion?"

Su Chen shook his head and nodded again!

The few people were a little confused, and Su Pan hurriedly urged: "What do you mean?"

Su Chen didn't sell the lawsuit, and explained: "This painting is indeed the work of Picasso, but there are too many works of Picasso. According to statistics, Picasso has more than 1800 oil paintings alone. With so many paintings, it is impossible for every painting to be unique. Is it worth hundreds of millions? What's more, Picasso has countless sketches.

As the old saying goes, what is rare is the most expensive. Picasso's paintings are valuable, but only a small part is very valuable! "

"What about this one? Is this painting worth anything?"

Su Chen nodded.

"We are lucky. I happen to know the origin of this painting. It is said that five years ago, the Huadu Museum lost five paintings, and one of them was a rare painting by Picasso, which is the "Dove and Pea" in front of us. This is also what I am curious about, why did the paintings that were lost in Huadu in the West five years ago appear here inexplicably?"

After hearing this, Professor Wu said with emotion: "This is really a strange thing. A painting lost in a Western museum actually appeared on the scroll shaft of a calligraphy work by a Chinese calligrapher. It seems that there must be something in it. It's a pity that we can't go back to the origin of the story!"

On the side, Boss Zhao felt bad all over!
Boss Zhao was very relieved to see that it wasn't Huaxia Antique at first.But who knew, that inconspicuous oil painting that no one could understand was actually more valuable than the previous Yuan blue and white painting!

That's more than a billion!
Thinking of this number, Boss Zhao felt chest tightness and shortness of breath, and his eyes were dark.

If he hadn't been a little sane, Boss Zhao would even have the heart to buy a coffin for himself now.

Although logically speaking, without Su Chen, Boss Zhao might never have discovered this painting.But the truth is the truth, the facts are the facts, no matter what, the painting was still his fifteen minutes ago, but now he sold it for 10 yuan!

World-worthy paintings sold for 10 yuan!

Thinking of this, Boss Zhao felt hopeless.I really regret looking for the boss at this moment.

Why did you say you owed yourself before?Do you have to kidnap people morally?If he didn't provoke Su Chen, how could this happen?

It's all the fault of my own mouth!

Boss Zhao's intestines are green with regret.

On the other hand, Su Pan was in such a hurry that he was about to die.

When it comes to money, Su Pan can't stand his temper, anxious like a monkey.

"Oh, you haven't said so much, how much is this painting worth?"

Su Chen shook his head.

"I don't know his individual price. But I know that according to the official statistics at that time, the five paintings that were lost at that time were worth more than 40 billion!"

"How much? More than 40 billion?"

Su Pan's tone of surprise changed.

Su Chen was taken aback, and gave Su Pan an angry look.

"Why are you so excited? I've said it all. The five paintings are worth [-] million yuan. If they are spread out equally, this painting is only worth a few hundred million yuan!"

"A few hundred million? That's a lot! You're still talking about it?"

Su Pan gave Su Chen a contemptuous look.

Professor Wu was also a little speechless.

Boss Zhao: "———"

Su Chen looked at the painting again, and only after confirming that there was no problem, he carefully put it away again!
"Then what, Boss Zhao, please help me install this painting. Er."

Before Su Chen could say anything, Boss Zhao's small and complex eyes made his scalp tingle!Even if he has no face and no skin, he is also a little embarrassed to be seen.

It seems that this is really not a small stimulus to Boss Zhao.

Su Chen didn't irritate Boss Zhao any more, and after collecting the paintings, he greeted Su Pan and Professor Wu to leave the lighting studio.

It was already two o'clock in the afternoon when I came out of Lighting House.

There were less than two hours left in the eight-hour leak-picking task.

Several people are also hungry, and Su Chen doesn't plan to go shopping any more. It's a blessing to be able to miss it twice, and he is already satisfied. At most, if he has time after eating, he will go shopping again.

Su Chen invited Mr. Wu to have dinner together, and Mr. Wu readily agreed.

It can be seen that although Mr. Wu is not young, he has a young heart and a very quack style of behavior.

Several people found a hot pot restaurant, and Su Chen drank a bottle of white wine with Mr. Wu.Su Pan was also greedy, but he had to drive when he went back. Between driving the King Behemoth and drinking, Su Pan decisively chose to drive.

After all, it was a bullet-proof car worth 3000 million yuan, let alone drive it in normal times, he would never even see it.

During the meal, maybe I felt that I had hit it off with Su Chen, and Professor Wu didn't shy away from exchanging words, so he opened his mouth and asked, "Little friend, excuse me for asking too much, what do you plan to do with Yuan Qinghua and Picasso's paintings?"

It was only during the meal that Su Chen realized that Mr. Wu was actually the curator of the National Museum, with a high position and authority.

No wonder Mr. Wu has such a high status in Panjiayuan.

Therefore, it is not surprising that Su Chen asked Mr. Wu this question.

Obviously, Mr. Wu wanted Su Chen to donate Yuan Qinghua and Picasso's paintings to the museum.

Of course, Mr. Wu didn't say it clearly, nor did he force Su Chen, he just wanted to fight for it.As the curator of the museum, it's normal for Mr. Wu to do so. In other words, Mr. Wu's attitude is already very gentle, and Su Chen doesn't feel any discomfort.

As for Yuan blue and white and Picasso's paintings, in fact, Su Chen didn't think about what to do with them.

First of all, it is impossible to sell. Yuan Qinghua is a national treasure. In China, the state prohibits buying and selling, unless it is a black market.

But regardless of whether it's right or wrong, Su Chen can't sell it, one is that he doesn't lack money.Besides, he didn't want to lose any treasures of his ancestors, especially if they were bought abroad, then Su Chen would be 180 unwilling. If possible, he even wanted to get back all the Chinese national treasures abroad.

Since you can't sell it, you can only keep it for yourself or donate it.

It's just how to do it, but Su Chen hasn't figured it out yet.

But at this moment, the system prompt sound came again!

(End of this chapter)

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