I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 272 The Rise of Sumen

Chapter 272 The Rise of Sumen
The sudden rumbling sound made everyone suddenly look up to the sky.

Suddenly, more than 100 pigeons flew out from more than a dozen roofs in the courtyard. Each pigeon had a whistle tied to its leg.The entire sky instantly played the unique tone of the old emperor.

But what made everyone more concerned was the hovering helicopter that suddenly appeared in the air.

"Hey! Boss is getting more and more powerful now, and the means of transportation have been replaced by helicopters!"

Fatty Yu murmured enviously.

"Aren't these pirates going to the south? There's no airport there, and private planes can't land, so they can only take a helicopter!" Zhang Huan explained with a smile.

"Sister-in-law Si, don't talk to him, the fat man is just sloppy, just ignore him!" Su Pan said.

Fatty Yu gave Su Pan a sideways look, but didn't reply, probably because he was too lazy to answer.

"Huh? Why doesn't the helicopter land?"

After a while, Fatty Yu asked.

"Stupid!" Xu Zhen shook his head and said, "The helicopter's rotor brings up such a strong wind, once it lands, wouldn't everything nearby be smashed?"

"That makes sense, how did the boss come down?"

Su Pan's eyes froze suddenly, and he said in surprise, "Look for yourself!"

Everyone looked together, and saw a rope suddenly drop from the helicopter, hanging directly to the ground.

After a while, the cabin door opened, and two figures emerged from the helicopter.

Fatty Yu exclaimed, "Hiss? Holding the grass, the boss wants to be roped down? Can he do it?"

Su Pan squinted his small eyes and said, "Not only himself, I guess he will take the third sister-in-law up and down together, after all, the third sister-in-law can't complete the rope drop by herself!"

But before everyone questioned, Su Chen from above had already jumped down with Guo Xiaoshi in his arms.

Descent by rope may be a little difficult for ordinary people, but for a "martial arts master" like Su Chen, it is not difficult for him at all, just like playing around.

Therefore, under the worried eyes of everyone, Su Chen successfully landed on the ground without any danger.

"Husband!" "Husband!"

Tang Qiong and Zhang Huan missed each other impatiently, and as soon as Su Chen landed, the two girls immediately jumped on it!

Fatty Yu also missed Su Chen very much. When he saw Su Chen, he couldn't help himself, and he also jumped on him.

However, Tang Qiong and Zhang Huan ran like fairies, and Fatty Yu's running figure was a bit eye-catching.

As a result, as soon as Fatty Yu arrived in front of Su Chen, Su Chen hugged Guo Xiaoshi, dodged and dodged, and by the way turned around and beat him!

As a result, Fatty Yu jumped out and almost fell down.Fortunately, Fatty Yu was quite nimble and managed to stabilize his figure.

Turning around, Fatty Yu looked at Su Chen with resentment on his face.

"Boss, are you too obsessed with sex? Thankfully, I have been thinking of you, thinking of you, you make me so sad!"

Su Chen pouted. "Do you miss me, or my sculpture?"

Fatty Yu smiled instantly, and he said, "I think about it, I think about it, but I mainly think about the boss!"

"Oh? Then it seems that you are not looking forward to my work. Then just wait!"

"Don't! Boss, I was wrong, I was looking forward, super looking forward, the anticipation is going crazy!"

Su Chen shook his head, talking to the fat man lazily.

After making out with the two girls for a while, Su Chen exchanged a few words with Su Pan, Xu Zhen and Jiang Rui.

Su Chen walked for half a month this time, mainly to avoid the constant stream of visitors before.

Half a month ago, Qingchen's clothing, super fetishes and even Su Chen's sculptures exploded in the imperial capital almost at the same time. Coupled with the smooth completion of the integration of the Future Group, the behemoth initially showed a ferocious state, which attracted the attention of many people.

Due to various factors, Su Chen's reputation suddenly exploded in the imperial capital, and even caused a wave of enthusiasm on the Internet.

Now he has become a mysterious young super rich man,
On the Internet, his popularity reached the peak at an extremely fast speed, because he was stabbed out by someone who was behind the scenes of the Future Group. The kung fu video and Dali's live broadcast video were dug out, and then became popular on the Internet.

Even the few songs he sang reached the top five on the Hua Ge chart, and the popularity remained high.

In just half a month, Su Chen had an extremely large fan group on the Internet.

To put it bluntly, if Su Chen made his debut now, then his popularity would be able to kill almost all the fresh meat in seconds.

There is no way, the combination of male god + song god + wealth god is really incomprehensible, enough to hang everything.

Fortunately, Su Chen's address in the imperial capital has not been made public, so Su Chen is still free for the time being.

But in reality, especially in the imperial capital, Su Chen's name has become a big boss in one fell swoop.

Now as long as the news is a little bit better, they will know that Su Chen is an upstart in the imperial capital, with a net worth of hundreds of millions and countless fortunes.More importantly, there are many big families behind Su Chen secretly supporting him.

In the past three months, Su Chen's fetish has saved 27 elderly or seriously injured people who were dying or had sudden accidents.

And these people are either the helm of the big family, the pillars.Either they are heroes or leaders in various industries, and none of them are ordinary people.

These are all kindness and credit.Although many of Su Chen's fetishes charge fees, fees and life-saving grace are two different things and should not be confused.

So even though Su Chen stayed at home, he has already become the savior of dozens of people.

More importantly, these people are in the imperial capital, and each of them is a big boss.

With these people supporting Su Chen behind his back, how could anyone dare to provoke him?

In addition, in addition to the life-saving elixir, golden sore medicine, pain-relieving elixir, harmless tobacco, and health wine have become popular in the entire upper class of Huaguo. Anyone with a bit of wealth and status will almost try their best to buy these four items. Gods, but unfortunately, the transaction of gods is in the hands of the government, not everyone is eligible to buy them.

Even now, many foreign celebrities and government leaders are flocking to Huaguo's sudden appearance of fetishes. For this reason, Huaguo's voice in the world has increased sharply.

Among them, the most sensational event was that Hua Guo used harmless tobacco and health wine to successfully win over a top scientist in the world from the Polar Bear Empire. This scientist even directly changed his nationality and joined Hua Guo.

Of course, this scientist suffered a lot of suffering and injustice in his own country when he was young, so he didn’t have much sense of identity with the Polar Bear Empire. Then this scientist has always had a good impression of Huaguo, and even thought of changing his nationality long ago. , while harmless tobacco and health wine just gave scientists an excellent excuse.

But no matter what, on the surface, it is the credit of these gods. This incident caused a sensation in the world for a while, and completely pushed these gods to the altar.

In this way, as the sole owner of the fetish, Su Chen's status can be imagined.

(End of this chapter)

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