I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 273 Super Boss Su

Chapter 273 Super Boss Su

In the living room of the main courtyard, a group of people gathered here.

In the spacious and bright living room, in the center, a retro and luxurious fireplace is burning. On the left, Tang Qiong, Guo Xiaoshi, Zhang Huan, Jiang Rui, and four or five girls who have known each other during this time are sitting on the sofa, or Playing cards, or chatting, or teasing Su Zhai's cats and dogs. .

These girlfriends are all from big families, and they are all big families whose lives have been saved by Su Chen's magic medicine. Some of these people deliberately want to please the girls, and the girls are very gentle and kind, so the feelings of the girls are super. good.

On this side, Su Chen, Fatty Yu, Su Pan, Xu Zhen, and Gu Qingya sat around the tea table, chatting while drinking tea.

Tea and literary play are Su Chen's two hobbies, so Su Chen usually likes to stay by the tea table.

Perhaps because of Su Chen's influence, Fatty Yu and others, and even a group of friends such as Yan, gradually fell in love with drinking tea.

Even Brother Qian has the fourth favorite hobby of tasting tea.

Gu Qingya snuggled up to Su Chen's side, not because she wanted to cling to Su Chen, but because she had Shen Yun for two months.

The day after Su Chen heard the news, he and Gu Qingya got their marriage certificate.

The rest of the women must feel uncomfortable about this, but this is already preordained, so the women will adjust themselves, and there is no extra thought.

Gu Qingya, who is pregnant, likes to cling to Su Chen very much. This time Su Chen walked for half a month, and Gu Qingya sent Su Chen eight video calls almost a day. This may be a pregnancy reaction. It didn't go well at first, but it was also It just got serious not long ago, otherwise Su Chen wouldn't have left.

On the soft carpet, Su Chen put his arms around Gu Qingya, massaged her with one hand, and kept the other hand free. He reached out and took out a box from his bag, opened it for a look, and then pushed it to Su Pan.

"Zha Pan, this is for you, see if you like it!"

When Su Pan heard the words, his eyes lit up, he hurriedly opened the box, took a closer look, and then couldn't help but exclaimed.

"This is Shoushan stone? No! This is Shoushan Tian Huangshi, the best variety of Shoushan stone!"

Su Pan's voice also alarmed the female family members on the other side. A group of female family members knew immediately that Su Chen had a new sculpture.

Now Su Chen's sculptures have become the most popular and most respected luxury goods in the imperial capital and even Huaguo.

There are three reasons why it became popular so quickly. The first is that Su Chen's carving is really exquisite.

After more than one master connoisseur showed his own experience, he highly praised Su Chen's carving.Praise Su Chen's engraving has reached its peak, and praise Su Chen's works are rare in the world.These masters are all leaders in the connoisseur industry, and their reputations are very good. It has naturally become a recognized fact if they speak out.

Of course, the reason why these connoisseurs are willing to stand up must be someone behind their backs to help, but Su Chen's carving skills are indeed unquestionable, so these claims have gradually become generally accepted.

The second is that Su Chen's works are all made of top-quality materials. At present, Su Chen's works are only owned by the women of the Su family, and almost all the jewelry items on the women of the Su family are the best in legends.

Glass jadeite, suet-grade Hetian jade, top-quality gemstones, top-quality beeswax, southern red, etc., and even top-quality small-leaf red sandalwood, huanghuali and other woods.

Everything is of the highest quality, something that is priced but not available in the market, something that can be met but not sought after.But these are extremely common among the girls of the Su family. This time, the eyes of countless people were so envious.

So now there is another saying, that is, at the same time as obtaining Master Su Chen's sculpture, it is equivalent to owning a top-quality treasure!
Finally, it was Su Chen's status.As we all know, the reason why those antique cultural relics are valuable in history is the quality of the work itself, but more importantly is the reputation of the owner of the cultural relics.

The same small porcelain bowl with the same workmanship, one is a family heirloom of ordinary people, and the other is a plaything in the palm of a super celebrity in history, so no matter how similar the two small bowls are to each other, the value of the two is also very different. It's the celebrity effect.

So the same piece of jewelry, a plaything.From the hands of ordinary masters and from the hands of Su Chen are completely two concepts.

The current Su Chen, no matter his background or skill, is already recognized as a top boss.Therefore, Su Chen's works naturally have added value.

Now there is a saying that Su Chen's works have become a status symbol. If you can own one of Su Chen's works, you can definitely brag about it for several years.

It can be said that even a random pair of earrings carved by Su Chen on the women's bodies now, if they go up for auction, the starting price will be at least tens of millions. From this we can see how popular Su Chen's works are.

So when they heard that Su Chen had a new work, how could these female relatives sit still?Even if they knew that these works had nothing to do with them, if they could get hold of some exclusive information, then returning home would be a big credit.

What's more, they themselves are looking forward to Su Chen's works.

Even Tang Qiong's three daughters.Don't look at the three women who already have a lot of jewelry items carved by Su Chen, but the three women still maintain enough freshness and anticipation for Su Chen's works.

There is no way, the main reason is that each of Su Chen's works is so touching.

Without restraint, a group of female relatives surrounded her with a whimper as soon as they heard the voice.

Su Chen looked up, didn't care, smiled gently at the girls, and then won a hot look.

After a while, a nanny brought in some low chairs. After the girls thanked them, they sat down around the tea table. Fortunately, the tea table was big enough, with a full three meters long and one meter wide. Too crowded.

The tea table was also carefully carved by Su Chen. The landscapes, mythical beasts and other patterns on it were carved vividly. The whole tea table is a priceless treasure. I don’t know that many people who have seen it are jealous.

Here, after Su Pan exclaimed, he carefully took out the contents of the box with a red face.

It turned out to be a palm-sized seal. The seal was flat. The upper part was a carved deer button with extremely expressive sika flowers. The lower part was a rectangular base with expressive landscape patterns carved on it.

At the bottom are engraved six big characters - the seal of Supan, the imperial capital.

This is a private seal!
And the material is Shoushan Tianhuangshi, one of the four best materials of Yinxi!

If such a seal was used in ancient times, it is estimated that only princes, ministers and even the royal family would be eligible to use it.

So when Su Pan saw this seal, his eyes couldn't be pulled out, and he liked it very much.

There was also an extremely envious and jealous look from all around, especially Fatty Yu, who was already "gritting his teeth" with extreme envy!

(End of this chapter)

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