I'm not interested in money anymore

Chapter 274 The 1st Grandmaster?

Chapter 274 A Grandmaster?
Su Pan played with the seal happily, and Xu Zhen who was next to him analyzed enviously: "Looking at the texture, it should be an extremely rare frozen field yellow, which is the best in Tianhuang, known as the gold in Tianhuang. There is no market for price, and gold is hard to find.

What's more, Lao Su's craftsmanship is unrivaled in the world. The carved sika deer is lifelike, especially those eyes. If you look carefully, those eyes are not only not empty, but extremely energetic, as if they can see through people's hearts. Huh? "

As Xu Zhen spoke, his eyes suddenly changed, and he said suddenly, "Su Pan, show me the seal!"

Su Pan didn't know why, but he didn't hesitate, and handed the seal directly to Xu Zhen.

Xu Zhen is not Fatty Yu, perhaps because he is a civil servant, Xu Zhen has a stable and capable temperament, and looks extremely reliable, so Su Pan still trusts Xu Zhen.

Xu Zhen got the seal, then got up and walked to the window sill, adjusted the angle, and aligned the seal with the sunlight outside.

The soft sunlight shone through the glass window onto the crystal clear seal, but in the next moment, the seal suddenly changed, which stunned everyone present except Su Chen.

I saw that the originally oily yellow seal, under the sunlight, instantly turned into seven colors, and the oily yellow sika deer also turned into a colorful fairy deer.

Not only that, with the divergence of the sunlight, a circle of colorful halo was reflected around the colorful fairy deer, making the colorful fairy deer extraordinarily sacred.

In the end, maybe it was because of the dizziness of seeing the time, or maybe it was the refraction principle of the sun. Everyone looked at it, and suddenly found that the fairy deer seemed to be moving, as if it was bathing in the sun gracefully, exuding bursts of peace and tranquility!
"I must be dreaming!" Fatty Yu wiped the drool from the corner of his mouth and murmured.

"It's too pretty, isn't it?"

"It's incredible!"

"It's a miracle!"

All the girls were shocked one by one, and their eyes widened.

Not to mention them, even Su Pan was dumbfounded by the shock, obviously numb from the shock of the huge surprise!
After a while, Xu Zhen's arms were sore, he took back the seal with unsatisfactory intentions, and then reluctantly returned it to Su Pan.

Su Pan took it carefully, the smile on his face couldn't stop.

Fatty Yu was really jealous, but the jealous expression was gone.

His expression just now was just a joke. He and Su Pan are enemies, and they are used to laughing at each other.

But in fact, Fatty Yu is very peaceful in his heart. Although he is also very envious, he has no desire to covet him, and instead wishes to bless Supan.

It's just that the way of blessing is very special.

"The scum of the dog day has made you cheap again! Hmph!"

Su Pan was so cheap that he didn't bother to talk back, he just cared about being silly.

"This is a rare treasure!" Xu Zhen shook his head, then suddenly turned his head to look at Su Chen, and said with an extremely serious expression: "Old Su, your carving skills have already reached the master level, right?"

Su Chen was taken aback for a moment, and then asked curiously, "Why do you say that?"

All the girls also looked over, their eyes full of gossip!
Xu Zhen breathed a sigh of relief, and said solemnly: "Our country has associations and organizations for various folk crafts, not to mention the extremely important skill of carving. In fact, these associations have a grading standard for their respective skills. Under normal circumstances, this standard is often divided into elementary, intermediate, advanced and master!
However, there is no clear standard for this kind of classification, and it is basically judged by people, which inevitably has errors.

In addition, Chinese people value age and experience very much, so even though they are at the same master level, young people may be classified as advanced or even intermediate level, which is called polishing and training.For older people, their skills may be a little bit worse than the master level, but they may also be promoted to the master level in view of their rich experience. "

"It's so unfair!"

A girl muttered under her breath.

Xu Zhen was not annoyed when he heard this, but explained with a smile: "There is no way, this is the human society, this is the reality. Moreover, historical experience proves that young people are often arrogant, often impulsive due to lack of experience. So for young people, it is not a bad thing to polish more!

Of course, this kind of thing also varies from person to person and from case to case.I'm just talking about common phenomena! "

Most of the people here are young people, even Xu Zhen, who is the oldest, is only 28 years old, so everyone must feel uncomfortable with what Xu Zhen said, but they all know it is true, so they didn't refute it.

"Brother Zhen, in the evaluation you just said, it seems that there is no grandmaster level!" Fatty Yu said.

Xu Zhen nodded. "This is the focus of what I'm going to say next. I once visited an old gentleman who was a master in the carving industry, and talked with him about skill classification.

I still remember what the old man said at that time.The old man said that these so-called gradings actually have no fixed standards. In the final analysis, it is nothing more than setting a standard, giving young people a goal, giving them a goal, giving them a direction to work hard, nothing more.

But if you really want to talk about grading, this kind of thing is really hard to judge.The old man said that there are many factors that affect the engraving skills. The engraver's skills, state, eyesight, hands and even luck are all one of the factors that affect engraving, and the most important one is actually a touch in the engraver's mind. Emmanuel.

This aura is the wind, flowers, snow and moon in the poet's heart, and the water, moon and rivers and mountains in the painter's eyes. With it, the sculptor's works have a soul.And once you have it, even a junior engraver who is just getting started may be able to carve master-level works.

So this rating is very inaccurate.Since it is not accurate, there is no such thing as absolute fairness. "

When everyone heard the words, it suddenly dawned on them that they seemed to realize something.

Xu Zhen paused, and then continued: "However, there are accidents in everything. The old man said that any craft, researched to the peak, will enter a world-recognized, undeniable and irrefutable realm!
That is the legendary, so-called grandmaster class that turns decay into magic! "

"This" everyone looked at each other in dismay.

Fatty Yu touched the tip of his nose and said, "Why do I sound so mysterious?"

Xu Zhen shook his head. "It's not mysterious at all, in fact, this state has existed since ancient times, and there are still many people who have reached this state.

For example Confucius, the sage of literature, Wang Xizhi, the sage of calligraphy, Li Taibai, the sage of poetry, Wu Daozi, the sage of painting, etc., these predecessors are all people who have successfully cultivated a certain profession or skill to the peak. Poetry, calligraphy, literature and painting are in their hands , has been turned into a miracle.

The old man said that mortals below the Grandmaster level are imitating miracles and replicating miracles!And the master can create miracles! "

(End of this chapter)

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