Chapter 315
Su Chen glanced at the shopkeeper with a smile, then came to the table, put the Chi Huo in his arms on the chair beside him, and carefully looked at the pen holder.

Chi Huo has always been very obedient, he doesn't make trouble or shit, but for some reason, the little thing recognizes his master abnormally, and doesn't follow anyone except Su Chen.

Little girl Liang Tong waited on her for a long time, but Chi Huo had three heads, and no one paid any attention to her, as if she regarded Liang Tong as air.

Liang Tong almost burst into tears because of this, she is also a well-known beauty in ten miles and eight villages, and everyone in the street who sees her asks if she has a date?
The little girl is a sweet potato everywhere, but why is her eyesight so empty in this little thing.

Liang Tong's temper was also stubborn, the more Chi Huo ignored her, the more active she became. Seeing Su Chen put Chi Huo on the chair, she immediately went to ask for his health, but got three backs of the head.

On this side, for some reason, the shopkeeper suddenly had a bad feeling, and this pen holder was his permanent scar, the shopkeeper didn't want to look at it at all, so, inexplicably, the shopkeeper had the idea of ​​seeing off the guests.

"Brother, do you think I can help you wrap this pen holder?"

Hearing this, Su Chen shook his head and said, "No rush!"

Su Chen's spiritual eyes were fully opened, and he carefully observed every detail of the pen holder.However, upon seeing this, Su Chen was immediately stunned!

"Can it still be like this? Isn't this too heaven-defying?"

Although he already knew that he had missed it, after all, he had seen before that there was a strong golden light and purple light in this pen holder.But now that he took a closer look, Su Chen was immediately dumbfounded.

He actually missed it before!
And it was outrageous to look away. It was the first time Su Chen encountered such a strange thing after so long.

For a moment, Su Chen froze on the spot.

It was at this time that a bunch of people entered the store again.

The leader was actually shopkeeper Tan in the first store Su Chen visited.

Shopkeeper Tan was followed by five people, who were divided into two groups, and they all seemed to be customers!
"Old Zhou!" Shopkeeper Tan shouted at the shopkeeper as soon as he came in.

Zhou Dao is the name of the shopkeeper of Qingyunzhai.

Shopkeeper Zhou turned his head to see Shopkeeper Tan, and greeted him with a smile.

"Hey, Old Tan, isn't the store busy? Why are you here for a walk at this time?"

"Get out, my store has a lot of customers, how could it not be busy. No, because there are too many customers, the store is out of stock, these guys want to buy some old ink, at least 30 years old, my store There are not many old inks in the store, and they are all sold. I remember you have a batch in this store, right?"

"Hey, are you here to send me money? Thanks, Lao Tan, I didn't say anything, come to my place tonight, we two have a drink!"

"Succeed! I remember that you have Moutai from the 90s in your store, so let's have that one tonight!"

Shopkeeper Zhou immediately laughed and scolded. "Old guy, I knew you'd been thinking about my good wine. Well, I'll treat you tonight. It just so happens that we haven't been together for a long time, let's catch up on the old days!"

"Hahaha, it's rare that you old Pixiu are willing to bleed, so I won't be polite."

While the two were talking, the clerk in the own shop led several customers to the counter to look at the goods.

Shopkeeper Tan didn't seem to be very busy. After chatting with Shopkeeper Zhou for a while, he saw that Su Chen and the others in the store were a little strange, so he couldn't help asking, "Old Zhou, what's the situation with these guys?"

"Oh, this is a customer from my store, who just bought my Moshan pen holder!"

Shopkeeper Tan's eyes lit up. "Yo, old guy, your baby is finally sold?"

Shopkeeper Zhou smiled without saying a word.

Shopkeeper Tan didn't say anything.

The so-called Moshan pen holder is known to everyone in the vicinity, and the circle is so big that no one can hide the news if they catch the eye.

But shopkeeper Tan didn't say anything, they were all shopkeepers, so he understood shopkeeper Zhou's thoughts.He could tease him cryptically, but if he directly exposed the bottom line, he would directly dismantle shopkeeper Zhou's platform.

While the two were talking, Su Chen finally "woke up" with a surprised and happy expression.

But the happy expression was only for a moment, and then Su Chen frowned and looked at shopkeeper Zhou, dissatisfied: "Shopkeeper, there is something wrong with your pen holder!"

Hearing this, Shopkeeper Zhou felt his heart skip a beat. He hurried over and said, "Hey, brother, you can't say that. We'll clear the money and the goods. Now this item is yours. If something goes wrong, you can tell me No wonder it’s on the head of the shop.”

Su Chen was dissatisfied: "You mean, no matter how big the problem with this object is, it has nothing to do with you?"

"It's natural." Shopkeeper Zhou said with a righteous face: "If you buy it and leave it, you will not be refunded. This has been the rule of the antique business since ancient times!"

Su Chen was suddenly happy when he heard this.

"Shopkeeper, you said this yourself, I hope you don't regret it!" After speaking, Su Chen paused, and then said: "Do you have a hammer, a flat-head screwdriver and a knife here?"

Shopkeeper Zhou was taken aback for a moment, and said in a daze, "Yes, yes, what do you want these things for?"

Su Chen shook his head, and said, "If it's convenient, I can borrow it!"

The shopkeeper must have wanted to say that it was inconvenient, and now he wished Su Chen could go far away.

But he opened the door for business, and Su Chen didn't come to spoil the scene. If he didn't satisfy just such a request, then his store's reputation would be ruined. Attracted.

Shopkeeper Zhou couldn't get off the tiger, he smiled stiffly, and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you. Xiao Li, I haven't prepared it for my brother yet."

The guy nodded and went down to get ready.

The movement here attracted everyone, including the customers who bought ink and shopkeeper Tan.

Perhaps seeing that the dust had settled, Mr. Ren finally said, "Little friend, is there something wrong with this pen holder?"

"There is a problem! There is a big problem here!" Su Chen smiled slightly, and said to Mr. Ren: "Look at it, I will do a magic trick for you today!"

"Really? Then I have to look forward to it!" Ren Lao said with interest.

At this time, the guy brought everything over.

Su Chen took the things over. He had already used his aura to see all the overall structure of the pen holder. The mystery of the opposite side was very clear, so he didn't need to be careful, just use the hammer directly.

Su Chen first dipped a rag in some water, and then wiped it vigorously somewhere on the edge of the Bijia Stone Mountain. Suddenly, an extremely fine crack appeared on the edge of the stone mountain.

Su Chen took out the flashlight and took a picture, and now everyone could see clearly.Can't help but wonder: "Huh? There are cracks in this stone?"

"It's still in the middle. It seems to be a crack through it. Could it be that there is something in this stone mountain?"

I don't know who said this, but it sounded like thunder in Shopkeeper Zhou's ears, and the bad premonition in his heart became stronger and stronger.

Su Chen asked Yue Yunpeng to help shine the flashlight, while he aimed the flathead screwdriver at the crack, and then tapped the screwdriver lightly with a hammer.

With the prying force of the screwdriver, the cracks on the black stone mountain split open at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When the crack was halfway opened, Su Chen switched sides again, found the crack on the other side, and tapped again.

not for a while

The stone mountain that was originally integrated into one body actually split into two halves from the middle!

(End of this chapter)

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