Chapter 314

The shopkeeper was a little confused by Su Chen's straightforwardness.

This master is too irritable, how the hell should he ask for a price?Want less?He is not reconciled.It must be too much, if this master turns around and leaves, then he will suffer even more.

You know, this broken shelf has been in his store for more than half a year, but it has not been sold.

Of course, there must be many people who want to buy it. After all, although this thing is a bit weird, it still looks very beautiful. However, the shopkeeper's asking price is too high, and the business has not been completed for half a year.

In fact, it's not a heart-to-heart talk from the shopkeeper, the main reason is that this thing was bought with an eye.

Originally, this pen stand was not like this. The previous pen stand was much more beautiful than the current one. I don’t know who deliberately forged it, and the craftsmanship was extremely superb. The black stone base was actually disguised as black jade, and the wooden frame on the top of the pen stand was also made. Made of golden nanmu, the craftsmanship is extremely superb.

And the clerk in the store is his relative, and he was not at home in those few days, so he asked the clerk to watch the store, and then this happened.The buddy also made a video call to him at that time.The shopkeeper felt very good watching the video, and the other party’s asking price was not very expensive, only [-] yuan, and the shopkeeper didn’t think there was a problem, so he bought it.

When the shopkeeper came back and looked at it carefully, he found the problem, and after washing it with water, he realized that he had been cheated.

The shopkeeper seldom made eye contact in his life, not to mention that in his old age, his temper became shorter and shorter, so he was always brooding about this matter, so much so that it was obviously a junk product, but the shopkeeper was reluctant to sell it at a low price.

At least he has to earn back his capital, it seems that only in this way can he keep his fame for the first time.

Thinking for a moment, the shopkeeper stretched out five fingers.

This is a typical way for insiders to bully outsiders.Just stretch out five fingers, but don't say the specific price. If the price in the shopkeeper's heart is [-], then if the customer opens his mouth and says [-] or [-], then the shopkeeper will definitely turn his face and say that you are not real. You are an insider.

Just such a sentence, some people who are thin-skinned and desperate for face, in order to prove that they are insiders, might just accept the price of [-] on impulse.

And if the other party shouts 50 or [-] at the beginning, no matter how much they shout, the shopkeeper will definitely look like I have suffered a loss, I am upset, I am very depressed, and I met an insider's expression.

If this is the shopkeeper's talking, saying that the little brother is really good, the price is the price in the industry, and your price is stuck in my purchase price, and I don't make money.

Just a few compliments, to ensure that customers will be like two fools, cheerfully buying the goods at a price much higher than the shopkeeper's psychological price, and still smiling when they leave.

So don't look at a small movement, a movement that everyone has seen on TV or movies, a movement of someone who knows it by himself.

With such a single action, countless self-righteous fools have been tricked in antique markets such as Liulichang or Panjiayuan.

The shopkeeper was not sure about Su Chen's pulse, so he directly sacrificed his ultimate move and waited for Su Chen to deal with it!
Su Chen glanced at the shopkeeper's hand, narrowed his eyes, smacked his lips and said, "Five yuan? It's expensive!"

"Cough, cough, cough!"

The shopkeeper's breath got stuck in his throat, and he choked!
God damn five dollars!And it's too expensive?Where do you think this is?Do you think five yuan is too expensive?I don't even think about what else I can buy for five yuan now?Now eating Malatang, just the extra noodles will cost two or three yuan!For five yuan, you can’t get enough to buy steamed stuffed buns!

"Brother, you are going too far, do you really want to buy it?"

The shopkeeper's expression was not good.

Su Chen pouted. "Is it because I don't want to buy or you don't want to sell? If you want to sell something, you have to hurry up, who are you fooling with your fingers? Why, bully me as an outsider, so I don't understand? Or do you have to understand you when buying things in your store?" rules?"

When the shopkeeper heard this, he was immediately depressed.

Where did this beast come from?Don't young people nowadays like to pretend to be insiders?No matter which line you are in, don't you always say something like "I understand your line of work, it's too simple! That's it?"

Why did this master say "I am two hundred and five" as soon as he opened his mouth?
On the side, Yue Yunpeng came to the door slowly, turned his back, and looked outside.He didn't dare to turn around, for fear of being caught laughing.

Liang Tong looked at Su Chen with a weird expression, wanted to laugh but couldn't.

On the other hand, Mr. Ren Tianfeng looked at Su Chen with a smile on his face, feeling very amused by Su Chen's "naughty".

"Okay, brother, I won't play tricks with you anymore. If you want to buy this pen stand, you can take [-]!"

"Fifty thousand?" Su Chen looked at the shopkeeper with contempt. "Shopkeeper, do you think I'm so stupid? How do you say this price? Forget it, I'm too lazy to tell you, and don't bully me as an outsider. As long as you count the artificial materials, at most It’s only worth 500 yuan, and I’m going to say more. But I really like this look, so I’m adding some water and electricity labor costs for you, 5000 yuan, you nod, I’ll take it, no second price!”

The shopkeeper's expression changed, and his expression was extremely uncomfortable.

Su Chen's price made him feel too uncomfortable.This home is definitely not his psychological price, because if he sells it, it will be calculated, which is equivalent to a loss of [-].But if you don't sell it, Su Chen's price is the most offered in the past six months. If you miss this village, it may be impossible to buy it at this price.

The shopkeeper hesitated for a moment, but was still a little reluctant. "Little brother, can you add some more to me?"

However, before the shopkeeper finished speaking, Su Chen turned around and was about to leave.

Seeing this, the shopkeeper panicked, and hurriedly said: "Yes! Little brother, 5000 yuan, this pen stand belongs to you! I have suffered a little, so I will teach you this friend!"

Su Chen curled his lips, not showing any expression of taking advantage, but rather depressed.

Walking to the counter, while scanning the QR code, he said angrily: "Shopkeeper, your friend is really expensive. I bought this thing, and I lost at least 4000 yuan!"

Seeing what Su Chen said, the shopkeeper felt relieved for no reason, and his originally depressed mood suddenly felt relieved.

Finally, I'm not the only one suffering.

The shopkeeper was happy in his heart, but on the surface he held back a smile and said: "Where is that, as the saying goes, it is hard to buy a good heart, brother, you spend money, you also want to buy a heart, okay?"

Speaking of which, the shopkeeper has finished issuing the receipt, which means that from now on, that pen holder belongs to Su Chen, and what happens again has nothing to do with the shopkeeper.

Seeing this, Su Chen's demeanor, which was originally a fool, instantly disappeared, and returned to a demeanor of being flattered (listened).

After collecting the receipt, Su Chen looked at the shopkeeper, and suddenly smiled happily.

"Shopkeeper, what you said is right, I really bought a piece of my heart!"


For some reason, seeing Su Chen's smile, the shopkeeper's heart skipped a beat, as if he had lost some treasure!
(End of this chapter)

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