Chapter 317
Seeing that Su Chen was about to lift the silk, the shopkeepers Zhou and Tan immediately regained their spirits.

Grandpa Ren also opened his eyes again.

Only this pen holder can attract their attention. As for this group of young people, they are nothing more than a joke in their eyes.

And this group of young people were still very arrogant, but they were intimidated by Su Chen's decisive attitude of calling the police. Now they dare not say a word, and their expressions are panicked.

Su Chen was dissatisfied with his movements, and with two or three strokes, he lifted the silk, revealing a pitch-black stone inside.

Still rocks!

But this stone is different!

Obviously, this is an inkstone, and judging from the texture and luster of the surface of the inkstone, it is obviously a piece of old grinder covered with pulp, and it is not an ordinary inkstone.

The moment the inkstone appeared, shopkeeper Zhou trembled.

It never occurred to him that there was really something hidden in that inconspicuous pen holder.

You don't even need to look carefully to know that the inkstone must be a good thing, at least it is worth more than the pen holder.

That is to say, this thing that it has disliked for a year is actually a leak, and God has brought this leak to his mouth, and he is forced to sell it at a low price!

For the Wenwan shopkeeper, this kind of thing is worse than being cuckolded.

The moment shopkeeper Zhou saw Yantai, he immediately had the idea of ​​committing suicide.

How much sin would have to be done to have such a thing happen.

Shopkeeper Zhou's life is worse than death, and shopkeeper Tan on his side is also in a complicated mood. The rabbit dies and the fox is sad. They are all colleagues. Shopkeeper Tan can understand Shopkeeper Zhou's mood.

Feeling empathetic, shopkeeper Tan abruptly suppressed the smile that was on his lips.

We are all in the same industry, you can't laugh, you have to hold back!
Shopkeeper Tan kept taking deep breaths.

But no matter what mood they were in, the two couldn't help but get together.

Su Chen has already picked up the inkstone, and looked at it carefully. After a while, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Little friend, what is the origin of this inkstone?"

Elder Ren on the side asked curiously.

Su Chen heard the words and handed the inkstone to the old man.

"Mr. Ren, take a look first!"

Mr. Ren was not too polite, he stretched out his white gloved hand to take the inkstone, and then said: "I see no problem, but I still need to ask my little friend to enlighten me. To be honest, I really don't know much about antiques." !"

When Su Chen heard this, he secretly praised it in his heart.At Mr. Ren's age, and a person of such status, he can easily speak out about his shortcomings. This is his heart.

It has to be said that all those who achieve great things, after success, these people's minds are wider than the other.

Su Chen is also not polite. With his level of appreciation, it is too easy to appreciate a Yantai.

"The surface of this inkstone is thick and glossy, the texture is natural, and the shape is simple and magnificent. It can be seen at a glance that it is an old object, at least before the end of the Qing Dynasty. Needless to say. The important thing is that this object should not have been buried, and it has been handed down. So far, it’s been rare.”

The so-called non-ruo pit means that it has not been buried as a funeral object, and it belongs to the inheritance treasure. Because of the orderly inheritance, such things are extremely rare.

As soon as Su Chen said this, shopkeeper Zhou's expression became even uglier.

Su Chen ignored the others, and analyzed himself: "Secondly, the surface of this inkstone is dense, firm, tender, and delicate, and the stone is as warm and moist as jade. The skin of a child is rubbed silently without a sound!"

"Hiss~! Isn't this the characteristic of Duanyan?"

Shopkeeper Tan exclaimed.

Su Chen nodded. "Yes, I judge that this inkstone is the Duan inkstone among the four famous inkstones, and it was produced in Laokeng."


The Duan inkstone produced in Laokeng is of such good quality, isn’t it equivalent to the Laokeng glass type imperial green jadeite in the jadeite ring?

This is the best inkstone!
This time, even shopkeeper Tan's breath became short of breath.

Nothing else, envy and regret.

Shopkeeper Tan has played with this pen holder more than once, but never thought of buying it for research.If there was even a burst of curiosity at the beginning, this peerless ancient inkstone might have belonged to him.

Shopkeeper Tan's intestines are turning green at this moment.

Su Chen still didn't seem to see the expressions of the two of them, and then analyzed: "The last part is the most important part, engraving and signature.

Needless to say, carvers, such a good material, unless the pearl is thrown secretly, and the average craftsman would not dare to carve if he meets a craftsman who doesn't know the importance. The carvings are all good, this inkstone is also the same, the carving is lifelike, it must be from the hands of a master, there is nothing to say.

It is mainly the pattern on it. Obviously, the pattern on it is two dragons playing with beads, two dragons surround the inkstone core, and the dragon heads converge on the inkstone pool. The inkstone pool is the dragon ball. The creativity is good and the carving is also good.Of course, the most important thing is that in ancient times, not everyone dared to carve dragon patterns! "

Mr. Ren, who was watching this, was shocked when he heard this, and said in disbelief: "Little friend, you mean, this inkstone is a thing of the ancient court?"

Su Chen nodded and said, "Old man, look at the back, there are words!"

Mr. Ren hurriedly turned the inkstone over, looked carefully, his eyes straightened instantly.

I saw that it clearly said "Kangxi's ten-year longevity gift!"

"Hiss? What?"

Hearing this, the shopkeepers Zhou and Tan couldn't bear it anymore, and they all changed their colors.

Even old man Ren had a face full of disbelief.

"Little friend, is this?"

Su Chen nodded. "That's right. This should be the longevity gift given to him by a courtier or someone else in the tenth year of Kangxi's tenth year, that is, a birthday present! And I guess, Kangxi should like this thing very much, because the scratches on the inkstone core are very Old, should have been used for a long time, and the time of use is also a long time ago.

This is Kangxi's gift, and if nothing else happens, only he is qualified to use it! "

"Doesn't that mean that this is the inkstone used by Emperor Kangxi? This is a national treasure!"

Shopkeeper Tan couldn't help but exclaimed.

"National treasure? Is it very valuable?" Liang Tong was young and asked whatever was on his mind.

Fortunately, there are no real archaeologists present here, otherwise they would definitely scold them, how can a national treasure be measured by money, it's too vulgar.

However, all the people here are businessmen, and they are used to measuring things with money, so they don't think there is anything wrong with Liang Tong's words.

Su Chen heard the words and said casually: "It's worth some money. An ancient inkstone of this quality is usually worth more than one million yuan, but this inkstone was used by Emperor Kangxi, and its value must be multiplied several times. Once it is used The auction platform can sell at least tens of millions!"

"My mother!"

Someone exclaimed.

Everyone was astonished!

Who would have thought that an inkstone could be worth tens of millions!What's even more irritating is that Su Chen actually said that ten million is only worth a little money?It's too much pretense.

A group of students had different expressions, especially Zhang Meng. When he thought that he seemed to be grabbing the inkstone just now to take a look at it, he immediately trembled. If there is a bump on the website, you can't afford to sell him to pay for the loss.

In an instant, Zhang Meng seemed to know what was wrong with him!
(End of this chapter)

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