I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 263 Zhong Ming's Excitement

Chapter 263 Zhong Ming's Excitement

Seeing that Su Chen was so fully prepared and caring, Zhong Ming felt extremely comfortable!This really saved him a lot of trouble.

Speaking of which, these are all his jobs, and there is absolutely no need for Su Chen to do so.But Su Chen still arranged it like this, it's all for the purpose of passing all the risks on to himself, and he also bears all the losses.

Although these samples are not many, their value is inestimable.

Not to mention anything else, but the Vitality Pill alone is worth 16 billion, and it is only the purchase price given by Su Chen, so it must be more expensive to sell to outsiders.

One grain of sixteen grains, the two grains of the test product is 32 billion, plus other things, the loss is at least several billion.

It stands to reason that these losses should be borne by the state.

But now Su Chen has to bear it all by himself, and Zhong Ming must remember the kindness in his heart.

"Mr. Su, you are really a backer. I have this love in my heart. If you need anything in the future, just contact me directly!"

Su Chen smiled. "Leader, you are serious! This is what I should do!"

What happened this time was planned by Su Chen himself. Although he is not good at management and dealing with people, he still understands the most basic principle of cultivating contacts.

Of course, high emotional intelligence is also required to configure contacts, but Su Chen can find another way, which is to spend money.As long as the money is spent correctly, contacts can still be cultivated, and the money will not be lost.

After all, as a boss, you may make a small profit, but I will never lose money!

Then, Su Chen took out some things, which were some of the more precious "magic items" that Su Chen exchanged in the system.

"Leader, this bottle is golden sore medicine. It is made by imitating ancient methods. It has miraculous effects on external injuries. As long as it doesn't hit the vital point, it can basically be saved with golden sore medicine."

"This bottle is called Qingdu Pill, and it is a kind of elixir that can cure all toxins in the world!"

"This bottle is called Renewing Life Pill, and it is specially used for the wounded whose lives are hanging by a thread. Taking this medicine can extend the life of the wounded for an hour, and it can buy time for the medical team!"

"There is also this bottle called Zhitong Pill. The biggest effect of this medicine is pain relief and pain relief. Unlike anesthesia, taking this medicine will not affect the patient's perception and consciousness. It is mainly used for old diseases of the body. Then the old disease relapses, and it is used for pain relief when the pain is unbearable.”

Su Chen introduced each of the small jade bottles carefully.

But Zhong Ming became more and more shocked and stunned, until finally his hands trembled a little.

He thought that it would be great to harvest the Vitality Pill today, but Su Chen still has so many treasures here.

These are all legendary magic medicines. Really, if he hadn't seen Mr. Yu recovering with his own eyes this morning, Zhong Ming would now think that Su Chen is a magic stick and a big liar.

You can tell by the look in his secretary's eyes at the moment.

The way Zhong Ming's secretary looked at Su Chen at this moment was really indescribably weird.

It feels like in the high-tech society of the new era, a group of people are watching an old magic stick doing some old-fashioned tricks, but the people around are getting more and more excited, and they all believe it and regard it as a god!
However, he was the only one who was sober and knew that the old magic stick was deceiving, but he didn't dare to expose it on the spot.

At this moment, Zhong Ming's secretary really understands the unspeakable feeling of refreshing the worldview!
"Mr. Su, is what you said true?"

Su Chen smiled. "Leader, the reason why I have prepared so many backups for you is to allow you to use them for experimentation? The so-called seeing is believing, I am talking about hype here. If you don't let you see it with your own eyes, you will definitely not believe it.

So, you still wait for the results of the experiment! "

Zhong Ming smiled mischievously and nodded, secretly laughing that he was not as stable as a young man.

"In addition, besides these five kinds of elixirs, how many other things do I have here?"

"and also?"

Zhong Ming felt his little heart couldn't help beating!

Su Chen smiled. "Don't get excited, the rest are just gadgets!"

"Oh! That's fine! No, I mean. Ugh."

"Ahem, you don't need to explain, I understand!"

"Thank you!"

"You are welcome. Look at this. This is a special cigarette. Its taste is the same as that of ordinary cigarettes, but it is softer. In the second phase, it can also alleviate the addiction like nicotine. But there is nothing in the cigarette. Things that are harmful to the body are even all drugs that are good for the body!

In other words, smoking this kind of cigarette can not only achieve the effect and refreshment of smoking ordinary cigarettes, but also slowly clear the toxins in the body, making the body healthier and healthier! "

Zhong Ming: "!!!!!!"

Looking at Su Chen, Zhong Ming swallowed secretly.

You call it a gadget?

Zhong Ming doubted his life!

"Finally, there are three kinds of wine here, namely Monkey Wine, Bone Strengthening Wine and Healthy Wine!

Among them, monkey wine not only tastes the best, it also has the effect of washing tendons and cutting marrow, and strengthening the body. Drinking it for a long time can make the body stronger and more powerful.

However, this wine is too powerful, mainly for young and middle-aged people, it is not suitable for the elderly to take for a long time, of course, it is okay to drink once in a while.

The health wine is specially developed for the elderly, and its function is to cultivate the body and mind, strengthen the body and delay aging.

The last bone-building wine is mainly suitable for middle-aged people, and it is also good for the body.And its biggest advantage is that he not only strengthens his bones, but also strengthens. emmmmm, leader, you know, this is a blessing for men! "

Zhong Ming understood in an instant, and his eyes lit up instantly when he looked at the bone-strengthening wine.Suddenly there was a long-lost impulse in his eyes!

It took a long time for Zhong Ming to recover from all kinds of shocks.

Then Zhong Ming didn't stay for a long time, and after some courtesy with Su Chen, Zhong Ming took the small box and left with a solemn expression.

Before leaving, he felt a little regretful that he only brought one person with him. There was no other way. With such a box of treasures, Zhong Ming felt really uneasy.

Hearing this, Su Chen couldn't laugh or cry, so he sent Gao Cheng to take two people to go with Zhong Ming. After Zhong Ming thanked him repeatedly, he left in a hurry.

After Zhong Ming left, Su Chen came to the side hall to welcome Xu Zhen and his leader Chu Liang back!

After another round of courtesies, the two sides got straight to the point.

"Mr. Su, I heard that you have advanced materials related to controllable nuclear fusion. I wonder if this is true?"

Chu Liang asked seriously with a serious face.

It's not that Chu Liang has any thoughts, but that he is such a person. Chu Liang was born as a scientific researcher, so he has developed a rigorous and serious personality.

Su Chen didn't care, and directly gave Chu Liang a piece of paper.

"Leader, this person's name is Leng Mo. He is now in Jiangzhou. He is a research professor I invited from abroad. He has a deep research on controllable nuclear fusion. All the relevant information about controllable nuclear fusion is here. Yes, you can send someone to contact him and talk to him, and you will know the result as soon as you send someone there!"

Chu Liang looked at the information in his hand, looked at it, nodded and said, "OK!"

(End of this chapter)

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