Chapter 264 Mecha
Like Zhong Ming, Chu Liang came and left in a hurry.

No matter which one it is, the trading of fetishes and controllable nuclear fusion are both earth-shattering events, and no one dares to delay.

Xu Zhen stayed, and skipped work due to the order. The official side must also hope that someone can establish a relationship with Su Chen, so they hope that they have subordinates who can get closer to Su Chen. As long as they can win Su Chen, The trivial matter of skipping work is not worth mentioning at all.

After seeing off the two leaders, the atmosphere in the courtyard became relaxed.

Su Chen and Xu Zhen came to the East Garden talking and laughing, and saw Su Pan and Fatty Yu playing mecha duel.

The so-called mecha is the steel armor that Su Chen exchanged from the system this morning, similar to Iron Man.Of course, the performance of the mecha can't be compared with the Iron Armor, or even can't be compared at all.

This kind of mecha is a kind of steel armor that can perfectly wrap humans and flexibly replace all human organs. Wearing it is equivalent to wearing a set of armor that wraps all around.

The advantage of this kind of mecha is that it not only improves the defense of human beings in an all-round way, but also through various electromechanical principles, the strength, speed and sensitivity of the human beings who control the mecha have been improved in an all-round way. There is also a perception system combining the most advanced AR and monitoring system inside, which allows human beings to freely perceive their own 360-degree images in all directions.

And the most important thing is the defensive power of this armor.The core of this mech's appearance is a composite material that transcends the times. Wearing it, it can even defend against surprise attacks from large-caliber sniper rifles.

It can be said that, from a certain point of view, this mech is the weakest version of the steel armor!
It's a pity that due to energy issues, this kind of mecha can only be used for 5 minutes at a time, and then the battery needs to be replaced or recharged, so it can only be used as a game prop at present.

Of course, this was all deliberately arranged by Su. In fact, more advanced mecha systems are also sold, and Su Chen can afford them.But like this kind of high technology, unless the existing technology can be copied, Su Chen will never exchange it from the system.

Even this mech is the cheapest super armor in the system I bought. According to the system's instructions, with the current technology of the earth, only mechas of this level can be replicated.

Su Chen has already exchanged a copy of all-round data of this mecha for Leng Mo, and asked him to arrange it and start trying to make it!

Su Chen also exchanged Leng Mo for a finished product, which would greatly speed up his trial production progress.

As long as Su Chen buys things in this kind of system, there is no need for Su Chen to mail them. The system can directly send things to Leng Mo, because Leng Mo is also a product of the system, it is equivalent to a subsystem, and naturally there will be many Convenience function.

When Su Chen and Xu Zhen came to the backyard, they saw two three-meter-high steel mechs, one black and one red, each holding a two-meter-long pure steel sword. It's fun.

Seeing this picture, Xu Zhen was stunned in shock.

Not to mention him, even Gao Qing and others who had already tried this morning, watching the mecha battle now, still feel full of shock.

I have to say that once the sci-fi images in this kind of movie are realized in reality, the kind of spiritual impact is really beyond words.

Su Chen also watched the battle between the two mechas with great interest. The reason why he exchanged two mechas at home was to find someone to conduct actual combat experiments to find out the shortcomings, and then let Leng Mo Improve in time!
"Chen'er, what is this?" Xu Zhen asked blankly with his mouth open.

"Oh, this is a kind of mecha made by my southern laboratory. As you can see, it is inspired by Iron Man's steel armor, but limited by the current level of technology, our mecha is basically It cannot be compared with Iron Armor."

"This is already awesome. My God, I never thought that our current technology has developed to the point where even steel armor can be copied?"

"How is that possible, old Xu, to tell you the truth, the technology of this kind of mecha is currently the only one in the whole world that I have!"

Xu Zhen's eyes froze for a moment. "Chen'er, what do you mean?"

Su Chen patted Xu Zhen on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I know what you mean, in fact, the ultimate purpose of making these is to dedicate them to the country.

In fact, I am a businessman in essence, and I am a very lazy businessman. My greatest wish is to play freely in a peaceful society. Backed by a strong country.

So, in fact, fundamentally speaking, my goal is the same as yours, to make our country bigger and stronger.Therefore, no matter whether it is the trading of fetishes, or controllable nuclear fusion, or even the current high-tech mecha, in the end, it must belong to our country, and it can only belong to our country! "

Su Chen is now a bit of a big fan, in order to avoid trouble, he still needs to show his loyalty at the right time, not to mention, none of what Su Chen said was against his will.

Although Su Chen is different now, he is still a patriotic person from the bottom of his heart, and this will never change.

Some people may not believe it, but this is Su Chen's nature.

There is no way, for a great country like Huaguo, you will really fall in love with it without knowing it, and you are willing to give everything for it.

Su Chen believed that Xu Zhen could understand what he meant, and his words would eventually reach the ears of the people above.

Su Chen didn't ask the higher-ups to reward him, but only asked the higher-ups to understand his heart!

After listening to Su Chen's words, Xu Zhen was stunned for a while, then suddenly came to his senses, then looked at Su Chen seriously, hesitated for a moment, and suddenly asked: "Chen'er, is this what you mean?"

Su Chen's eyes were deep. After a moment of silence, he said quietly: "There is no way to guarantee this kind of thing. If I say yes, you will believe it?"

Xu Zhen fell silent after hearing this.

Yes, people's hearts have been separated from their belly since ancient times!The kind of things that can be cited as a confidant in a few words are still rare after all.

"Old Xu, regarding these high technologies, all the technologies are in the hands of Leng Mo. He is my most trusted friend and the greatest scientist on earth.

I can let him contact you sincerely, he can even accept the students and assistants you assign to him, and he can even entrust all the safety and security of my laboratory in Jiangzhou to you. heart? "

After hearing this, Xu Zhen was startled, looked at Su Chen, and said in shock, "Chen'er, are you serious?"

Su Chen smiled slightly. "If you have been in contact with me for a long time, you will know that when it comes to business, I never joke!"

(End of this chapter)

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